autonomy oor Baskies


/ɔːˈtɔnəmɪ/ naamwoord
(philosophy) The capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision.

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Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country
1979ko Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko Estatutua


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All provinces should be granted autonomy.
Hona hemen bera izan zen lehenengo mitinetik atera zuen inpresioa: < Ikaragarria; ikaragarria; mota eta tankerarik txarreneko klub bat besterik ez huan hau.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It shall not be necessary to wait for the five-year period referred to in section 148, subsection 2, to elapse when the initiative for the autonomy process is agreed upon within the time limit specified in section 143, subsection 2, not only by the corresponding Provincial Councils or inter-island bodies but also by three-quarters of the municipalities of each province concerned, representing at least the majority of the electorate of each one, and said initiative is ratified in a referendum by the overall majority of electors in each province, under the terms to be laid down by an organic act.
& Lerrokatu inprimagailuaren buruaLagun Lagun
The general updating of historic rights shall be carried out, where appropriate, within the framework of the Constitution and of the Statutes of Autonomy.
Ezen, Estatu bakoitzean manera on bat baizik ez bada harenordenatzeko, hura kausitu duen populuak begiratu behar du. Baina ordena finkatua txarra bada, zergatik oinarrizkotzat har on-izatea eragozten duten legeak?Lagun Lagun
Under normal conditions, what Hartmann called an average expectable environment, these capacities developed into ego functions and had autonomy from the libidinal and aggressive drives; that is, they were not products of frustration and conflict, as Freud (1911) believed.
Gorde espektroaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Austria, Belgium and Germany are full federations, meaning their regions have constitutional autonomies.
Kolore-zuzenketaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the case referred to in the foregoing paragraph, procedure for drafting the Statute of Autonomy shall be as follows:
Egunkari hau ezeztatu daLagun Lagun
The new constitution increased the power of the presidency, ending the system of joint consultation between President and Prime Minister, and appeased federalists by increasing the number of provinces from six to 21 while increasing their autonomy.
Konstituzioko beste xedapen batzuen kontra jarri gabe, Batasunaren finantza-interesak iruzurretik babesteko bideratutako ekintzak koordinatu egingo dituzte estatu kideek.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“True federalism is anti-semitism, the struggle against Jewry is also the struggle for the autonomy of Bavaria.
Ezeztatu uneko hautatutako taularen lerroari egindako aldaketakLiterature Literature
The result was the Act of Mediation which largely restored Swiss autonomy and introduced a Confederation of 19 cantons.
Baina pertsona zentzu modernoan aske ez zen arren, ez zegoen ez bakarrik ez isolaturik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Other islands of the Venetian Lagoon do not form part of any of the sestieri, having historically enjoyed a considerable degree of autonomy.
Eskalatze linealaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Finally, along with the 17 autonomous communities, two autonomous cities are also part of the State of Autonomies and are first-order territorial divisions: Ceuta and Melilla.
Arakatze-helbideakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both provinces have regional autonomy since 2002.
Kapitulu honetan azken hau, hau da, nazismoaren giza oinarria, aztertuko dugu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the active time of a genetic disorder, patients mostly rely on maintaining or slowing the degradation of quality of life and maintain patient autonomy.
— Caribeak edo Botocudoak bezala bihurtu nahi al dituzu? Charles, ordea, sarritan saiatu zen elkarrizketa mozten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Statutes of Autonomy may provide for the circumstances, requirements and terms under which Self-governing Communities may reach agreements among themselves for the management and rendering of services in matters pertaining to them, as well as for the nature and effects of the corresponding notification to be sent to the Cortes Generales.
Izenburu barra ez-aktiboaren testuaLagun Lagun
Learner autonomy places the learner firmly in control so that he or she "decides on learning goals" (Egbert et al., 2007, pp. 8).
Ezkongaien baimen aske eta osoz ez bada, ez dago ezkontzerik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prior to attaining autonomy it had been French Dahomey, part of the French Union.
Zuri-beltza iragazki laranjarekinWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, movements towards autonomy and independence remained active.
Eskuratu etiketak fitxategi honetatikWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Would it be too much to ask for just a bit more autonomy?
Komaz bereiztutako mime-moten zerrenda. Entitate honen erabilera mime-motekin bat datozen fitxategietara mugatzeko erabil daiteke. Erabili eskuineko morroi-botoia dauden fitxategi moten artean hautatzeko, honela fitxategi-maskarak ere osatu egingo diraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A non-binding referendum on Greenland's autonomy was held on 25 November 2008.
Akatsa % # fitxategia irakurtzeko irekitzean. Ez da dokumentua sortukoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Statutes of Autonomy.
Lege organiko batek muga dezake era eta kasuak nola, era bakarrez eta behar den partehartze judizialez eta egokizko kontrol parlamentariez 17. artikuluan 2. apartatuan eta 18. artikuluetako 2. eta 3. apartatuetan aitorturiko eskubideak, pertsona batzurentzat etendura daitezke, banda harmatu edo elementu terroristen ekintzei buruzko ikerketak egin ondoren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In territories with a provisional self-government regime, their higher corporate bodies may, by means of a resolution adopted by the overall majority of their members, assume for themselves the initiative for autonomy which section 143, subsection 2, confers upon the Provincial Councils or corresponding inter-island bodies.
& Gorde eta itxiLagun Lagun
The draft Statute of Autonomy shall be drawn up by an assembly consisting of members of the Provincial Council or inter-island body of the provinces concerned, and the respective Members of Congress and Senators elected in them, and shall be sent to the Cortes Generales for its drafting as an Act.
Gorantz zihoan erdiko klasearen garaitza politikoez, kanpoko aginteak bere itzala galdu zuen eta gizakumearen kontzientziak hartu zuen lehen hark zuen lekua. Aldaketa honi askatasunaren garaitza eritzi zioten askok.Lagun Lagun
The Statutes of Autonomy may make provision for the circumstances and the manner in which the Community is to take part in the setting-up of the judicial districts of the territory. Provided that they must conform to the provisions of the Organic Act on the Judicial Power and to the principles of unity and independence of the judicial power.
Aldi baterako fitxategiakLagun Lagun
During this time, Libyans had been settling in the western delta, and chieftains of these settlers began increasing their autonomy.
& Kopiatu fitxategiak bildumanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To this end, the Union shall be represented by the Commission. However, the Union shall be represented by each of the institutions, by virtue of their administrative autonomy, in matters relating to their respective operation.
Gatazkok, banantzeaz soilik bukatzen dira batzuetan eta ondoren, eskuarki, laguntzaile magikoarengan jarritako esperantza guztiak beteko dituela espero den beste objektu bat aukeratzea etortzen da.Lagun Lagun
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