avenue oor Baskies


/ˈæv.əˌnu/, /ˈæv.əˌnju/ naamwoord
A broad street, especially one bordered by trees.

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Times Square is a major commercial intersection in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue and stretching from West 42nd to West 47th Streets.
Times Square Manhattaneko (New York) kale-gurutze nagusi bat da, Broadway-k eta Zazpigarren Hiribideak elkar gurutzatzen duten puntuan kokatua, eta West 42nd Street-etik West 47th Street-eraino hartzen du.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Piccadilly Circus was surrounded by illuminated advertising hoardings on buildings, starting in 1908 with a Perrier sign, but only one building now carries them, the one in the northwestern corner between Shaftesbury Avenue and Glasshouse Street.
Piccadilly Circus 1990tik egon da zeinu argiztatuz inguraturik baina orain, eraikin batek baino ez daramatza (Iparraldeko kantoikoak, Shaftesbury Avenue eta Glasshouse Street bitartekoak).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Casino Miami (formerly known as Miami Jai-Alai Fronton) is a 6,500-capacity indoor arena and casino located at 3500 NW 37th Avenue in Miami, Florida.
Casino Miami Jai-Alai (lehen Miami Jai-Alai Fronton deitua) 6.500 ikuslearentzako lekua duen estadio eta kasinoa da, Miamiko 3500 N.W. 37.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Today we're going to my old home site down at 3302 Grant Avenue, here in Louisville, Kentucky.
Orain gure aspaldiko etxera goaz, Etorbide handiko 3302ra, hemen Louisvillen, Kentuckyn.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
20th Avenue NE Bridge opens.
Pont Neuf, XVII. mendean inauguratutako zubia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Central Park, the massive urban greenspace in Manhattan running from Fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue and from 59th Street to 110th Street, was not a part of the plan, as it was not envisioned until the 1850s.
Nabarmengarria da Central Park, Manhattango parkerik handiena, 8. etorbidetik 5. etorbidera eta 59. kaletik 110. kaleraino hedatzen dena, ez dela plan honen zati, Central Park ez baitzen 1853 arte proiektatu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You know, the School 30 site is right behind my house over by Nevada Avenue.
School Thirtykoa nire atzean dago, Nevada hiribidearen ondoan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The term "Madison Avenue" is often used metonymically for advertising, and Madison Avenue became identified with the American advertising industry after the explosive growth in this area in the 1920s.
Estatu Batuetan, "Madison Avenue" izena, sarri metonimikoki erabiltzen da publizitaterako, eta etorbidea publizitatearen industriarekin identifikatzen da sektore honek 1920ko hamarkadan jasan zuen hazkuntza handiaren ondoren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I don’t have any photographs of Vinh Long, not one, of the garden, the river, the straight tamarind-lined avenues of the French conquest, not of the house, nor of our institutional whitewashed bedrooms with the big black-and-gilt iron beds, lit up like classrooms by the red streetlights, the green metal lampshades, not a single image of those incredible places, always temporary, ugly beyond expression, places to flee from, in which my mother would camp until, as she said, she really settled down, but in France, in the regions she’s spoken of all her life and that vary, according to her mood, her age, her sadness, between Pas-de-Calais and Entre-Deux-Mers.
Ez dut Vinhlong-eko argazkirik, alerik ere ez, ez lorategiarenik, ez ibaiarenik, ez eta frantsesen konkista garaiko tamarindoekiko etorbide zuzen haienik ere, bakarrik ere ez, ez etxearenik, ez babesetxeetakoen antzera karez zuritutako gure logelenik ere, gure logela haiek, burdinazko ohetzar beltz-doratu haiek, eskolako ikasgeletakoak bezalako argi gorri haiek, etorbideetako bonbilak iduri, leihatila haiek, txapa berdezko pantaila haiek, bat ere ez, irudi bat bera ere ez leku sinestezineko haienik, behin-behineko lekuak beti, itsusitasun oroz haraindikoak, ihes egiteko lekuak, hantxe egoten baitzen nire ama akanpaturik zain, berak zioenez, benetan noiz instalatuko zain, baina Frantzian, bizitza osoan zehar aipatu izan zituen eskualde haietan, bere umorea, adina, tristezia gorabehera, Pas de Calais eta Entre-deux-Mersen artean kokatzen ziren eskualdeetan.Lagun Lagun
On November 15, 2008, a 75-metre (250 ft) section of the tunnel near Fengqing Avenue in Xiaoshan District collapsed while under construction, killing 17 people.
2008ko azaroaren 15ean tunel baten 75 metro erori ziren Xiaoshan barrutiko Fengqing etorbidean, 17 pertsona hil ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mr. Mayor, Resolution 143 deals with traffic safety along Yonkers Avenue between...
Alkate jauna, 143. ebazpenean... trafiko segurtasuna eztabaidatu da Yonkers hiribide...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was registered to George Trask, 4545 Bayview Avenue, San Diego.
Linternaz argitu nuen: George Trask zuen izena erregistro-agiriak, 4545 Bayview Avenue, San Diego.Literature Literature
Way the hell out on King Avenue by the Albertsons.
Zakurraren ipurdian, aldirietan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The fountains, gardens, walks, avenues, and groves were all disposed with exact judgment and taste.
Iturriak, lorategiak, pasealekuak, etorbideak eta zuhaiztiak gustu on eta irizpide zehatzez zeuden denak ezarriak.Literature Literature
In 1774, about a hundred feet of Avenue Denfert-Rochereau was literally swallowed up into the ground by the city.
1774an, Denfert-Rochereau hiribideko 30 bat metro erabat irentsi zituen hiriaren azpi zuloak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
17th Avenue clear in three blocks, directly ahead.
17. etorbidea garbi dago hiru etxadira.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
By this time he had walked the length of fashionable Harcourt Avenue; he had reached the corner house, their house.
Agian horrela... Joana zen alderik alde Harcourt Avenue apainean zehar; iritsia zen kantoiko etxera, beren etxera.Literature Literature
Today, this avenue is an important financial district in which the Mexican Stock Exchange and several corporate headquarters are located.
Egun, finantza gune garrantzitsua da hiribide hau, non Mexikoko Burtsa eta enpresa egoitza ugari dauden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Bundschuh revolts of the first 20 years of the century offered another avenue for the expression of anti-authoritarian ideas, and for the spread of these ideas from one geographic region to another.
Mende hasierako hogei urteetan jazotako Bundschuh matxinadak, ideia anti-autoritarioen beste etorrera bat ekarri zuen, esparru geografiko batetik bestera ideia hauek zabalduz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was as if Harry had left a message to him. < Meet me in Hyde Park >, without specifying a spot between the Achilles statue and Lancaster Gate; the avenues of graves, each avenue numbered and lettered, stretched out like the spokes of an enormous wheel; they drove for a half-mile towards the west, and then turned and drove a half-mile north, turned south...
Bazirudien Harryk mezu bat utzia ziola < Hyde Parken topatuko gaituk >, Akiles estatua eta Lancaster Gate bitartean toki jakin bat zehaztu gabe; hilobiz betetako ibilbideak, izen eta zenbaki banarekin, gurpil eskerga baten adarren antzera luzatzen ziren; taxia kilometro bat edo mendebalderantz ibili, gero biratu eta beste kilometroren bat iparralderantz, ondoren hegoalderantz bira eman...Lagun Lagun
You will see and hear the expressions of joy of many who have spent a lifetime in various avenues of sacred service
Bizi osoan Jainkoaren zerbitzuko arlo desberdinetan aritu direnen poza entzun eta ikusi ahal izango duzu.jw2019 jw2019
Park Avenue New-York, USA
Park Avenue New York, Estatu BatuakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Remember the hold-up here on Seventh Avenue a few years back?
Gogoratzen Zazpigarren Etorbideko atrako hura duela urte batzuk?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It’s one of the long avenues in Vinh Long that lead down to the Mekong. It’s always deserted in the evening. That evening, like most evenings, the electricity breaks down. That’s what starts it all off.
Vinhlongeko etorbide luzeetako bat da, Mekongen amaitzen dena. Gauez beti hutsik egoten da etorbide hori. Gau horretan ere, ia gauero bezala, matxura elektriko bat izan da. Hortxe hasten da dena.Lagun Lagun
I'm sorry I don't come from Park Avenue, but I don't steal people's money.
Sentitzen dut ez izatea Park Avenue-koa, baina nik, behintzat, ez dut jendearen dirua lapurtu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
69 sinne gevind in 25 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.