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You wanted to be involved with this gangster shit?
Gangster kontuetan zikindu nahi duzu?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I know you have no wish to be involved with his life, but the fact is there are other places for him other than foster care.
Badakit ez duzula interesik berarekin lotura izateko... baina toki egokiagoak daude Stetentzat... abegi-etxe bat baino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There are many different fields and disciplines involved with suicidology, the two primary ones being psychology and sociology.
Hainbat alorrek hartzen dute esku suizidologian; horien artean nagusienak bi dira: psikologia eta soziologia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Where is he now? > < At his dentist, > Castle said with reluctance. He didn’t like being involved in other men’s lies: they complicated things.
Non dago orain? — Haginlariaren kontsultategian — esan zuen Castlek gogo txarrez; ez zuen gogoko besteen gezurretan nahastuta egoterik, gezurrek gauza guztiak zaildu egiten zituzten eta.Lagun Lagun
It is true that such changes are always dangerous, and that the established government should never be touched except when it comes to be incompatible with the public good; but the circumspection this involves is a maxim of policy and not a rule of right, and the State is no more bound to leave civil authority in the hands of its rulers than military authority in the hands of its generals.
Egia da aldakuntza horiek beti irriskuz beteak direla, eta gobernamendu eratua ez dela sekula hunki behar, onezia publikoarekin elkarrezina gertatzen denean baizik; baina maxima politiko bati dagokio zuhurtzia hori, ez zuzenbideko erregela bati. Nola Estatua ez baita aginpide militarraren jeneralei ematera behartua, halaber ez du aginpide zibilaren buruzagiei emateko obligaziorik ere.Lagun Lagun
National Parliaments may, within the framework of the area of freedom, security and justice, participate in the evaluation mechanisms provided for in Article III-260. They shall be involved in the political monitoring of Europol and the evaluation of Eurojust’s activities in accordance with Articles III-276 and III-273.3.
Estatuetako parlamentuek, askatasuneko, segurtasuneko eta justiziako eremuan, parte hartu ahal izango dute III-260. artikuluan ezarritako ebaluazio-mekanismoetan. Europolen kontrol politikoari eta Eurojusten jardunaren ebaluazioari lotuta egongo dira, III-276 eta III-273. artikuluen arabera.Lagun Lagun
At the end of the 19th century, physics had evolved to the point at which classical mechanics could cope with highly complex problems involving macroscopic situations; thermodynamics and kinetic theory were well established; geometrical and physical optics could be understood in terms of electromagnetic waves; and the conservation laws for energy and momentum (and mass) were widely accepted.
XIX. mende amaieran, fisika hainbeste garatu zen, non mekanika klasikoak arazo desberdin ugari azaldu zitzakeen: termodinamika eta teoria zinetikoak garatuak zeuden; optika geometrikoa eta fisikoa uhin elektromagnetikoen bidez ulertua zen; eta energia eta masaren kontserbazio legeak onartuak zeuden oro har.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It shall be the duty of the Advocate-General, acting with complete impartiality and independence, to make, in open court, reasoned submissions on cases which, in accordance with the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union, require his or her involvement.
Abokatu nagusiaren eginkizuna hau izango da: alderdikeriarik gabe eta lokabetasunez, arrazoitutako ondorioak aurkeztea jendaurrean, Europako Batasuneko Justizia Auzitegiaren estatutuaren arabera abokatu nagusiaren esku-hartzea behar duten auzien gainean.Lagun Lagun
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