be lacking oor Baskies

be lacking

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Must be the lack of physical labour.
Indar fisikorik ez dutelako izango da.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They are sexually dimorphic, with females being smaller and lacking the horns of the males.
Sexu dimorfiko dira, emakumezkoen txikiagoa izatea eta gizonezko adarrak falta dituzten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All persons have the right to obtain effective protection from the judges and the courts in the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests, and in no case may there be a lack of defense.
Pertsona eskubidea epaile eta auzitegietatik benetako babesa lortzeko eskubidea dute beraiei dagozkien eskubide eta interes legezkoen ihardunetan, inoiz ere babes gabe eman ahal ez izateko.Lagun Lagun
Piazzi initially believed it to be a comet, but its lack of a coma suggested it was a planet.
Piazzik hasiera batean kometa bat zela pentsatu zuen, baina isatsik ez zuenez, planeta baten alde egin zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Your lack of cooperation will be noted for our report.
Zuen kooperazio ezaren berri emango dugu txostenean.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In this way, Job’s love for God —or lack of it— would be clearly shown.
Era honetara, Jainkoa maite zuen ala ez, argi eta garbi azalduko zuen Jobek.jw2019 jw2019
He may be a country boy, but he's not lacking ideological conviction
Landako mutiko bat izan daiteke, baina sinesmen ideologikoa du.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And, Mr. Wazowski, what you lack is something that cannot be taught.
Wazowski jauna, zuk faltan duzun hori ezin da ikasi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A carrier that lacks one is said to be flush-decked.
Konbergitzen ez duen segida, aldiz, segida dibergentea dela esaten da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Risk factors for developing breast cancer include being female, obesity, lack of physical exercise, drinking alcohol, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, ionizing radiation, early age at first menstruation, having children late or not at all, older age, prior history of breast cancer, and family history.
Bularreko minbizia pairatzeko arrisku faktoreen artean emakumezkoa izatea, obesitatea, sedentarismoa, alkoholaren kontsumoa, menopausian zehar tratamendu hormonala jasotzea, erradiazio ionizatzailea, lehen hilekoa izatean oso gaztea izatea, seme-alabak berandu izatea edo ez izatea, adina eta aurrekari familiarrak dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Legal aid shall be made available to those who lack sufficient resources insofar as such aid is necessary to ensure effective access to justice.
Doako laguntza juridikoa emango zaie baliabide nahikorik ez dutenei, justiziara benetan iristeko berme moduan beharrezkoa denean.Lagun Lagun
The man began to give guarded indications of how and when they could meet, just some hand-luggage — a warm coat — everything she lacked could be bought at the other end — but < No, > she said.
Gizona argibide zuhurrak ematen hasi zitzaion noiz eta nola elkartuko ziren adierazi nahirik: eskuzko ekipajea eta beroki lodi bat besterik ez zuen eraman beharko. Behar izango zuen guztia han eros zitekeen, baina... < Ez — esan zuen Sarahk — .Lagun Lagun
Should there be any lack of agreement within the Mixed Committee, this shall not prevent the Community of the Basque Country from exercising the powers and authority it has assumed, which it may exercise with its own financial means and resources, without detriment to its right to claim, as a later date, from the State, before the Higher Court of Justice of the Basque Country, any damages that may have derived from a delay in processing the required transfer of authority.
Bitariko batzordean akordiorik ez badago ere, eskuratutako eskurantza edo eskumenak gauzatu ahal izango ditu Euskadiko Erkidegoak, eta hori eskura dituen bitarteko eta finantza-baliabideen bidez, baina aukera izango du, gerora, Estatuari atzerapenaren ondorioz sortutako kalte eta galeren ordaina eskatzeko, Euskadiko Auzitegi Nagusira jota.Lagun Lagun
I found it incredible that this day, lacking all omens and premonitions, should be the day of my implacable death.
Ezin nuen sinetsi aurrezantzurik eta sinbolorik gabeko egun hura zatekeenik nire heriotza gupidagabearen eguna.Literature Literature
In 2015 and 2017, due to lack of snow, the race had to be re-routed.
2007an ez zen jokatu eta 2014, 2015 eta 2017an ez, Hondarribiak trainerurik ez baitu uretaratu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It lacked a human soul. And could easily be corrupted by those who controlled it.
Giza-arima zuen, eta erraz gaiztotu zitekeen, gaiztoek kontrola zezaketen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was not to be supposed that time would give Lydia the embarrassment which she currently lacked.
Ez zen itxarotekoa denborak emango zionik Lydiari hasieran inondik ere erakutsi ez zuen lotsa.Literature Literature
Their relationships are still disputed; the sister group to all other animals could be the Porifera or the Ctenophora, which like the Porifera lack hox genes, important in body plan development.
Euren arteko harremana oraindik eztabaidagai dago; baliteke beste animalia guztien taxoi ahizpa Porifera edo Ctenophora izatea, biek faltan dutelako hox geneak, gorputz plan bat garatzeko garrantzitsuak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It would be impossible to estimate the obscurity this lack of exactness has thrown over the decisions of writers who have dealt with political right, when they have used the principles laid down by them to pass judgment on the respective rights of kings and peoples.
Nekez erran daiteke zehaztasun falta horrek zenbatetaraino ilundu dituen autoreek zuzenbide politikoan eman epaiak, noiz ere, eraiki zituzten printzipioetan oinarriturik, jujatu nahi izan baitituzte alde batetik populuen eta bestetik erregeen eskubideak.Lagun Lagun
I put to myself the question, if for a moment, we will not lack oxygen for all animal species, ours included -- that would be very complicated for us.
Neure buruari galdetzen diot, noizbait ia animalia espezie guztientzako oxigenoa faltako zaigun, gurea barne, oso zaila litzateke guretzako.QED QED
But when the executive power is not sufficiently dependent upon the legislative power, i.e., when the prince is more closely related to the Sovereign than the people to the prince, this lack of proportion must be cured by the division of the government; for all the parts have then no less authority over the subjects, while their division makes them all together less strong against the Sovereign.
Baina potentzia legegileak potentzia exekutiboa aski peko ez duenean, erran nahi baitu printzetik subiranora ratio handiago delarik populutik printzera baino, proportzio eskasdura hori gobernamendua zatikatuz konpondu behar da; ezen orduan parte horiek guztiek ez dute menekoen gainean aginpide tipiago, eta beren arteko zatikadurak, oro batean harturik, ahulago egiten ditu subiranoaren aitzinean.Lagun Lagun
DIY behavior can be triggered by various motivations previously categorized as marketplace motivations (economic benefits, lack of product availability, lack of product quality, need for customization), and identity enhancement (craftsmanship, empowerment, community seeking, uniqueness).
Motibazioen sailkapena merkatu motibazioetan (irabazi ekonomikoak, produktuen disponibilitate eza, produktuen kalitate txarra, pertsonalizatzeko beharrizana) eta norberaren identitatearen hobekuntzan (eskulangintza, ahulduntzea, gizatalde bilaketa, singulartasuna) banandu daiteke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These astronomical tables helped to disseminate calculation methods of Copernicus throughout the Empire, however, Gingerich notes that they showed a "notable lack of commitment" to heliocentricity and were "carefully framed" to be independent of the movement of the Earth.
Taula astronomiko horiek Kopernikoren kalkulu metodoak inperio osoan zabaltzea lagundu zuten, ordea, Gingerich-ek adierazi zuen heliozentrikotasunarekiko "konpromiso falta handia" erakuzten zutela eta Lurraren mugimenduarekiko independentea izan zedin "arreta handiz" egina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There is then too great a distance between prince and people, and the State lacks a bond of union. To form such a bond, there must be intermediate orders, and princes, personages and nobility to compose them.
Orduan distantzia handiegia da populuaren eta printzearen artean, eta Estatuak eskas ditu lokarriak. Haien moldatzeko arteko ordenak behar dira, bai eta, haien betetzeko, printzeak, handi-mandiak eta noblezia ere.Lagun Lagun
33 sinne gevind in 20 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.