be located oor Baskies

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But this does not mean that the genes cannot eventually be located and studied.
Hala ere, horrek ez du esan nahi geneak ezin daitezkeenik lokalizatu edo ikertu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Could the earth be located in a better position to host life?
Lurrean bizitza egoteko, egon al liteke hau kokaleku hobean?jw2019 jw2019
KolourPaint cannot remove the selection 's internal border as it could not be located
KolourPaint-ek ezin du hautapenaren barneko ertza kendu, ezin izan delako aurkituKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The Spasskaya Tower is named after the Spassky Monastery, which used to be located nearby.
Spaskaia dorreak, Spaski Monasterioaren izena darama, handik gertu zegoena.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
KolourPaint cannot automatically crop the image as its border could not be located
KolourPaint-ek ezin du automatikoki irudia ebaki, bere ertza ezin delako kokatuKDE40.1 KDE40.1
An unknown host error indicates that the server with the requested name, %#, could not be located on the Internet
% # izeneko zerbitzaria ezin izan dela interneten aurkitu adirazten du ostalariaren errore ezezagunakKDE40.1 KDE40.1
It is often necessary for the edges connecting elements to cross each other, but elements must never be located within an edge.
Sarritan beharrezkoa da ertzak elkarren artean gurutzatzea elementuak konektatzeko, baina elementuak ez dira inoiz ertz baten barruan kokatuko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In June 2015, SpaceX announced that it would build a 1-mile-long (1.6 km) test track to be located next to SpaceX's Hawthorne facility.
2015eko ekainean, SpaceX-ek adierazi zuen probak egiteko kilometro bat eta seiehun metroko pista eraikiko zuela bere instalazioen ondoan, Hawthorne hirian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although modern sculpture and architecture are reckoned to have emerged at the end of the 19th century, the beginnings of modern painting can be located earlier.
Eskultura eta arkitektura modernoaren sorrera XIX. mendearen bukaeran kokatzen bada ere, margolaritzarenak lehenago jar daitezke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While retrieving information about the specified proxy host, %#, an Unknown Host error was encountered. An unknown host error indicates that the requested name could not be located on the Internet
% # proxy ostalariari buruzko informazioa jasotzen zen bitartean, ' Ostalari ezezaguna ' errorea gertatu da. Errore honek eskatutako izena ezin izan dela interneten aurkitu adierazten duKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Similar to the fact that parallel lines must be located in the same plane, parallel planes must be situated in the same three-dimensional space and contain no point in common.
Bi zuzen paralelok plano berean egon behar duten bezala, bi plano paralelok hiru dimentsioko espazio berean egon behar dute eta ezin dute puntu komunik eduki.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What will be the location of his crap game?
Non egingo du dado-jokoa?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The area is most widely known for being the location of Galway Airport and also for its Senior Hurling team.
Eremu hau Galwayko aireportua egoteagatik eta senior mailako hurling taldea izateagatik ezaguna da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When MS-DOS 7.0 / Windows 95 introduced LBA disk access, partitions could start being physically located outside the first c.
MS-DOS 7.0/ Windows 95 LBA motako disko atzipena barneratu zutenean, partizioak fisikoki kanpoan kokatzen hasi ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Based on a respect for the principle of democracy, any territorial enclave that expresses, freely and democratically, its wish to join the Community of the Basque Country, and being located entirely within its territorial boundaries, may join the aforesaid Community in accordance with the following requirements:
Demokrazia-printzipioaren errespetuaren baitan, Euskadiko Erkidegoari atxiki ahal izango zaizkio, lurralde horren barruan osorik egonik, askatasunez eta demokraziaz bertan sartzearen alde ager daitezen lurralde-lekuneak, baldintza hauek betez gero:Lagun Lagun
Töölö also has a vibrant cultural life, being the location of the Finnish National Opera, the National Museum of Finland, Kunsthalle Helsinki, the Zoological Museum, Töölö Library, and many small galleries and bookstores.
Töölö, kulturan ere aberatsa da; Finlandiako Opera Nazionala, Finlandiako Museo Nazionala, Animalia Museoa eta galeria txiki ugari ditu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then you'd be taken to another location and whipped again.
Gero beste norabait eraman, eta berriz ere zigortzen zintuzten.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The exact location was to be selected by President George Washington, who signed the bill into law on July 16.
Kokapenzehatza George Washington presidenteak aukeratu zuen, uztailaren 16an legea sinatu zuenean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Click this button to save the JavaScript policy to a zipped file. The file, named javascript_policy. tgz, will be saved to a location of your choice
Klik egin botoi honetan JavaScript politika konprimitutako fitxategi batean gordetzeko. Fitxategia zuk aukeratutako lekuan gordeko da javascript_ policy. tgz izenarekinKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Click this button to save the Java policy to a zipped file. The file, named java_policy. tgz, will be saved to a location of your choice
Klik egin botoi honetan Javaren politika konprimitutako fitxategi batetan gordetzeko. Fitxategia, java_ policy. tgz izenaz, zuk hautatutako lekuan gordeko daKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Click this button to save the plugin policy to a zipped file. The file, named plugin_policy. tgz, will be saved to a location of your choice
Klik egin botoi honetan pluginen politika konprimitutako fitxategi batetan gordetzeko. Fitxategia zuk aukeratutako tokian kokatuko da, plugin_ policy. tgz izenarekinKDE40.1 KDE40.1
If this option is enabled (default), the location will be restored when you start Kate. Note that if the session is handled by the KDE session manager, the location is always restored
Aukera hau gaituta badago (lehenetsia), Kate abiatzerakoan kokapena berrezarri egingo da. Kontuan hartu saio hau KDEren saio-kudeatzaileak kudeatzen badu, kokapena beti berrezarriko delaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Select the following point, whose locations the locus will be drawn through
Hautatu hurrengo puntua, leku geometrikoa puntu honetararte marraztuko daKDE40.1 KDE40.1
As can be seen from the list, certain locations are more favoured.
Kategoriaren aldetik, lokailu gehienak aditzondoak dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The hill may be climbed from a number of locations.
Algorrira eskailera batzuetatik jaitsi daiteke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
75 sinne gevind in 33 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.