be promoted oor Baskies

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I'm going to be promoted.
Mailaz igoko naute.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Safe Milk Policy would, years later, be promoted by UNICEF in Europe.
Urte batzuk beranduago Giza Eskubideen Europako Auzitegiak Espainia zigortu zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The women who worked on ENIAC were warned that they would not be promoted into professional ratings which were only for men.
ENIACen lan egiten zuten emakumeei ohartarazten zieten ez zirela profesionalki promozionatuak izango, hori gizonentzat gordetzen zen zerbait zelako.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Perhaps coming back here may be promotion. It may mean they took your last report very seriously, and thought I could deal with it better than Ivan. Or was Ivan compromised?
Beharbada, oso aintzat hartuko zitean hire azken informea, eta haien ustez, ni Ivan baino egokiagoa nauk gai hau aurrera eramateko. Edo beste konpromisoren bat ote zuen Ivanek?Lagun Lagun
Bundesliga will be directly promoted to the Bundesliga.
Bertan Bundesrat edota Alemaniarko Kontseilu Federala kokatzen da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The purpose of association shall be to promote the economic and social development of the countries and territories and to establish close economic relations between them and the Union.
Herrialdeetako eta lurraldeetako ekonomia eta gizartearen garapena sustatzeko eta herrialde eta lurralde horien eta Batasunaren artean harreman ekonomiko estuak bideratzeko izango da elkartea.Lagun Lagun
The availability of inexpensive flash drives has enabled them to be used for promotional and marketing purposes, particularly within technical and computer-industry circles (e.g., technology trade shows).
Kostu txikiko USB memorien eskuragarritasunak eragin du eurak oso erabiliak izatea promozio edo marketing helburuekin, bereziki konputazio industriarekin erlazionatutako esparruetan (adibidez, gertaera teknologikoetan).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That will goad Wang into capturing Xue, so Xue will not be able to receive his promotion!
Horrek eraman dezake Wang agintzera Xue atxilotzeko, eta Xuek ez du horrela jasoko tokatzen zaion kargu-promozioa!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We go to him, and we ask him if he want to be the sole James Brown promoter for the Richmond show.
Berarengana joango gara eta galdetuko diogu... Richmondeko ikuskizunaren sustatzaile bakarra izan nahi duen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The end-user should be involved in testing and promoting use of the company intranet, possibly through a parallel adoption methodology or pilot programme.
Gainera, Amaierako erabiltzaileak probetan parte hartu eta enpresako intranetaren erabilera sustatu beharko du "parallel adoption" moduko metodologia erabiliz edo eta programa pilotu baten bitartez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Is it because you wanna be a big shot, and get a promotion?
Ur handiko arraina eta igo egin nahi duzulako da.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Spanish Nation, desiring to establish justice, liberty, and security, and to promote the well-being of all its members, in the exercise of its sovereignty, proclaims its will to:
Espainiako Nazioa, justizia, askatasun, seguritate eta hura osotzen duten ontasuna bultzatu eta ezarri nahiaz, subiranotasuna erabiliz, hurrengo nahia adierazten du:Lagun Lagun
The Union’s aim is to promote peace, its values and the well-being of its peoples.
Batasunak bakea, bere balioak eta bere herrien ongizatea sustatzea du helburu.Lagun Lagun
In carrying out the tasks entrusted to it under this Article the Commission shall be guided by: the need to promote trade between Member States and third countries;
Artikulu honen indarrez ematen zaizkion eginkizunak betetzeko, Batzordeak hauek izango ditu gidari: estatu kideen eta beste herrialde batzuen artean merkataritzako trukaketak sustatu beharra;Lagun Lagun
Gaiman generally posts to the blog describing the day-to-day process of being Neil Gaiman and writing, revising, publishing, or promoting whatever the current project is.
Gaiman, oro har, Neil Gaiman izatearen eguneroko prozesua deskribatzen du blogean, eta uneko proiektua, edozein dela ere, idazten, berrikusten, argitaratzen edo sustatzen du.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Led by Juan José Ríos, Manuel Macario Diéguez and Esteban Baca Calderón, their demands were the removal of one foreman named Luis, the pay of five pesos for eight hours' work, the employment quotas ensuring seventy-five percent of the jobs for Mexicans and twenty-five percent for foreigners, the deployment of responsible and respectful men to operate the cages and that all Mexican workers to be entitled to promotions, in accordance with their skills.
Juan José Ríos, Manuel Macario Diéguez eta Esteban Baca Calderón-ek gidatuta, haien eskariak Luis deituriko langileburuaren dimisioa, zortzi ordu lanaren truke bost pesoko soldata, langileen %75ko kuota langile mexikarrak izatea eta besteak kanpotarrak, langile arduratsu eta errespetagarrien hedapena kaiolak maneiatzeko eta langile mexikar guztiek promozioetarako eskubidea izatea, gaitasunen arabera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a general rule, however, the BMA believes that parents should be entitled to make choices about how best to promote their children’s interests, and it is for society to decide what limits should be imposed on parental choices.
Britainiar medikuen elkartearen arabera, oro har "gurasoek zehaztu beharko lukete modurik hoberenean nola sustatu behar diren beraien seme-alaben interesak, eta gizartearen esku dago erabakitzea zein muga dituzten gurasoek beren seme-alaben izenean erabakiak hartzeko".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The objectives of the common agricultural policy shall be: to increase agricultural productivity by promoting technical progress and by ensuring the rational development of agricultural production and the optimum utilisation of the factors of production, in particular labour;
Nekazaritzako politika bateratuaren helburuak hauek dira: nekazaritzako produktibitatea gehitzea, aurrerapen teknikoa sustatuz eta nekazaritzako ekoizpena zentzuzko eran garatuko dela ziurtatuz, eta, orobat, ekoizpen-faktoreak – batez ere, esku-lana– ahal denik eta ondoen erabil daitezela bermatuz;Lagun Lagun
The Union shall be open to all European States which respect its values and are committed to promoting them together.
Batasuna zabalik dago bere balioak errespetatzen eta baliook elkarrekin indartzeko konpromisoa har dezaten Europako estatu guztientzat.Lagun Lagun
Taft shared the view held by Knox (a corporate lawyer who had founded the giant conglomerate U.S. Steel) that the goal of diplomacy should be to create stability abroad and, through this stability, promote American commercial interests.
Taftek eta Knoxek (zein U.S. Steel korporazio erraldoiaren fundatzailea zen) ikuspuntu berdina zuten, hau da, diplomaziaren helburua zela atzerrian egonkortasuna sortzea eta egonkortasunaren bidez estatubatuarren interes komertzialen sustatzea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Knowing their March 20, 1969 marriage would be a huge press event, John and Yoko decided to use the publicity to promote world peace.
1969ko martxoaren 20an egingo zen ezkontza egun seinalatua izango zela bazekiten eta John eta Yokok mundu bakea sustatzeko erabili nahi izan zuten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A promotional video was made for the song, which proved to be the final appearance of Peter Criss with the band before he left to pursue a solo career in 1980.
Musika bideo bat grabatu zuten abestiarentzat, non Peter Criss taldearekin agertzen den azken aldia izango da, 1980an bere bakarlari karrera hasi baino lehen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The following may be considered to be compatible with the internal market: aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment, and of the regions referred to in Article III-424, in view of their structural, economic and social situation;
Barne-merkatuarekin bateragarritzat joko dira: bizitza-maila nabarmen apala daukaten eskualdeetako, edo lan-urritasun larria jasaten duten eskualdeetako ekonomia garatzeko laguntzak, baita III-424. artikuluan jasotako eskualdeetako ekonomia garatzeko laguntzak ere, egitura, ekonomia eta gizarte aldetik duten egoera aintzakotzat hartuta;Lagun Lagun
A standing committee shall be set up within the Council in order to ensure that operational cooperation on internal security is promoted and strengthened within the Union.
Batasunaren segurtasun-kontuetan lankidetza operatiboa sustatu eta indartu egingo direla bermatzeko, Kontseiluan horretarako etenik gabeko batzorde bat osatuko da.Lagun Lagun
In conspiracy theories, such as the one promoted in The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Maximilian Francis was alleged to be the 22nd Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.
Konspirazio teoriek, tartean "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" liburuarena, Siongo Prioretzaren zazpigarren Maisu Nagusia zela diote.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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