beam oor Baskies


/biːm/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive, context, science fiction) To transmit matter or information via a high-tech wireless mechanism.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


A structural member loaded on its narrow face, and typically used in a horizontal or sloping position to span between bearing points.


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A menu item that initiates the process of sending and receiving information between mobile devices using infrared or Bluetooth technology.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

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Soortgelyke frases

laser beam
laser izpi
beam scale
erromatar balantza
tie beam
electron beam
argi izpi · izpi
balance beam
beam of light
argi-izpi · izpi · printza
light beam
argi-izpi · izpi · printza
radio beam


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
At the University of Aberdeen, George Paget Thomson passed a beam of electrons through a thin metal film and observed the predicted interference patterns.
Banantze hazkor hau, erabateko enkoniadura dakarkeen eta larritasun eta segurtasunik ez biziak sortaraz ditzakeen isolamendura bidera daiteke, edo besteenganako lagunmintasun edo elkarkidetasun-mota berri bat ekar diezaioke haurrari, baldin honek munduarekiko lotura-mota berri honen supostuak diren barne-indarra eta sorkuntza-gaitasuna garatu ahal izan baditu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He reasoned that if a radio beam could be distorted by metal, then it should be possible to design a machine which would detect metal using a search coil resonating at a radio frequency.
EgiaztatzenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We'll modulate the beam with the brain waves of one of us.
& Erreproduzitu soinuakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You can't blame them if they get off the beam once in a while.
Ikusi mundu-mailako jokalariakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A cloud on the starboard beam.
Aldatu klaseraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They'll be in range of our tractor beam in moments, lord.
Gizakumeak hartu ez balu lanarekiko jarrera aszetiko hau eta bere lanaren fruituak sistema ekonomikoaren produkzio-ahalmenak garatzeko inbertitu nahia, inoiz ez zatekeen gauzatuko natur indarren menerapenean lortu dugun aurreramendua; produkzio-indarren hazkunde hauxe izan da lehenengo aldiz historian, beharrizan materialak asetzeko burruka taigabe hau beharko ez duen etorkizuna ikusteko modua eman diguna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And the shirts stood out from the chests like cuirasses! Everyone had just had his hair cut; ears stood out from the heads; they had been close-shaved; a few, even, who had had to get up before daybreak, and not been able to see to shave, had diagonal gashes under their noses or cuts the size of a three-franc piece along the jaws, which the fresh air en route had enflamed, so that the great white beaming faces were mottled here and there with red dabs.
Estatutu Politiko honetan Euskadiko Erkidegoaren eta Espainiako Estatuaren arteko harreman politikorako eredu eta araubidea arautzen da, eta indarrean sartzen denean, abenduaren 18ko 3/1979 Lege Organikoaren bidez Euskadiko Autonomia Estatutuan onartu zen ereduaren ondorengoa izango da eta hura ordezkatuko du.Lagun Lagun
Everything was either a dreary grey or a brilliant white. At night there would be a bit of colour while the snow lasted, with the thousands of assorted bright lights and beaming spotlights reflecting on the white carpet.
Urte bi eman ditu Onofrek herritik kanpo, itsasoak hausten, eta etorri denean mundu zabaleko hotzak berarekin ekarri ditu. Aspaldiko neguetarik hotzena da 1952ko hau. Mara-mara etorri da zerua goitik behera, etenbarik eta astiro. Esku zuri leguna hedatu da denera, baita hondartzara eta irletara ere.Lagun Lagun
Wood in the construction of beam system.
Leonek kontatu zien, bi urte pasatzera zetorrela Rouenera garrantzi handiko estudio batean, eginkizunei gogor ekiteko helburuz, hauek desberdinak baitziren Normandian Parisen erabiltzen zituztenen aldean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
< So it is for this, > she said to herself, < that his face beams when he goes to see her, and that he puts on his new waistcoat at the risk of spoiling it with the rain. Ah! that woman! That woman! >
Aldatu tamainaLagun Lagun
DesplazamenduaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Because the ultrabrief and ultrasharp light beams are capable of making extremely precise cuts, the technique is used in laser micromachining, laser surgery, medicine, fundamental science studies, and other applications.
Begiak itsutu zizkion ilunpetik atera eta argitasunak jotzerakoan; aditu zuen, baina nekez ikus zezakeen, Crabbin beregana zetorrela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He replaced the light beam and mirror with a knife-edge pointer that could be read directly.
Berde argiacolorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cyclotron were the most powerful particle accelerator technology until the 1950s when they were superseded by the synchrotron, and are still used to produce particle beams in physics and nuclear medicine.
BaieztapenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She beams: “Where did ye get that, August?”
— Ongi da! Ongi da! esan zuen Emmak. Hurrengora arte, Rollet andrea! Eta irten egin zen, atalazean oinak garbituz.Literature Literature
I watched C-beams... glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
Gris argiacolorOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Some used pens on ordinary paper, while others used light beams to expose photosensitive paper.
Gorde diskan ireki eta aldatutako fitxategi guztiakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beam Weapons Almost Ready for Battle
Azpitituluak behera eramaten dituWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Broad beams of light shone through the clouds and beyond them as if they would cover the whole sky.
Europako Banku Zentralak, bere eskumenen eremuan sartzen diren gaietan, irizpenak aurkez diezazkieke Batasuneko erakunde, organo eta organismoei, edo estatu kideetako bakoitzeko agintariei.Literature Literature
Shut off the beams, or we'll do it.
Bake-bakean beren lekuetan, bekozko iluneko ama batzuk turbante gorriz jantzita zeuden.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
First cast the beam out of thine own eye and then the mote from mine.
Berriro lady Hargraves, pentsatu zuen. Seguru asko, bera setatu da kristalezko edalontziekin — . Sentitzen dut — xuxurlatu zuen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And that's a video, a high- definition video that is transmitted through that light beam.
Zure ahotsa entzun nahi nuen soilik, esan zuen gizonak. Kaixo, ni naiz, hark erantzun. Ikaratuta zegoen, beldurrak zegoen, lehen bezala. Eta haren ahotsa, bat-batean, dardarka hasi zen.QED QED
The de Broglie wavelength of the incident beam was about 2.5 pm, whereas the diameter of the molecule is about 1 nm, about 400 times larger.
Langile-germaniarren gehien-gehiengoak, Hitler agintera igo aurretik, alderdi sozialistari edo komunistari ematen zion botua eta alderdi horien doktrinan sinesten zuen: hau da, langile klasearen artean ideia horiek zuten < zabalkundea > handia bai handia zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anyway, the question of laser beams will take priority. What a game it all is, Emmanuel. Sometimes I wish I was back in Africa. >
SalbuespenakLagun Lagun
We took all that down, and we found beautiful wooden floors, whitewashed beams and it had the look -- while we were renovating this place, somebody said,
Baina, giza aurpegi guzti hauen funts arruntaren gainetik Emmaren betartea nabarmentzen zen isolatua eta halere urrunagoa; zeren haren eta bere artean leize uherrak bezala sentitzen baitzituen.QED QED
43 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.