capability oor Baskies


/ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlɪtɪ/ naamwoord
The power or ability to generate an outcome.

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soil capability
lurzoruaren ahalmen
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multi session-capable disc
saio anitzeko disko
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Marty, I'm sorry, but the only power source capable of generating... 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning.
Hirukote batOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
By the early classical period, the horn had become an instrument capable of much melodic playing.
KaribeaNameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cleo is capable of understanding human nature better than other units.
Zuzen hauek ez dira ortogonalakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Modern evolutionists teach that as species spread and became isolated, natural selection chose the ones with gene mutations that made them capable of surviving in their new environment.
Esportatu egitekoen kategoriakjw2019 jw2019
The Agency in the field of defence capabilities development, research, acquisition and armaments (European Defence Agency), established by Article I-41(3) and subject to the authority of the Council, shall have as its task to:
IragazkiakLagun Lagun
But now there are many projections of a continuation of the decline in world agricultural capability (and hence carrying capacity) which began in the 1990s.
Sumendiren erupzioak edo berpizteak, tximini suak bezalako dira. Bainan jakina geure munduan txikiegi gara geure sumendien kezuloak garbitzeko. Horregatik hainbeste kalte egiten digute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Who would've thought he was capable of such atrocities?
Egun hartan halakoa izan behar zuen neskato zuriarenganako desioak, hain eramanezina, non berriro aurkitu ahal izango baitzuen haren irudi erabatekoa, halako sukar sakon eta indartsu batek hartuta bezala, eta neskatilaren, neskato zuriaren desioz beste emakumean sartu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Such expectations will make it difficult to learn the restrictions of the system if users attribute too much capability to it, and will ultimately lead to disappointment when the system fails to perform as expected as was the case in the AI winter of the 1970s and 80s.
Ezarri ikonoaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The main advantages of digital signals for communications are often considered to be the noise immunity to noise capability, and the ability, in many cases such as with audio and video data, to use data compression to greatly decrease the bandwidth that is required on the communication media.
Eguraldi Estazioen AukerakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nobody's capable of that.
Azken sinkronizazioaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To fulfill its various functions, money must have certain properties: Fungibility: its individual units must be capable of mutual substitution (i.e., interchangeability).
Appio Klaudio sabinatarra Erromara etorri zelarik, ohoratua izan zen, eta haren izena hartu zuen tribu baserritar bateko kide egin zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It also includes NFC capability.
Kolorea eta zabaleraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And the Bar Association asked me because they want to show that even a spy gets a capable advocate.
Putzuloraino jaso nuen ontzia emeki. Zutik ezarri nuen, finko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Only if we are capable of putting ourselves in the place of another can we understand the consequences of our acts. Only if we feel for others as we feel for ourselves can we imagine a new Basque community built on the basis of mutual acceptance. A space which is ethical but also political, in which the suffering of all is the object of communication, of communion, and not of confrontation.
Zinadura oin estandarraLagun Lagun
Early versions of Flickr focused on a chat room called FlickrLive, with real-time photo exchange capabilities.
Arratsera arte, jan egin zuten. Eserita egoten nekatuxe zeudenean, sarobeetan paseatzera joaten ziren edota ganbaran tortoloxetara saio bat jokatzera, eta ondoren mahaira itzultzen ziren. Batzuk, azken aldera, loak hartu zituen eta zurrunga egin zuten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the same time he holds, in opposition to Epicureanism, the doctrine of an immaterial rational soul, endowed with immortality and capable of free determination.
& Berriztatu Gakoak Gako-ZerbitzaritikWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, it may deliver evaluations (tests), track progress through material, or include collaborative capabilities.
& AurrebistaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
< Why not? Surrounded by a lot of one man one vote fanatics. If they were capable of giving the vote to a bunch of cannibals ... > ,
Gehitu hautatutako elementuak Audio edo Data CD-ariLagun Lagun
Member States shall make civilian and military capabilities available to the Union for the implementation of the common security and defence policy, to contribute to the objectives defined by the Council.
— Percival doktoreak agindu du Davisi bisita egitera joango zaiola. — Bai, badakit, baina dagoeneko alde eginda izango da seguru asko. Uste nuen beharbada nirekin etorri nahiko zenuela zera ikustera...Lagun Lagun
The RAF's mission is to support the objectives of the British Ministry of Defence (MoD), which are to "provide the capabilities needed to ensure the security and defence of the United Kingdom and overseas territories, including against terrorism; to support the Government's foreign policy objectives particularly in promoting international peace and security".
Eta, baldin eta hartaz ez pentsatu izana aitortzen bazuen, ahakarrak ugari izaten ziren, eta aldioro betiko hitzekin bukatzen ziren: — Maite nauzu? — Noski ba, maite zaitudala! erantzuten zuen gizonak. — Asko? — Bai horixe!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
SDIO cards can be structured as eight logical cards, although currently, the typical way that an SDIO card uses this capability is to structure itself as one I/O card and one memory card.
Hainbesteko zorroztasunez eduki zituzten Castle eta Hallidayren semea elkarrengandik bananduta, ezen batzuetan Castlek galdetzen baitzion bere buruari euren elkartze bakarra azken larrialdirako antolatuta ote zeukaten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Enterprise infrastructure software provides common capabilities needed to support enterprise software systems.
Erakutsi ezkutuko zutabeakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although other anti-separatist groups existed in Corsica, FRANCIA appeared to be the only group capable of carrying out actual attacks.
Katedraren askatasunerako.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was capable of storing no less than 8 million liters.
Zuzen hauek ez dira paraleloakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There is a Chilean Air Force Hospital staffed with one doctor and nurse and equipped with: X-ray, laboratory, surgery, anesthesia machine, sterilizer, and pharmacy services in addition to limited emergency and surgery capabilities.
Estatutuek Erkidego Autonomoen bandera eta entseina beronar ditzakete. Hauk Espainiako banderaren ondoan jarriko dira etxe publikoetan eta ekintza ofizialetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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