cardinal oor Baskies


/ˈkɑrdɪnəl/, /ˈkɑː.dɪ.nəl/, /ˈkɑɹdɪnəl/ adjektief, naamwoordmanlike
Of fundamental importance; crucial, pivotal.

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senior ecclesiastical official in the Catholic Church

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(baseball) A player on the team "The St. Louis Cardinals".

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cardinal grosbeak
red-capped cardinal
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
These benefices and offices netted Ludovisi more than 200,000 scudi annually, and he is considered to have exercised "more unlimited authority" than any previous cardinal-nephew.
Cabo VerdeNameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He remained a cardinal.
Zurekin harremanetan jartzen saiatu nintzen, Daintry, hau zure eginkizuna delako, izan ere. Itxura denez, ezkontzaren batean zeunden. — Bai.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The capitulation of the 1464 papal conclave limited the Pope it elected (Pope Paul II) to appointing one cardinal-nephew, along with other conditions designed to increase the power of the College of Cardinals and reduce the Pope's ability to dilute that power.
& Gelditu Eguraldi ZerbitzuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I could talk to the cardinal about it.
Arkuaren angelua erortze-angelua baina txikiagoa da ortzadarreanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We can't let Cardinal Law get wind of this until we know what we have.
Hurrengo & hilabeteaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Having said that, Cardinal Law and the Catholic community are gonna have a very strong response to this.
Euskaldun huts askok legez ez daki ‘eferre’ egiten geltokiko fardelari herrenak. Txistu luzea aditu da geltokian. Gero, keezko hage iluna, lurrun puzkadak,frenakadak eragindako kirrinka eta geldi trena. Han atzean agertu du burua, ikaraturik, Juanek. Ordu honetan ez dago karabinerorik. Berak ez daki. Eta beldurra doan banatzen da.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I've just spoken to Cardinal Mosca.
Fitxategi-izenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The first known cardinal-nephew after 1059 is Anselm of Lucca, the nephew or brother of Pope Alexander II (1061–1073), although until the end of 12th the majority of the alleged cases of such appointments are dubious, either because the relationship between the Pope and cardinal is not proven, or because the cardinalate of the papal kinsman is uncertain.
CelticNameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The monks gave the manuscript to the Ambrosian Library when it was founded in 1606 by Cardinal Federico Borromeo.
Lan-arloko eskumenak erabiltzerakoan, sindikatuek eta enpresarien elkarteek parte hartze demokratikoko irizpideekin jardungo dutela bermatuko dute aginte publikoek; horrekin batera, lan-baldintzak gizartearen garapen eta aurrerapen mailarekin bat etor daitezen saiatuko dira, eta langileen kualifikazio eta etengabeko prestakuntza sustatuko dute, langileok lanean emango duten urte guztietan zehar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, even following Romanum decet pontificem, only three of the eight Popes of the 18th century failed to make a nephew or brother cardinal.
Halaxe geratu zen minutu batzuez, bere behatzen artean paper lodi hura zuela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The knights will awake and help the country in its gravest hour (sometimes described as four hostile armies attacking from all cardinal directions).
Zure jokoa gorde daWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In fact, Cardinal Law initially helped to fund the report.
Garapen honek bere gailurra gizakumeareangan jadesten du. Berau da, jaiotorduan, animalia guztietatik babesgabeena.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Due to interference from secular rulers and the cardinals' disregard for their supposed isolation from the outside world, it was the longest conclave of the 16th century.
InterfazeaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Whether Mr. Garabedian is a crank or not he says he has documents that prove the cardinal knew.
Gehitu letra-tipoakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The number of elements of a finite set is a natural number (a non-negative integer) and is called the cardinality of the set.
Jatorrizko egileaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You don't get to tag the Cardinal with everything, Mr. Albano.
&Erakutsi soluzioaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They concern how the Cardinal is handling...
Elipseen hautapenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At Mazarin's death in 1661, the cardinal's Musketeers passed to Louis XIV.
H-Blokea agertu zen parean, nire eskuinera. Atea, infernuko atea irekitzeko zain egon nintzen. Isiltasun gaizto batek hartzen zuen dena: haize ziririk ere ez zebilen, txoririk ere ez kantuan, baina Belsenen ere ez zegoen kantatzekorik ezer, pentsatu nuen infernurako atea zeharkatzean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was made a cardinal in 1994.
& Gehienezko bolumenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Innocent XI refused entreaties from within the papal court to bring his only nephew, Livio Odescalchi, the prince of Sirmio, to Rome, although he did elevate Carlo Stefano Anastasio Ciceri, a distant relative, cardinal on September 2, 1686.
Azpitituluak behera eramaten dituWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Cardinal Secretary of State is primarily responsible for the diplomatic and political activity of the Holy See, in some circumstances representing the Pope himself.
Leiho estiloaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Benedict VIII also elevated his brother Giovanni (the future Pope John XIX) and his cousin Teofilatto (the future Pope Benedict IX) as cardinal-deacons.
Gora korrituWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both were Cardinals and Archbishops of Rouen.
Nahi gabe gertatutako filtrazio baten erruduna banintz, zugana joko nuke aitorpen eske. — Absoluzioaren esperantzan? — Ez, zuzentasun apur baten esperantzan. — Horrela balitz, oker zeundeke. Nik ez dakit zer esan nahi duen < zuzentasun > hitzak, ezta hurrik eman ere.Literature Literature
After the German allies of Sweden were forced to seek terms with the Holy Roman Empire, the French first minister, Cardinal Richelieu, declared war on Spain because French territory was surrounded by Habsburg territories.
Baina zoraldi batek harrapatu zuen: berari begira zegoen, ziur! Haren besoetara jausteko gogoa izan zuen haren indarrean babestera, maitasunaren beraren haragipenean bezala, eta hari esateko, oihukatzeko gogoa: < Har nazazu, eraman nazazu, goazen! Zuretzat, zuretzat! aire sugar guztiak eta nire amets guztiak! >.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yeah, well, the Cardinal's not known for his subtlety.
DimentsioakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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