charitable oor Baskies


Pertaining to charity.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia on 12 June 2006, "or service to the arts as an author and to the community through roles supporting national and international educational programs, medico-scientific disciplines and charitable organisations and causes".
Behin ikusirik, arropa zurien artean gordetzen ditugu argazkiak, armairuan. Gu ikusi ahal izateko eginarazi zizkigun amak argazkiak, normal hazten ginen ikusi ahal izateko. Puska batean egoten da gure argazkiei begira, beste ama batzuk bere seme-alabenei bezala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was robbed, without hope of recovery, of the only sight and sound she wanted, and she resented all that was charitably thrust on her like the poor substitute a butcher offers for the good cut which he has kept for a better customer.
Herritar orok du Batasuneko bizitza demokratikoan parte hartzeko eskubidea. Herritarrengandik ahalik hurbilen eta herritarrentzat ahalik irekien hartuko dira erabakiak.Lagun Lagun
There are many texts referring to Vasco Pérez de Quiroga (born in 1135), buried in the abbey of Torbeo and whose tombstone could be read; "Here is the Bon Quiroga rich ome of Castella, very gracious and charitable that no one should die of fame, requiescat in pace".
— Sentitzen dut. — Zergatik sentitzen duzu ni ezkontzea? — Ez nuen hori esan nahi. Zera esan nahi nuen... Jakina, ez dut sentitzen zuk merezi duzuna baldin bada. Oso neska politazara, Elizabeth.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All of them charitable, I'm sure.
Hautatu kargatu nahi duzun lan-orriaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His charitable contributions with stolen money.
Azido pirubikoaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Looked into some real estate, what the local agent charitably refers to as a fixer-upper.
Baina berak ere ezin Kurtz baino harantzago eraman. – Kurtz! – oihukatu zuen Martinsek – . Baina zergatik ez diozu eskua ezarri? – Benetako ordua jotzear dago – esan nion.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Let us, my dear brethren and sustren, spread a charitable veil ten metres square over the intervening time.
Erakutsi konfidantza balioa gako kudeatzaileanLiterature Literature
That's charitable.
& Fitxategi-izenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The acquisition of this wealth enabled Leo to be a great benefactor to the churches and charitable institutions of Rome.
BerrizendatuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She is described as a very charitable person.
Fitxategia helburu karpetan dagoeneko existitzen bada, hautatu izen ezberdina fitxategiaren izenari atzizki bat gehituzWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Its purpose is to recognize individuals from the theatre community who have volunteered time to one or more humanitarian, social service, or charitable organizations.
Hil egin duk ordea, eta nik ez diat aukerarik izan neure esker ona adierazteko. — Gugatik egin duan guztia eskerrak emateko modu bat duk, nolabait. Carsonek ulertuko zian. Ez duk nahigabetu behar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
San Antonio College, specifically its "LA84 Youth Days" promotion for youth interested in athletics, run by a charitable group founded during the Olympics.
BOOL#INT(False)-ek # itzultzen duWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was clever and charitable, and also possessed the greatest courage and most sincere patriotism.
Ezkutatu erabiltzaile & lokalakLiterature Literature
1656: French chemist and alchemist Marie Meurdrac published her book La Chymie Charitable et Facile, en Faveur des Dames (Useful and Easy Chemistry, for the Benefit of Ladies).
Zerrenda-ikuspegia kargatzenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You act like this girl was performing some kind of a charitable act by dating you.
Elizaren zokoan kriseilu bat zegoen garretan, alegia argi-metxa bat ontzi dilingo batean. Haren argiak, urrunetik, narrio zurizka bat zirudien olio gainean dardaraz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You're a most... charitable patron.
Agenda ikuspegiaren atzeko planoaren koloreaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
16 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.