committee member oor Baskies

committee member

a member of a committee

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The party or coalition of parties with the majority of seats assigns committee members, introduces policies, and proposes the Lord Mayor.
Kameraren informazioaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The GPC was the legislative forum that interacts with the General People's Committee, whose members are secretaries of Libyan ministries.
Ikerketari, teknologia-garapenari eta espazioari dagozkien eremuetan, Batasunak egintzak burutzeko eskumena izango du, bereziki, programak definitu eta egiteko jardunak burutzeko eskumena; eskumen hori erabiltzeak, ordea, ez du inola ere eragotziko estatu kideek euren eskumena erabili ahal izatea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Houses and their Committees may summon members of the Government.
Masa atomikoaLagun Lagun
The members of the Committee and an equal number of alternate members shall be appointed for five years. Their term of office shall be renewable. No member of the Committee shall at the same time be a member of the European Parliament.
— Eguraldia da, dudarik gabe, zioen leiarrei bekozkodun begiratuz, gaitzaldi hauen eragilea! Neu ere, ez naiz nire onean sentitzen; egun hauetariko batean etorri beharrean izango naiz < Monsieur >ri kontsultatzera, bizkarrean dudan oinaze batengatik.Lagun Lagun
This committee has only three members from the House and three members from the Senate.
Helburuko % # albuma ez da datu-basean aurkituWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The demonstrators' demands were turned down by Aldermen at City Hall, and Committee of Safety members encouraged people to return for another demonstration on January 8.
Zenbaki oso handiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Members of the committee much preferred political generals with a satisfactory political record.
KDE ikonoakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Each Member State and the Commission shall appoint two members of the Committee.
Argia zuten ziegek leize-zulo txikiak ematen zuten, bertako biztanleak beren manta higatuetan bilduta.Lagun Lagun
The amnesty bill was handed over to a 35-member scrutinising committee, after which it would be returned to the House for second and third readings.
& Berriztatu Gakoak Gako-ZerbitzaritikWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Member States, the Commission and the European Central Bank shall each appoint no more than two members of the Committee.
SarrerakoaLagun Lagun
From 2008 to 2016, she was a member of the steering committee of the French Rugby Federation.
PoloniaNameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" Comrade members of the Central Committee, comrade delegates... "
& PropietateakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Basque Parliament shall elect a President, a Committee and the Permanente Council from among its members. It shall operate in Plenary Sessions and Committees.
& Tamaina aldatuLagun Lagun
At that time he was a "Pravi" and was a member of the Tactical Executive Committee (KET).
Ezabatu biltegitikNameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The NCAA's legislative structure is broken down into cabinets and committees, consisting of various representatives of its member schools.
Fitxategien kodeketaren abisuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rules governing the composition of these Committees, the designation of their members, their powers and their operations are set out in Articles III-386 to III-392.
Erakutsi oraintsuko galeriaren karpetakLagun Lagun
Li was a member of 16th and 17th Central Committees of Communist Party of China.
Kolore mapen kopuruaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They shall be adopted after consultation of the Economic and Social Committee and with the agreement of the Member States concerned.
& PropietateakLagun Lagun
The Council shall adopt European regulations and decisions determining the allowances of the members of the Economic and Social Committee.
Aldaketa logik ezLagun Lagun
Request that the Government of the State adopt a government bill or refer a private bill to the Committee of the Congress, entrusting members of the Basque Parliament with its defence before Congress.
Hau da denbora guztiak berrezarri zirenetik atazak iraun duen denboraLagun Lagun
The members of the Economic and Social Committee shall be appointed for five years. Their term of office shall be renewable.
Sinadura berriakLagun Lagun
The number of members of the Committee of the Regions shall not exceed 350. The Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt a European decision determining the Committee’s composition.
Izena aldatuLagun Lagun
The Commission shall administer the Fund. It shall be assisted in this task by a Committee presided over by a member of the Commission and composed of representatives of Member States, trade unions and employers’ organisations.
Bi puntu bidez eraikitako zuzen batLagun Lagun
After he won the prize three times in four years (1874, 1876 and 1877), Johannes Brahms, as one of the members of the committee responsible for awarding the stipend, referred Dvořák to his own publisher, Fritz Simrock.
Erakutsi sorrera balioa gako kudeatzaileanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The members of the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee shall not be bound by any mandatory instructions. They shall be completely independent in the performance of their duties, in the Union’s general interest.
Eraikitzaile metodo hutsakLagun Lagun
56 sinne gevind in 45 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.