correlate oor Baskies


werkwoord, naamwoord, adjektief
(transitive) To compare things and bring them into a relation having corresponding characteristics

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correlation does not imply causation
Cum hoc ergo propter hoc
canonical correlation analysis
Korrelazio kanoniko
correlation coefficient
korrelazio · korrelazio-koefiziente
coefficient of correlation
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A high proportion of metals in a star correlates to the amount of heavy material initially available in the protoplanetary disk.
Inprimatu ur-markaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But if you look at that same index of health and social problems in relation to GNP per capita, gross national income, there's nothing there, no correlation anymore.
Nora ezeko bidaian segitu nuen guinea zerriak legez ziegan zirkuluak egiten, ate eta hormetan marraztutako izenak identifikatzeko han-hemen une batean edo bestean geldituz; haietako batzuk nire egoeran izanak ziren, eta han utzi zuten artean bazirelako oroigarri eta lekukotasun sotila.ted2019 ted2019
The PEARSON() function calculates the correlation coefficient of two cell ranges. It is the same as the CORREL function
Itun hau Guadaluperi, Guyana Frantsesari, Martinikari, Reunioni, Azore Uharteei, Madeirari eta Kanariar Uharteei aplikatuko zaie, III-424. artikuluan xedatutakoarekin bat.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Skin pigmentation of contemporary humans is clinally distributed across the planet, and in general correlates with the level of ultraviolet radiation in a particular geographic area.
Irabazitako jokoakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This condition is not generally satisfied (for example, in natural languages like English the probability of finding an adjective is affected by the probability of having a noun), but it is a useful idealization, especially since the statistical correlations between individual words are usually not known.
Jakin izan banu, ez zintuzkedan mehatxatuko zoritxarreko neska bantu harengatik. Orain konturatzen naiz zure agenteetariko bat besterik ez zela, eta biok ere erabil genezakeen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In eastern Asia archaeoastronomy has developed from the History of Astronomy and much archaeoastronomy is searching for material correlates of the historical record.
Ertz luzea (estandarraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It's an extraordinarily close correlation.
Arratsean, abiatzerakoan, oloz sudurzuloetaraino asetako zaldiek nahiko lan izan zuten pertiken artean sartzen; ostikoka hasten ziren, xutikatu egiten ziren, kraistuak hausten ziren, beren jabeak biraoka edo barrez; eta gau osoan, ilargiaren argitan, eskualdeko bideetan barrena izan zen gurtarinik asapala bizian errestaturik, arroiletan jauzika, harkazkar gainetik metroak saltoka, pendoitzak urratuz, erremalak atxikitzeko emakumeak atetik kanpora makurtzen zirela.QED QED
Naive Bayes classifiers work by correlating the use of tokens (typically words, or sometimes other things), with spam and non-spam e-mails and then using Bayes' theorem to calculate a probability that an email is or is not spam.
Kendu etiketaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From this result, the researchers implied that shorter P300 amplitudes are highly correlated with gray matter abnormalities; this finding is consistent with the DMS patients' characteristics and the presence of gray-matter deterioration.
Eutsizuen zakileiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the second place, one town cannot, any more than one nation, legitimately be made subject to another, because the essence of the body politic lies in the reconciliation of obedience and liberty, and the words subject and Sovereign are identical correlatives the idea of which meets in the single word < citizen. >
Davis ohorezko bidaiari bihurtua zen, esploratu gabeko lurraldeetara bidaia egin zuelako, eta bistan zen < pertsona bat, boto bat > leloa aldarrikatzeko eskubidea galdua zuela.Lagun Lagun
Long-term secular change in sunspot number is thought, by some scientists, to be correlated with long-term change in solar irradiance, which, in turn, might influence Earth's long-term climate.
Berriro egingo dut. Amari abisatuko diote. Barnetegiko zuzendariarekin egotera etorri eta eskatuko dio utz nazala libre gauetan, ez kontrolatzeko zein ordutan itzultzen naizen, ez behartzeko igandetan barnetegiko neskekin paseatzera joatera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He thinks that there is some correlation between these two things.
Web garapenaNameOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
These include proximity in ionization energies, electron affinities and electronegativity values; half-filled valence shells; and correlations between the chemistry of H–H and C–H bonds.
& Ikusi iturburuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This correlation was first observed by Edwin Hubble and has come to be known as Hubble's law.
Saguaren loturakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
CORREL(range#; range
Limusinan gizon dotore-dotore bat dagoniri begira. Ez da zuria. Europarren janzkera du, kotoizko jantzi zuri horietakoa du jarrita, Saigongo bankeroena bezalakoa. Begira daukat. Ohituta nago begiratua izatera.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
She is particularly known for introducing the method of Markov returns in 1998, which she used to prove exponential correlation delay in Sinai billiards and other hyperbolic dynamical systems.
Ezin izan da behin behineko fitxategiahelburu % # kokalekura kargatu. Behin behineko fitxategia oraindik eskuragarri dago hemen: % #. Eskuz kopia dezakezu kokaleku zuzeneraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rather than analysing the site and seeing which targets appear popular, archaeoastronomers have instead examined the ethnographic records to see what features of the sky were important to the Mayans and then sought archaeological correlates.
Erdiko klaseko baserritarra, zeina jauregiaren ondoan zegoen komunitate erdindipendente batean bizi zen, konturatu zen zergen eta zerbitzuen gehikuntzak morrontza praktikozko egoerara zeramala bera eta baserriko herri-lurra, berriz, jaunaren feudoaren zati izatera. >WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among them are percent agreement, Scott's π, Cohen's κ, Krippendorf's α, Pearson's correlation coefficient r, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient ρ, and Lin's concordance correlation coefficient.
Oso laguntza polittaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Examination of this issue is seen through a theory called the power law that states the correlation between perplexity and word error rate.
Doi-doi zebiltzan kurloi batzuk elurraren gainetik janari bila, eta berriro etorri zitzaidan gogora hartu ez nuen arraina, ezta hartuko ere!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Security event manager (SEM): Real-time monitoring, correlation of events, notifications and console views.
Baztertuko diren leihoakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I fail to recognise the correlation between losing 10 grand, hospitalizing Gorgeous and a good deal.
Cholenen hasi zen dena, bertakoendako konpartimenduak zirela eta. Halako hirurehun eginarazi omen zituen. Bereak ditu zenbait karrika oso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Pearson correlation coefficient must therefore be exactly one.
OzeaniaNameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rather than select a single definition, Gledhill proposes that collocation involves at least three different perspectives: (i) co-occurrence, a statistical view, which sees collocation as the recurrent appearance in a text of a node and its collocates, (ii) construction, which sees collocation either as a correlation between a lexeme and a lexical-grammatical pattern, or as a relation between a base and its collocative partners and (iii) expression, a pragmatic view of collocation as a conventional unit of expression, regardless of form.
Zer egiaztatzen du hipnosizko esperimentuak, eta bereziki hipnosiondokoak? Eduki genitzakeela pentsamendu, sentimendu eta gurariak, subjektiboki geureak bagenitu bezala sentitzen baditugu ere, kanpotik ezarriak ditugunak, funtsean arrotz zaizkigunak eta egiaz pentsatzen, deseatzen edo sentitzen dugunarekin bat ez datozenak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Correlation in itself doesn't prove causality.
Errepikatu zerrendaQED QED
35 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.