corresponding oor Baskies


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Present participle of correspond.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He made use of this means for corresponding with her, sending according to the season fruits or game.
Paperezko kaseteaLagun Lagun
It shall not be necessary to wait for the five-year period referred to in section 148, subsection 2, to elapse when the initiative for the autonomy process is agreed upon within the time limit specified in section 143, subsection 2, not only by the corresponding Provincial Councils or inter-island bodies but also by three-quarters of the municipalities of each province concerned, representing at least the majority of the electorate of each one, and said initiative is ratified in a referendum by the overall majority of electors in each province, under the terms to be laid down by an organic act.
Hautatu hau Kookak azken hautatutako irudia ikustailean abioan kargatu dezan. Irudiak handiak badira, honek Kooka-ren hasieratzea atzera dezakeLagun Lagun
Schurman and René Descartes corresponded and while they disagreed on the interpretation of the Bible they both thought that reason was central in the human identity.
& Datu-baseakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Monmouthpedia's initial goal was to have 1,000 QR codes by April 2012, with each article having a corresponding ceramic plaque emblazoned with a code.
Azkenean bere ezbaien erantzuna aurkitu zuen. 1518an ezusteko errebelazioa ukan zuen. Gizakumea ezin salbatu da bere bertuteengatik, eta ez du gogoan erabili behar Jainkoak bere egintzak atsegin izango dituen ala ez, baina lor dezake bere salbazioaren ziurtasuna, fedea ukanez gero.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This area roughly corresponds to what is called Central Asia today.
MB flash memoriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This picture demonstrates waveforms pertaining to the fetal heart rate, where the red corresponds to what was acquired with the conventional belts, and the blue corresponds to our estimates using our flexible electronic systems and our algorithms.
Monitorizatu jarduerated2019 ted2019
He told his companion, < Here’s his address book. You’d better go through the names. Check the telephone numbers in case they don’t correspond. >
& HolandarretikLagun Lagun
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Esleitutako pareakTatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Corresponding to purchases made on credit cards in your husband's name.
KDE inprimaketaren konfigurazioaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It roughly corresponds to the former Xarq Al-Andalus, but has no modern geopolitical definition.
Gaztelania da Espainiako Estatuaren hizkuntza ofiziala. Espainol guztiek jakin behar dute eta erabiltzeko eskubidea dute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The largest group is correspondence of Flavius Cerialis, prefect of the ninth cohort of Batavians and that of his wife, Sulpicia Lepidina.
Gorde & honelaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All persons resident abroad, and their descendants, whose last place of residence was the Community of the Basque Country, may, should they so wish, enjoy Basque nationality and the political rights corresponding to Basque citizens in accordance with the provisions established by Law.
— Mr. Davis atsegin dut — esan zuen Samek. — Nik ere bai. — Inork ez daki berak bezala ezkutaketan jolas egiten. Ezta zuk ere.Lagun Lagun
And an unbearable correspondent.
& Ezkerra (# graduOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Do you read the Company's confidential correspondence?"""
Bere J&B hirukoitza hartzeko ordua aspaldi utzia zuen atzean. Sarah gero eta urduriago egongo zen. Konfesalekuko solasaldiaren marmar arina entzuten ari zelarik, argi eta garbi eta erreparorik gabe hitz egiteko gogoa handituz zihoanharen baitan, zazpi urteko isilaldiaren ondoren.Literature Literature
A polygon that corresponds to the convex hull of another polygon
& Bukaerako oharpenaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
When the American Civil War broke out, she became connected with the United States Sanitary Commission, headquarters at Chicago, performing a vast amount of labor of all kinds—organizing auxiliary societies, visiting hospitals and military posts, contributing to the press, answering correspondence, and other things incident to the work done by that institution.
Eguneratu softwarearen azken bertsiora. Sistemaren banaketak hori egiteko tresnak eskaini beharko lizkizukeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The private education and self-study was complemented through correspondence and discussions with notables such as André Rivet and Friedrich Spanheim, both professors of Leiden University, and the family's neighbour Gisbertus Voetius, a professor at the University of Utrecht.
& Letra-tipoaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A description string. This string is shown in the interface, and should be explicit enough about the role of the corresponding option
Kalvinok ere, hark bezala, erdiko klase kontserbadoreari predikatzen zion, arras bakarrik eta izuturik sentitzen zen jendeari, beronen sentimenduak adierazi zituelarik Kalvinok gizabanakoaren ezereztasun eta ezintasunaren eta beronen ahaleginen baliogabetasunaren doktrinan.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
In 1893 and 1894 Simonet traveled to Morocco as a war correspondent for the magazine La Ilustración Española y Americana.
& Irakurtzeko bakarrikWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This corresponds to the-d diff option
Davis leialak apustu-artekari bat bezain fidagarritasun gutxikoa zela ematen bazuen, Cynthiak, etxeko lanei oso emana, komando bateko soldadu gazte batek bezain sutsua zirudien. Zoritxarrez, Cynthiak oso ortografia txarra zeukan; ausaz, ortografian, haren izenean bezala, zerbait egon zitekeen estilo isabeldarretik.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
National railway authorities do not correspond to state borders in this instance.
Beste pertsona baten aldeko autoukazio-jarrera eta nork bere eskubide-galdapenak beste pertsonari entregatzea < maitasun handiaren > exenplu moduan goraipatu izan dira. Badirudi ez dela < maitasun > froga handiagorik maite dugun pertsonaren onerako sakrifikatzea eta geure burua galtzeko prest egotea baino.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A Treaty of friendship and alliance between the Government of Mongolia and Tibet was signed on 11 January 1913 (corresponding to 29 December 1912 of the Julian calendar), at Urga (now Ulaanbaatar).
Ireki irudiakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the same sense, while respecting the essential principles of State legislation, the Basque Parliament shall regulate the definition of the social function of private property, as well as any limitation to the exercise of inherent rights to same due to a justified cause of public utility or social interest which, in all cases, shall involve the corresponding compensation.
Lerroaren koloreaLagun Lagun
The local URI does not correspond to a detected port. Continue?
Euskadiko Erkidegoari dagozkio oso-osorik gizarte eta osasun arloko politika publikoak.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
No month corresponds to May or June.
Kontseiluak kontuan hartu behar ditu etendura horrek pertsona fisiko eta juridikoen eskubide eta betebeharretan sor litzakeen ondorioak ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
201 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.