creaking oor Baskies


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Present participle of creak.

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As soon as she entered the passage, Emma felt the cold of the plaster fall about her shoulders like damp linen. The walls were new and the wooden stairs creaked.
Seriosago ikusi nahi izango zukeen, eta aukeran dramatikoago ere bai, kanpoko bidean urrats-hotsak hurbiltzen entzun uste izan zuen hartan bezala.Lagun Lagun
The door creaked and Castle turned quickly: the square black muzzle of Buller pushed the door fully open, and then he launched his body like a sack of potatoes at Castle’s fly. Castle fended him off.
Zatiki-ariketaLagun Lagun
- a good old house, with worm-eaten balconies that creak in the wind on winter nights, always full of people, noise, and feeding, whose black tables are sticky with coffee and brandy, the thick windows made yellow by the flies, the damp napkins stained with cheap wine, and that always smells of the village, like ploughboys dressed in Sundayclothes, has a cafe on the street, and towards the countryside a kitchen-garden.
1. Batzordeak Batasunaren interes orokorra sustatuko du eta horretarako ekimen egokiak hartuko ditu. Konstituzioa eta erakundeek Konstituzioaren arabera hartutako neurriak aplikatzeaz arduratuko da.Lagun Lagun
When he was opposite the house he took a handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped his nose. It was probably an all-clear signal, for Castle almost immediately heard a creak-creak descending the stairs inside.
Jaregiteko helburuaLagun Lagun
Charles was walking up and down the room; his boots creaked on the floor. < Sit down, > she said; < you fidget me. > He sat down again.
Testu arruntaLagun Lagun
There was the medical evidence, but that could not prove more than that he had died, say, within a half-hour, and in any case the medical evidence was only as strong as Dr Winkler’s word: that clean, controlled man creaking among his crucifixes.
HasiberriaLagun Lagun
A door was closed softly, footsteps passed along the corridor above; the stairs always creaked on the way down — he thought how to some people this would seem a dull and domestic, even an intolerable routine.
Marloweren deabruek suziriak zeramatzaten beren isatsei lotuta: gaiztakeria Peter Pan bezalakoa zen, berekin batera zeraman betiereko gaztetasunaren beldurgarrizko dohain izugarria.Lagun Lagun
At these words the rustic let go the lancet-case he was twisting between his fingers. A shudder of his shoulders made the chair-back creak. His hat fell off.
Baina pertsona zentzu modernoan aske ez zen arren, ez zegoen ez bakarrik ez isolaturik.Lagun Lagun
But it was above all the meal-times that were unbearable to her, in this small room on the ground floor, with its smoking stove, its creaking door, the walls that sweated, the damp flags; all the bitterness in life seemed served up on her plate, and with smoke of the boiled beef there rose from her secret soul whiffs of sickliness.
Handiagotu abiaduraLagun Lagun
From time to time the bell of a public house door rang, and when it was windy one could hear the little brass basins that served as signs for the hairdresser’s shop creaking on their two rods.
Darwinen teoria bera, izatez, ez zen karaktere masokistaren sentimenduen adierazpen. Teoria honi atxekiriko asko, aitzitik, goragoko kultur etapeterantz eboluzionatzeko esperantzarengatik sentitzen ziren beronetara erakarriak.Lagun Lagun
The tightest of breezes dances through the rigging as it creaks above the death cries of 10,000 men.
MugatzaileaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The horses were panting; the leather of the saddles creaked. Just as they were entering the forest the sun shone out. < God protects us! > said Rodolphe. < Do you think so? > she said.
Hil egin duk ordea, eta nik ez diat aukerarik izan neure esker ona adierazteko. — Gugatik egin duan guztia eskerrak emateko modu bat duk, nolabait. Carsonek ulertuko zian. Ez duk nahigabetu behar.Lagun Lagun
The jolt of his shoulders made the back of the chair creak.
Bihurtzen, itxaronLiterature Literature
< Well, it’s good of you to have seen me. > Dr Winkler bowed. When he bowed there was a very slight creak as though his shirt were made of celluloid.
Jatorrizko egilea eta aurreko mantentzaileaLagun Lagun
It was so very silent. I could hear my own feet creaking in the snow. > < Of course it proves nothing.
& ZerbitzariaLagun Lagun
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