cure oor Baskies


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
When she reached Calcutta, she was taken ill and treated with a cure of arsenic in a hospital, which worsened her condition.
Koadro-txikia ez dago eskuragarriWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He could cure any sickness.
Sistemaren ikonoaren & eguneratze-tarteajw2019 jw2019
Cures Out of Chaos.
Ia gaua zen; denbora pixka bat zen elurra ari ez zuela, eta Ringeko estatua handiak, zaldi jauzkariak, orgak eta arranoak, are nabarmentzen ziren arratsaren atzenetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One report says that 20 well-known diseases —including tuberculosis, malaria, and cholera— have become more common in recent decades, and some types of disease are increasingly difficult to cure by means of drugs.
Bere langelatik kalko-paper guztiak hartuak zituen eta, errugabeak izan arren, su eman zien. Bere idazmahaiko telefono-zerrendan zeuden telefono-zenbakirik arriskutsuenak harakinarena eta haginlariarena ziren. Ziur zegoen, hala ere, nonbait aztarnaren bat utzia zuela.jw2019 jw2019
Oh, there's nothing wrong with Harry that two years in a dance school wouldn't cure.
Erregek esan zion: - Erregeren aurrean aharrausi egitea protokolo kontrakoa duk. Hori egitea debekatzen diat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I told them you are a god and will cure them.
Negoziazio eta ekintza kolektiborako eskubideaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Not unless you can cure pneumonia.
& Jakinarazi urruneko e-postak ilaran godetzeanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It cannot be cured, but can be managed with medications and surgery.
Mrs. Castlek begiak ireki zituen. Sarahk espero zuen malkoetan blai ikusiko zituela. Baina lehor zeuden; lehor eta gupidagabe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In hopes of a cure, in 1836 she traveled to England, where she met the Rathbone family.
Hogoita sei gehi bost berdin hogoita hamaika. Huf! Bostehun ta bat milioi seiehun hogoita bi mila zazpiehun eta hogoita hamaika egiten du horrek orduan. - Bostehun milioi zer?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Will you kiss, will you cure me, Christ?
Itxi KanagramOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
During the dog-days he had suffered from an abscess, which Charles had cured as if by miracle by giving a timely little touch with the lancet.
IrristaduraNameLagun Lagun
The fire was extinguished, but the lady cannot be cured.
Sarrera berri bat gehitzenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I meant cure him, not cook him.
Karpeta dagoeneko partekatuta dagoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Those hearing parents tend to try to cure them.
Gako-algoritmoa ezezagunaQED QED
You don't cure a disease by spreading it to more people.
Ez ote luke gizabanakoak, jaio aurretik betiko kondenaziora edo salbamenera predestinaturikdagoela jakin aurretik zeuzkan baino ezbai oinazagarriagoak urratuta sentitu behar bere burua?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yet, she was not quite so pale, and her face had an expression of serenity as if the sacrament had cured her.
osagai diagramaLiterature Literature
That won’t cost you anything. Will you promise me? > The poor devil promised. The cure came back day after day. He chatted with the landlady; and even told anecdotes interspersed with jokes and puns that Hippolyte did not understand.
Lerroaren estiloaLagun Lagun
This man cures it with three plants from the Amazon Rainforest.
Gaitu izarrak zeruanted2019 ted2019
The fact is that these people can sometimes, sometimes, sometimes cure things we cannot.
Handiagotu pantailan erakutsiko den zehaztasun hamartarrated2019 ted2019
Prior to the introduction of refrigeration, the curing process was used to preserve all kinds of meat in South Africa.
Huts egin duWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Let's hope it is that, because that, at least, we can cure.
& Berriak bakarrikOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He told himself they would surely save her; the doctors would certainly find a cure.
—Egunkarietako tituluak. Ateak itxitako beste epaiketa bat. Gu izan ezik, inor ere ez litzateke ohartuko filtrazioak ez zeukala garrantzirik batere.Literature Literature
Old Rouault said that he could not have been cured better by the first doctor of Yvetot, or even of Rouen.
Karaktere-kodeketaLagun Lagun
He expelled demons and cured people who were suffering. —Mt 8:16, 17
Eta, berehala, eginkizunaren alde politikoa aztertu zuen. Berekiko galdetzen zuen:jw2019 jw2019
I’m no philosopher. > < A militant doesn’t have to be, and you are a militant. > < Not for Communism. I’m only a casualty now. > < They’ll cure you in Moscow. > < In a psychiatric ward? >
Errespetatu egiten dira demokraziako printzipioak errespetatuz ikastetxeak sortzeko askatasuna, eta gurasoek beren erlijioko, filosofiako eta pedagogiako sinesteen arabera beren seme-alaben hezkuntza eta irakaskuntza bermatzekoduten eskubidea, betiere, jarduera horiek arautzeko estatu bakoitzak dauzkan legeekin bat etorriz egiten bada.Lagun Lagun
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