cure-all oor Baskies


A panacea.

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Questions: Why was Jesus able to cure all kinds of sicknesses?
Erakutsi zutabeajw2019 jw2019
was cured, all right!
Kontseilu Europarrak aho batez hartuko du erabakia, Europako Parlamentuak onespena eman ondoren eta Batzordearen iritzia eskatu ondoren.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So I made this antidote that will hopefully cure all of the zombies.
Aurrean erranez gain, libertatemorala ere gainera dakioke estatu zibilaren irabaziari, deusek ez baitu gizona egiazki bere buruaren nagusi egiten hark baizik; ezen gutizia hutsaren berezko oldeari esklabogoa dagokio, eta bere buruari emanikako legearen obeditzeari, aldiz, libertatea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But others said: ‘If his power were not from God, he would not be able to cure at all.’
Erakutsi saretajw2019 jw2019
Not that we're not very pleased to see you again, and all cured too, eh?
jokalariaren koloreaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Note that he would not fail to tell about his cure to all the travellers, and then > (Homais lowered his voice and looked round him) < who is to prevent me from sending a short paragraph on the subject to the paper?
Baldin eta zentsura-mozioa onartu egiten bada emandako botoen bi hereneko gehiengoarekin, eta gehiengo hori, aldi berean, Europako Parlamentua osatzen duten diputatuen gehiengoa baldin bada, orduan, Batzordeko kideek beren karguak utzi beharko dituzte, guztiek batera, eta Batasuneko Atzerri Arazoetarakoministroak utzi egin beharko du Batzordean betetzen duen kargua.Lagun Lagun
He reminded himself of all the miraculous cures he had heard of.
piz konpresioaLiterature Literature
And then they told him stories of people who had all been cured by other remedies than his. Then by way of consolation they added -
Gizarajoa Crabbin. Gizarajoak gu denok, ondo pentsatzen baduzu.Lagun Lagun
Prior to the introduction of refrigeration, the curing process was used to preserve all kinds of meat in South Africa.
— Oraintxe bertan esan didazu saiatzen ari zarela haren heriotzaz ez pentsatzen. — Benetan? Ez dakit zer esan nahi nuen. Beharbada, whiskyaren eragina izango zen. Ez diozu ur gehiegi bota, ezta hurrik eman ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Let's let the cyclists get back to cycling and let's all pay attention and refocus on finding a cure and saving lives.
URLa irekitzenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Not all genetic disorders directly result in death; however, there are no known cures for genetic disorders.
— Hain da aspergarria izan ere, hasperendu zuen urgazleak, beti leku batera bertara iltzaturik egon beharra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But when the executive power is not sufficiently dependent upon the legislative power, i.e., when the prince is more closely related to the Sovereign than the people to the prince, this lack of proportion must be cured by the division of the government; for all the parts have then no less authority over the subjects, while their division makes them all together less strong against the Sovereign.
Zeharkako errendatzeaLagun Lagun
Everything tends to show that his convelescence will be brief; and who knows even if at our next village festivity we shall not see our good Hippolyte figuring in the bacchic dance in the midst of a chorus of joyous boon-companions, and thus proving to all eyes by his verve and his capers his complete cure?
— Baimena daukat zuri informazioa emateko, orokorra noski, Bonnen egin dudan bisitaldiari buruz. — Arazorik izan al duzu? — Ezer larririk ez. Alemaniarrek, lehengo beste potentzia kolonial batzuek ez bezala, oso begiko gaituzte, isilpean bada ere.Lagun Lagun
Government is then not mixed, but moderated. The opposite disadvantages may be similarly cured, and, when the government is too lax, tribunals may be set up to concentrate it. This is done in all democracies.
Haien ondoan Frantziako emakumeek gogorra omen dute, latza ia, gorputzeko azala. Tropikoetako elikadura eskasak ere, arrain eta frutez osatuak, balio omen du zerbaitetarako.Lagun Lagun
When he had taken in his other hand the cure’s umbrella, they started. The town was asleep; the pillars of the market threw great shadows; the earth was all grey as on a summer’s night.
Irudiaren ezarpenakLagun Lagun
Moreover, Homais, with his head fuller of recipes than his shop of jars, excelled in making all kinds of preserves, vinegars, and sweet liqueurs; he knew also all the latest inventions in economic stoves, together with the art of preserving cheese and of curing sick wines.
Mota-erroreaLagun Lagun
< I know very well, > objected the cure, < that there are good works, good authors. However, if it were only those persons of different sexes united in a bewitching apartment, decorated rouge, those lights, those effeminate voices, all this must, in the long-run, engender a certain mental libertinage, give rise to immodest thoughts and impure temptations. Such, at any rate, is the opinion of all the Fathers.
Castlek besoa luzatu zuen, ateri zegoela egiaztatu nahirik. Hurbil zegoen norbaitek deiadar egin zuen: — Hara nor dagoen hemen! Maurice, zer ari zara hemen?Lagun Lagun
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