curia oor Baskies


/ˈkjuːɹiə/ naamwoord
Any of several medieval councils or courts of justice

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The central administration of the Roman Catholic Church.

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No law received its sanction and no magistrate was elected, save in the comitia; and as every citizen was enrolled in a curia, a century, or a tribe, it follows that no citizen was excluded from the right of voting, and that the Roman people was truly sovereign both de jure and de facto.
Ez zen legerik onesten, ez magistraturik hautesten komizioetan baizik, eta nola ez baitzen herritarrik edo kuria batean, edo zenturia batean, edo tribu batean ez zenik, ez zen hiritarrik bozkatzeko eskubiderik gabe zenik. Halatan erromatar populua egiazki subirano zen, eskubidez eta egitez.Lagun Lagun
Each of these tribes was subdivided into ten curiae, and each curia into decuriae, headed by leaders called curiones and decuriones.
Tribu bakoitza hamar kuriatan partitua izan zen, eta kuria bakoitza dekuriatan, buru gisa kurioak lehen aipatuetan, eta dekurioak besteetan, jartzen zirela.Lagun Lagun
When Servius made his new division, as the thirty curiae could not be shared equally between his four tribes, and as he was unwilling to interfere with them, they became a further division of the inhabitants of Rome, quite independent of the tribes:
Serviok bere partekatze berria egin zuenean, hogeita hamarreko kopuru hori ez baitzitekeen lau tribuen artean zatika, ez zuen haietan aldakuntzarik ekarri nahi izan, eta gisa horretan tribuetarik berex ziren kuriek beste zatiketa mota bat ekarri zieten Erromako jendeei.Lagun Lagun
As the founder had set up ten curiae in each tribe, the whole Roman people, which was then contained within the walls, consisted of thirty curiae, each with its temples, its gods, its officers, its priests and its festivals, which were called compitalia and corresponded to the paganalia, held in later times by the rural tribes.
Hiriaren eratzaileak tribu bakoitzeko hamar kuria moldatu baitzituen, hiriaren barnean bizi zen erromatar populu guztia, hogeita hamar kuriaz osaturik gelditu zen, bakoitzak bazituelarik bere tenpluak, bere jainkoak, bere aitzindariak, bere apaizak, eta compitalia zeritzen bere bestak ere, hauek geroago baserritar tribuetan eginen ziren paganalia delakoen irudikoak baitziren.Lagun Lagun
As we speak, all that stands between the Colonna family and the Curia is Bishop Vitelleschi.
Colonna familiaren eta Kuriaren artean dagoen guztia. Vitelleschi apezpikua da.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He slaughtered his way to the heart of the curia council.
Bere bidea garbitu du kuriaren kontseilurako bihotzeraino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thus, although every citizen was enrolled in a tribe, there were very many who were not members of a curia.
Halatan, hiritar guzti-guztiak tribu batekoak izanagatik, anitz baziren kurietan sartuak ez zirenak.Lagun Lagun
Each man declared his vote aloud, and a clerk duly wrote it down; the majority in each tribe determined the vote of the tribe, the majority of the tribes that of the people, and so with curiae and centuries.
Bakoitzak goraki bozkatzen zuen, idazkari batek arauka idazten zuelarik; tribu bakoitzean boz gehiengoak tribuaren boza ematen zuen, eta tribuen arteko boz gehiengoak, populuaren boza; hala-hala kurientzat eta zenturientzat ere.Lagun Lagun
but in the case of the rural tribes and their members there was no question of curiae, as the tribes had then become a purely civil institution, and, a new system of levying troops having been introduced, the military divisions of Romulus were superfluous.
Ez zen, haatik, kuriarik aipatu tribu baserritarretan, ez eta haiek osatzen zuten populuan ere, zeren, nola tribuak erakuntza zibil bilakatu baitziren osoki, eta nola jokabide berri bat sartu izan baitzen gudari taldeen eratzeko, Romuloren zatiketa militarrak alferrekoak gertatu baitziren.Lagun Lagun
Tullus is attributed with constructing a new home for the Senate, the Curia Hostilia, which survived for 562 years after his death.
Senatu berri haren egoitza izateko eraikin berri bat altxatu zuen: Curia Hostilia, Tulio hil eta gero 562 urte iraun zuena.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Cardinal Nephew (also called cardinale padrone or Secretarius Papae et superintendens status ecclesiasticæ: "Superintendent of the Ecclesiastical State", Italian: Sopraintendente dello Stato Ecclesiastico) was an official legate of the Roman Curia, approximately equivalent to the Cardinal Secretary of State, which absorbed its functions after the office of Cardinal Nephew was abolished in 1692.
Kardinal Iloba (edo cardinale padrone edo Secretarius Papae et superintendens status ecclesiasticæ: "Estatu Eklesiastikoaren Superintendentea", Italieraz: Sopraintendente dello Stato Ecclesiastico) Erromatar kuriaren barruko aita santuaren ordezkari ofiziala zen, gaur egungo Kardinal Estatu Idazkariaren antzekoa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In order to judge of these various forms, it is enough to compare them. Romulus, when he set up curia, had in view the checking of the senate by the people, and of the people by the senate, while maintaining his ascendancy over both alike.
Eramolde desberdin horietaz iritzirik emateko, aski da haien bata-bestearekin konparatzea. Romulok kuriak sorraraztean, molde berean bien nagusi izanez, Senatua populuaren bidez, eta populua Senatuaren bidez, bridatu nahi izan zituen.Lagun Lagun
As the assemblies by curiae persisted under the kings till the time of Servius, and the reign of the later Tarquin was not regarded as legitimate, royal laws were called generally leges curiatae.
Kurien araberako eraketa horrek iraun baitzuen erregeen garaitik Serviorenganaino, eta azken Tarquiniotarraren erreinaldia ez baita legitimotzat jotzen, molde orokorrean leges curiatae deitu zituzten errege legeak, haien bereizteko.Lagun Lagun
Under the Republic, the curiae, still confined to the four urban tribes, and including only the populace of Rome, suited neither the senate, which led the patricians, nor the tribunes, who, though plebeians, were at the head of the well-to-do citizens.
Errepublikaren garaian, hiriko lau tribuetara mugatuak ziren kuriak, eta Erromako jendaila baizik ez zen biltzen haietan. Halatan ez zitzaizkien gehiago komeni, ez patrizioen buru zen Senatuari, ez eta plebeiu izanagatik hiritar aberatsen buru ziren tribunuei ere.Lagun Lagun
I am a member of the Curia.
Kuriako kidea naiz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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