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3.7×1010 decays per second, as a unit of radioactivity. Symbol Ci.

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A surname, especially referring to Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie.

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Marie Curie
Marie Curie


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She founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and in Warsaw, which remain major centres of medical research today.
Parisen eta Varsovian Curie institutua sortu zuen, gaur egun medikuntza ikerketen zentro garrantzitsuenen artean mantentzen dena.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband Pierre Curie and physicist Henri Becquerel.
1903ko Fisikako Nobel saria bere senarra Pierre Curierekin eta Henri Becquerelekin partekatu zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
< What can I do for you, Monsieur le Curie? > asked the landlady, as she reached down from the chimney one of the copper candlesticks placed with their candles in a row. < Will you take something? A thimbleful of Cassis? A glass of wine? >
— Zerbait egin al dezakegu zuretzako, apaiz jauna? galdetu zuen ostatuko etxekoandreak, sukanean beren kandelekin zutabe-zerrenda gisa ipinita zeuden kobrezko argimutiletariko bat hartzen zuen bitartean; zerbait hartu nahi al duzu? Arakatz likore ttantta bat, baso bat ardo?Lagun Lagun
Under the spruce by the hedgerow, the curie in the three-cornered hat reading his breviary had lost his right foot, and the very plaster, scaling off with the frost, had left white scabs on his face.
Llerkoen aldean, laparresiaren ondoan, bere breviarioa irakurtzen ari zen apaiz txapelokerdunak eskuineko oina galdua zuen, eta igeltsuak berak ere, izotzetan zartaturik, zaragar zuria sortua zuen bere aurpegian.Lagun Lagun
Curie is also the only woman to have won multiple Nobel Prizes; in 1911, she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Marie Curie da baita ere Nobel Sari bat baino gehiago irabazi duen emakume bakarra, 1911an Kimikako Nobel Saria irabazi baitzuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
< You live on the dead, Lestiboudois! > the curie at last said to him one day.
— Zu hildakoen lepotik bazkatzen zara, Lestiboudois! esan zion azkenik, egun batez, apaiz jaunak.Lagun Lagun
The Curies then went to work isolating polonium and radium from naturally occurring compounds to prove that they were new elements.
Jarraian, polonioa eta radioa osagarri naturaletatik bereizten hasi ziren elementu kimikoak zirela frogatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first woman to win a Nobel Prize was Marie Curie, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 with her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel.
Nobel saria irabazi zuen lehen emakumea Marie Curie izan zen: 1903an Fisikako Nobel Saria irabazi zuen, bere senar Pierre Curie eta Henri Becquerelekin batera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a member of the Nobel Prize Committee in 1903, it was because of his intervention that the committee relented and awarded the prize for Physics to Marie Curie as well as her husband Pierre.
1903an Nobel Sarien Batzordeko kide izateagatik Marie Curie fisikariarentzat eta Pierre senarrarentzat saria izan zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Curie took Becquerel's work a few steps further, conducting her own experiments on uranium rays.
Becquerelen lana garatzen jarraitu zuen bere esperimentuak eginaz uranioaren igorketen inguruan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The landlady took up the defence of her curie. < Besides, he could double up four men like you over his knee.
Ostalersak bere apaizaren defentsa hartu zuen: — Gainera zu bezalako lauri egingo lioke horrek gerrentzin bere belaunaren gainean.Lagun Lagun
Curie's daughter, Irène Joliot-Curie, won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935, making the two the only mother-daughter pair to have won Nobel Prizes.
Irène Joliot-Curiek, Curieren alabak, Kimikako Nobel Saria irabazi zuen 1935ean, eta Nobel Saria irabazi duten ama-alaba bakarrak dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Marie Curie was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize.
Marie Curie bi Nobel Sari lortu zituen lehen pertsona izan zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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