curl oor Baskies


/kəːl/, /kɝl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A piece or lock of curling hair; a ringlet.

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curled octopus
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curling iron


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Curl up with me.
Ziur zaude?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She often changed her coiffure; she did her hair a la Chinoise, in flowing curls, in plaited coils; she parted in on one side and rolled it under like a man’s.
Sarritan, bere orrazkera aldatzen zuen: txinatarren eran, kiribil lasatan, motots txirikordatutan jartzen zen; buruaren alboan marra bat egin zuen eta haren pean kiribildu zuen ilea, gizon gisa.Lagun Lagun
Most curling clubs have an ice maker whose main job is to care for the ice.
Bestalde, klub gehienek izotzaz arduratzen den entitate bat izaten dute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The word curling first appears in print in 1620 in Perth, Scotland, in the preface and the verses of a poem by Henry Adamson.
Curling hitza Eskozian agertu zen lehen aldiz, 1620an idatzitako dokumentu batean Henry Adamsonek idatzitako bertsio batzuetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I forgot my curling iron, Mrs. Mullins!
Ileko plantxak ahaztu ditut, Mullins andrea!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In international curling competitions, each side is given 73 minutes to complete all of its throws.
Txapelketa internazionaletan talde bakoitzari 73 minutu ematen zaizkio jaurtiketak bukatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It had been embroidered on some rosewood frame, a pretty little thing, hidden from all eyes, that had occupied many hours, and over which had fallen the soft curls of the pensive worker.
Hau, eskierki, palisandrozko bastidoreren batean brodatu zuen, begi orotatik ezkutatzen zen altzari moñoñoa, hainbat ordu eraman ziona eta langile pentsakorraren ilekiribil lazoak gainean pausatzen zitzaizkiona.Lagun Lagun
And shortly afterwards in another dell they find the suitcase, and the body curled up inside it.
Eta geroxeago topatzen dute beste txoko batean kutxa, barruan dago hilotza, kuzkurtuta.Literature Literature
Then, while playing the spouse and virtue, she was burning at the thought of that head whose black hair fell in a curl over the sunburnt brow, of that form at once so strong and elegant, of that man, in a word, who had such experience in his reasoning, such passion in his desires.
Halakoetan, emaztearena eta bertutetsuarena egin ala, garretan pizten zen ile beltzak bekoki brontzeaturantz kiribil batean bihurkatzen zitzaizkion buru hartaz pentsatzean, aldi berean hain sendoa eta hain lerdena zen gorputz hartaz, azken finean, gizon hartaz, zeinak hainbesteko esperientzia baitzeukan arrazoian hainbesteko oldarra irritsean!Lagun Lagun
No sleep again worth mentioning! I was frustrated, cross and curled up in a little ball to get warm.
Ostera lokartzerik pentsatu ere ez! Zapuztuta nengoen, berotzeko ahaleginean pilota bat eginik, bildurik eta antxumaturik.Lagun Lagun
Some snakes that use neurotoxins (such as the mangrove snake) have fangs in the back of their mouths, with the fangs curled backwards.
Neurotoxinak erabiltzen dituzten suge batzuek (adibidez, Boiga dendrophila) legaginak ahoaren atzealdean dituzte, atzerantz kurbatuak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Royal Montreal Curling Club, the oldest established sports club still active in North America, was established in 1807.
Ipar Amerikako kirol klub zaharrena Montrealgo Royal Curling kluba da eta hau 1807an sortu zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Silvery fair curls he had, blue eyes, and a little freckle like a diamond on one side of his nose.
Ile kizkur zilartsuak zituen, begi urdinak, eta diamante baten antzeko orina sudurraren alde batean.Literature Literature
An ordinary passer-by would never have noticed that the kiosk had a door, and of course it had been dark when the man disappeared. I pulled the door open and showed Martins the little curling iron staircase that disappeared into the ground.
Oinezko arrunta ez litzateke inoiz ohartuko kioskoak ate bat zeukala; noski, gainera gau iluna zen gizona aienatu zenean. Tira eginez atea zabaldu nuen eta Martinsi erakutsi burdinezko zurubitxo kiribildua, lurrazpian aienatzen zena.Lagun Lagun
Lots of blankets to curl up in.
Manta askorekin bertan biltzeko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Their clothes, better made, seemed of finer cloth, and their hair, brought forward in curls towards the temples, glossy with more delicate pomades.
Beren jantziek, hobeto eginak, oihal zaluagozkoak ziruditen, eta haien ileek, lokiak aldera kiribilez moldatuak, ukendu finagoz lustratuak.Lagun Lagun
He put on white trousers, fine socks, a green coat, emptied all the scent he had into his handkerchief, then having had his hair curled, he uncurled it again, in order to give it a more natural elegance.
Galtza zuriak jantzi zituen, galtzerdi finak, jaka berdea, zeuzkan usangai guztietarik isuri zuen bere musuzapian, gero, ilea kizkurrarazi ondoren, deskizkurtu egin zuen, bere adatsari dotoretasun natural handiagoa ematearren.Lagun Lagun
The weather was fine, the people were hot, perspiration trickled amid the curls, and handkerchiefs taken from pockets were mopping red foreheads; and now and then a warm wind that blew from the river gently stirred the border of the tick awnings hanging from the doors of the public-houses.
Eguraldi ederra egiten zuen; bero zen; izerdia jaisten zen kizkurretan barrena, musuzapi guztiak aterata bekoki gorriak xukatzen zituzten; eta tarteka ibaitik zetorren haize epel batek emeki erabiltzen zituen kafetegitxoen ateetan zintzilikaturiko kotizko kaparren mendelak.Lagun Lagun
One more night curled around a tire swing isn't gonna make any difference.
Egon daiteke gau bat gehiago gurpil batean kulunkatzen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But with a curl at the end.
Baina bukaeran kiribil txiki bat duela.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Fucking Jheri curl-ass.
Nazkante puta!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One would have thought that an artist apt in conception had arranged the curls of hair upon her neck; they fell in a thick mass, negligently, and with the changing chances of their adultery, that unbound them every day.
Esan zitekeen, artista ustelgaldutan trebe batek adelatu zuela bere garondoan bere ileen bihurkina; mordoska lodi batean kiribiltzen ziren, zabarki, eta egunero askatzen zituen adulterioaren menturen arabera.Lagun Lagun
No man had ever seemed to her so beautiful. An exquisite candour emanated from his being. He lowered his long fine eyelashes, that curled upwards.
Sekula ez zitzaion iruditu hain eder beste gizonik inor. Xalotasun ezti bat jaulkitzen zitzaion haren jarrerari. Makotzen ziren betile luze finak beheratzen zituen.Lagun Lagun
She curled up in a fetal position, didn't speak the rest of the night.
Baina fetu-jarreran ipini eta hurrengo eguna arte isildu zen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was really very angry. He tossed his golden curls in the breeze.
Egiazki biziki haserre zegoen. Bere urrezko ileak haizean mugitzen zituen:Lagun Lagun
35 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.