current asset oor Baskies

current asset

(accounting) An asset on the balance sheet which is expected to be sold or otherwise used up in the near future, usually within one year, or one business cycle - whichever is longer, such as cash, accounts receivable, and inventory.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

Aktibo zirkulatzaile

an asset which can either be converted to cash or used to pay current liabilities within 12 months

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current assets


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It is the world's 8th largest bank by total assets, and currently operates with a presence in 77 countries.
Baina, goizero, esnatzean, egun hartarako espero izaten zuen, eta zarata guztiak entzuten zituen, itsumustuan jaikitzen zen, harritu egiten zen hura etorri gabe izateaz; gero, eguzkia sartzean, beti ere tristeago, jada biharamunean izatea desiatzen zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Methods, called 'natural capital asset checks', help decision-makers understand how changes in the current and future performance of natural capital assets will impact on human well-being and the economy.
Edonola ere, autore honek aldarazi egin zuen fenomeno masokistei buruzko bere esplikazioa. Onartuz badela suntsimendura bideraturiko eta besteen zein nork bere buruaren aurka zuzen dezakeen jaugin bat, izaera biologikoa duena, Freudek iradoki zuen masokismoa funtsean heriotz instintua deritzanaren sorkari zela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Whereas the current account reflects a nation's net income, the capital account reflects net change in ownership of national assets.
Bakardadea gainditzeko metodo normala automata bihurtzea dela dioen hipotesia, gure kulturan dagoen gizakumeari buruzko ideiarik zabalduenetako batekin kontraesanean dago.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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