current source oor Baskies

current source

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

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electronic circuit that delivers or absorbs an electric current which is independent of the voltage across it; dual of a voltage source
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An ideal current source has an infinite output impedance in parallel with the source.
Zerrendak bide-izen erlatiboa gordetzen duen edo ezWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An independent current source with zero current is identical to an ideal open circuit.
Programaren bertsioaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No physical current source is ideal.
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Once this equation is formed, an equation is needed that relates the two mesh currents with the current source.
OHP euskarri beroaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Over a given load range, it is possible for some types of real current sources to exhibit nearly infinite internal resistance.
— Zer dauka barruan? — Nola jakingo dut ba? Administrazioarena da — erretiluan zegoen paper bakarra hartu zuen — . Hau al da dena? — galdegin zuen Cynthiak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rno equals this VAB divided by Ino. or Replace independent voltage sources with short circuits and independent current sources with open circuits.
Aldian-aldian, burua altxatuz, begirada luze bat zuzentzen zion dena hersturaz beterik. Behin hasperen egin zuen: — Berriro ikustea nahi izango nukeen!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Conversely, a current source provides a constant current, as long as the load connected to the source terminals has sufficiently low impedance.
Seme-alabarik izanez gero, beharbada ez zuen halakorik uste izango. Ez zeukaten seme-alabarik, ordea. Hargreavesek ez zuen inoiz seme-alabarik izateko asmorik izan,ezta bere emazteak ere. Horretan erabat ados zeuden, baina arrazoiak desberdinak ziren beharbada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Replacing all other independent current sources with an open circuit (thereby eliminating current i.e. I=0; internal impedance of ideal current source is infinite (open circuit)).
Erakutsi & argibideakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Voltage sources and current sources are sometimes said to be duals of each other and any non ideal source can be converted from one to the other by applying Norton's theorem or Thévenin's theorem.
Pasarte handiak irakurtzen zituenean, liluratu egiten zen; baina pentsatzen zuenean, ponteigelek hartatik beren kaparrerako abantaila ateratzen zutela, etsipenak jotzen zuen, eta, bere burua trabatzen zen sentimendu-korapilo honetan, aldi berean nahi izango zukeen bere bi eskuez Racine koroatu ahal izatea eta berarekin ordu laurden luze batez eztabaidatzea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Contrary, current and voltage sources can be connected to each other without any problems, and this technique is widely used in circuitry (e.g., in cascode circuits, differential amplifier stages with common emitter current source, etc.)
Hodi graduatuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When there are no dependent sources (all current and voltage sources are independent), there are two methods of determining the Norton impedance Rno.
Ez zion inori uzten bere aurretik pasatzen. Seniderik hurbilena zenez gero, lehenengo lerro osorako zuen eskubidea zaintzen ari zela ematen zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If there are dependent sources in the circuit, another method must be used such as connecting a test source across A and B and calculating the voltage across or current through the test source.
Beste whisky bat nahi duzu? — Bai. Whisky-erdi bat. — Erdia? Zer dela eta? — Ez dakit. Beharbada, neure buruaren jabe izateko gaitasuna dudala erakusteko, besterik ez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Conversely, if the voltage across an ideal voltage source is determined by some other voltage or current in a circuit, it is called a dependent or controlled voltage source.
Bildutako oharrakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ammeters must not be connected directly across a voltage source since their internal resistance is very low and excess current would flow.
Pazifikoa/RarotongaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The internal resistance of an ideal voltage source is zero; it is able to supply or absorb any amount of current.
hau ez daukanaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No real voltage source is ideal; all have a non-zero effective internal resistance, and none can supply unlimited current.
ez dago martxanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The statue was designed by Polish sculptor Bronisław Chromy and completed in 1969; it was installed in its present location in 1972, a date commonly repeated in other sources; Bielowicz notes that the statue was made in 1969 but was not unveiled in its current location till 1972.
Erakutsi leihoen zerrendaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Joystick This module helps to check if your joystick is working correctly. If it delivers wrong values for the axes, you can try to solve this with the calibration. This module tries to find all available joystick devices by checking/dev/js[# ] and/dev/input/js[# ] If you have another device file, enter it in the combobox. The Buttons list shows the state of the buttons on your joystick, the Axes list shows the current value for all axes. NOTE: the current Linux device driver (Kernel #, #) can only autodetect #-axis, #-button joystick #-axis, #-button joystick #-axis, #-button joystick Saitek Cyborg 'digital ' joysticks (For details you can check your Linux source/Documentation/input/joystick. txt
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