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/dɪˈnəʊt/ werkwoord
(transitive) To indicate; to mark.

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It can also be used to denote abstract vectors and linear functionals in mathematics.
Horrez gain, matematikan ere erabil daiteke bektore abstraktuak eta funtzional linealak denotatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Multiplication modulo 216 + 1, where the all-zero word (0x0000) in inputs is interpreted as 216, and 216 in output is interpreted as the all-zero word (0x0000) (denoted by a red circled dot ⊙).
216+1 moduluaren biderketa, zeinean hitz nulua (0x0000) 216 bezala interpretatzen den, irudian ( gorri batek adierazitakoa).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Therefore it was used to denote the seventh power of 1000.
Horregatik aukeratu zen 1000 zenbakiaren zazpigarren potentzia izendatzeko, 10007 zenbakiaren berdina delako.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nunes was, above all, one of the last great commentators, as is shown by his first published work “Tratado da Esfera”, enriched with comments and additions that denote a profound knowledge of the difficult cosmography of the period.
Nunes izan zen, batez ere, azken idazle handienetariko bat, "Tratado da Esfera" argitaratutako bere lehen lanak erakusten duen bezala, garai hartako kosmografia zailaren ezagutza sakona adierazten duena iruzkinekin eta gehikuntzekin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And is usually denoted by an infix operator: in mathematics and logic, it is denoted by ∧ , & or × ; in electronics, ⋅ ; and in programming languages, &, &&, or and.
Eta adierazteko gehien erabiltzen diren ikurrak hurrengoak dira: matematika eta logikan, ∧ edo × ; elektronikan, ⋅ ; eta programazio lengoaietan, &, &&, edo and.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cultural translation is a concept used in cultural studies to denote the process of transformation, linguistic or otherwise, in a given culture.
Kultur itzulpengintza kontzeptua kultura-ikasketetan erabili izan da, kultura jakin batean gertatutako transformazioa (linguistikoa zein bestelakoa) aditzera emateko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many distances are estimates (denoted by the approx. suffix), as true distances are difficult to infer for planetary nebulae.
Distantzietako asko ustezkoak dira (gutxi gorabehera. jartzen dutenak), benetako distantziak kalkulatzeko oso zailak baitira nebulosa planetarioen kasuan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The rotations (denoted by "<<<" in the diagram) mean that a different set of bits is used in each subkey; each bit is used in approximately 14 out of the 16 subkeys.
Lekualdaketek (diagraman "<<<" ikurrarekin azaltzen da) azpi-gako bakoitzerako bit multzo ezberdina erabiltzen dela ziurtatzen dute; gutxi gorabehera bit bakoitza 14 aldiz erabiltzen da 16 azpi-gakoetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In translation studies, "literal translation" denotes technical translation of scientific, technical, technological or legal texts.
Itzulpen ikasketetan, “itzulpen literalak” testu zientifiko, tekniko, teknologiko edo juridikoei itzupen teknikoa eskaintzen die.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In particle physics, a pion (or a pi meson, denoted with the Greek letter pi: π ) is any of three subatomic particles: π0 , π+ , and π− .
Partikulen fisikan, pioia (pi meson grezierazko izenaren laburdura) 1947an aurkitu ziren hiru partikula subatomikoren izena da: π0, π+ eta π−.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The word "Mambo", similarly to other afroamerican musical denominations as conga, milonga, bomba, tumba, samba, bamba, bamboula, tambo, tango, cumbé, cumbia and candombe, denote an African origin, particularly from Congo, due to the presence of certain characteristic combinations of sounds, such as mb, ng and nd, which belong to the Niger-Congo linguistic complex.
"Mambo" hitzak, beste afroamerikar jatorrizko musika izendapen batzuk bezala (conga, milonga, bomba, tumba, sanba, semba, bamba, bamboula, tambo, tango, cumbé, cumbia eta candombe) Afrikar jatorria adierazten du, batez ere Kongoko Niger-Kongo hizkuntzetan ohikoa den mb, ng eta nd soinu konbinazioa dela eta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Finale) (From the Broadway production) Notes * Denotes song being cut during Previews.
Why? (the king of love is dead) abestia lehen aldiz aurkezten da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Transitions can also occur to higher energy levels, but the first excited state is denoted for simplicity.
Trantsizioak eman daitezke energia altuagoko mailetara, baina lehenengo egoera kitzikatua adierazten da sinpleago egiteko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I denote from your brogue that you hail from the Americas.
Zure hizkerak islatzen du Ameriketakoa zarela.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the Holy Roman Empire, the collective term free and imperial cities (German: Freie und Reichsstädte), briefly worded free imperial city (Freie Reichsstadt, Latin: urbs imperialis libera), was used from the fifteenth century to denote a self-ruling city that had a certain amount of autonomy and was represented in the Imperial Diet.
Germaniako Erromatar Inperio Santuaren garaian, Hiri Aske eta Inperialak (alemanez: Freie und Reichsstädte), normalean Hiri Inperial Aske (Freie Reichsstadt, latinez: urbs imperialis libera) deituak, XV. mendetik aurrera nolabaiteko autonomia eta Dietan ordezkaritza zituzten hiriak ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The term race was often used in a general biological taxonomic sense, starting from the 19th century, to denote genetically differentiated human populations defined by phenotype.
XIX. mendetik aurrera zentzu biologiko taxonomikoan erabili zen maiz, fenotipoaren arabera sailkatutako giza populazio genetikoki desberdinak izendatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During Asmodelle's dance career she travelled to Asian countries and faced many legal difficulties, especially in Singapore where she was detained, because her passport denoted an M (for male).
Dantzari ibilbidean zehar Asiako hainbat herrialdetara bidaiatu zuen eta horrek zenbait lege-arazo ekarri zizkion, Esaterako, Singapurren atxilotua izan zen bere pasaporteak gizonezkoen M (ingelesez: male) idatzita zeukalako.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The biblical apocrypha (from the Ancient Greek: ἀπόκρυφος, translit. apókruphos, lit. 'hidden') denotes the collection of apocryphal ancient books found in some editions of Christian Bibles in a separate section between the Old and New Testaments or as an appendix after the New Testament.
Bibliako apokrifoak —edo, besterik gabe, apokrifoak (grezierazko ἀπόκρυφος, apokryphos hitzetik; «iluna» esan nahi du)— kristauen Biblia bilduma batzuetan liburu multzo bat dira, Itun Zaharraren eta Itun Berriaren artean edo Itun Berriaren atzetiko eranskin gisa ezarriak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The form of the Greek verb translated “practice giving” denotes continuous action
«Emateko ohitura izan» bezala itzultzen den grekozko aditzak etengabeko ekintza adierazten du.jw2019 jw2019
The ancient Greek word for element, stoicheion (from stoicheo, "to line up") meant "smallest division (of a sun-dial), a syllable", as the composing unit of an alphabet it could denote a letter and the smallest unit from which a word is formed.
Antzinako greziako “elementu” hitza, stoicheion (stoicheo hitzetik, “lerrokatu”) hitzetik dator, eta honek “zatiketa txikiena (eguzki erloju batena), silaba” esan nahi du, hitz bat esatean azaltzen den unitate txikiena izanik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus, in the Middle Ages, the word cottage (MLat cotagium) denoted not just a dwelling, but included at least a dwelling (domus) and a barn (grangia), as well as, usually, a fenced yard or piece of land enclosed by a gate (portum).
Erdi Aroan, cottage hitzak (latinez cotagium) ez zuen bakarrik etxebizitza bat esan nahi, baizik eta etxebizitza bat (domus) eta etxalde bat (grangia) ate batek (portum) itxitako hesituriko lurrezko lurralde batetaz gain.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The suffix psu or PSU (denoting practical salinity unit) is sometimes added to PSS-78 measurement values.
Batzuetan psu edo PSU (gazitasun unitate praktikoa, practical salinity unit) gehitzen zaie PSS-78 erabiliz neurtutako balioei.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
22 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.