denounce oor Baskies


/dəˈnaʊns/, /diˈnaʊns/ werkwoord
(transitive, obsolete) To make known in a formal manner; to proclaim; to announce; to declare.

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The Belgian intervention divided Lumumba and Kasa-Vubu; while Kasa-Vubu accepted the Belgian operation, Lumumba denounced it and called for "all Congolese to defend our republic against those who menace it."
Belgikaren interbentzioak gatazka sortu zuen Lumumba eta Kasa-Vuburen artean: bigarrenak onartu bazuen ere, Lumumbak "kongoar guztiak errepublika mehatxatzen duten guztien aurka defendatzeko" deia egin zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both chambers of Parliament, however, supported Lumumba and denounced Kasa-Vubu's action.
Parlamentuko bi ganberek, hala ere, Lumumba babestu zuten eta Kasa-Vuburen ekimena gaitzetsi zuten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Former president Theodore Roosevelt denounced German acts as "piracy".
Theodore Roosevelt lehendakari ohiak "pirateria" gisa salatu zituen Alemaniaren ekintzak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Chicago the established church leaders denounced the boycott, but some younger Protestant ministers defended it.
Chicagon, elizaren liderrek boikota kondenatu eta salatu zuten, baina ministro protestante gazteenek greba eta boikota babestu zuten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There, the Sicilian congress held a meeting, denouncing Syracuse, but the Syracusans responded that they preferred their actual liberties instead of a continuation of tyranny.
Handik Siziliar kongresuak Sirakusa salatu zuen baina sirakusarrek erantzun zuten nahiago zutela orduko askatusuna tiraniarekin jarraitzea baino.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They explicitly denounce absolutism and relativism.
Tradizionalismoak absolutismoa eta obedientzia goraipatzen ditu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Governor John Peter Altgeld of Illinois, a Democrat, denounced Cleveland and said he could handle all disturbances in his state without federal intervention.
Illinois-eko gobernadore demokratak, John Peter Altgeld, Cleveland salatu zuen eta argudiatu zuen inolako laguntza federalarik gabe liskarrak kontrolatu ahal zituela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The procedure provided for in section 94 for entering into international treaties and agreements shall be used for denouncing them.
Nazioarteko itun eta hitzarmenak salatzeko, 94. artikuluan, haik onartzeko aldez aurretikako prozedura hura erabiliko da.Lagun Lagun
I will hide a book in every fireman's house and then denounce him.
Liburu bat gordeko dut suhiltzaileen etxeetan eta salatu egingo ditut.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We cannot denounce him as a dynamiter; that is agreed.
Ezin dugu salatu dinamitazaletzat; horretan adostasuna dago.Literature Literature
I have denounced him, answered the Professor.
—Nik salatu dut bera —erantzun zuen Profesoreak.Literature Literature
They asked me... to denounce you.
Zu salatzeko eskatu didate.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A 9 year old child denounces his mother who picked mangoes
9 urteko ume batek ama salatu du mangoak biltzeagatik.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She denounced the church men for trampling on "celestial wisdom", arguing that the people of God should be separated from the "mondains" through "hatred of the world" and "divine love".
Elizako gizonak salatu zituen zeruko jakituria zapaltzeagatik, argudiatu zuen Jainkoaren herria banandua egon beharko litzakeela “mondains”-etatik “munduaren gorrotoa” eta “maitasun jainkotiar”-aren bitartez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then why doesnt he denounce you?
—Orduan zergatik ez zaitu salatzen?Literature Literature
In the 1930s, he was the Dozentenführer (Nazi political leader of the faculty) at Tübingen, and was responsible for denouncing fellow Tübingen mathematician Erich Kamke for having married a Jewish woman.
1930eko hamarkadan, Tübingengo Dozentenführer (fakultateko nazismoaren lider politikaria) izan zen, Tübingengo Erich Kamke matematikaria salatzearen arduraduna izan zen, emakume judu batekin ezkontzeagatik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some awaited arrest, some turned themselves in and denounced others.
Atxiloketak denbora luzean izan ziren, batzuk atera eta besteak sartu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This work was denounced by the Catholic Church and added to the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
Magia eta okultismoaren inguruko tratatu bat da, Inkizizioaren Index Librorum Prohibitorumean gehitu zutena.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You know, all he had to do was to denounce you, and in a year the whole building would be kissing his ass.
Aski izan dut zu salatzea... urtebetean eraikin osoa nire menpe jartzeko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Leo refused to denounce me.
Leok uko egin zion ni salatzeari.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At a conference organized by the Anti-Phishing Working Group, Phillip Hallam-Baker denounced the term as "a marketing neologism designed to convince banks to buy a new set of security services".
Anti-phishing Working Group-ek deituriko hitzaldi batean, Phillip Hallam Baker-ek, pharming-a, banketxeek segurtasun zerbitzu bat erosteko diseinatutako marketing-eko neologismo bat zela salatu zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Children are encouraged to report suspicious persons to the government, and some denounce their parents.
Umeak susmagarriak salatzera bultzatzen dituzte; hortaz, batzuek euren gurasoak salatzen dituzte.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Poland and Hungary directly denounce "Communism" in their founding documents in reference to their past regimes.
Poloniak eta Hungariak “komunismoa” salatzen dute haien konstituzio dokumentuetan, aurreko erregimenak adierazteko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Earlier some critics and literary historians were denounced for suggesting that Russian classics had been influenced by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Molière, Lord Byron or Charles Dickens.
Lehenago historialari batzuk ere salatu zituzten, Errusiako egile klasikoetan Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Molière, Lord Byron edo Charles Dickensen influentzia zegoela adierazteagatik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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