design time oor Baskies

design time

The time during which you create and modify the design of the objects and code in your application.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


The time during which you create and modify the design of the objects and code in your application.

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It is also time that designers in Africa stop looking outside.
Gainera, bada garaia Afrikako diseinatzaileek kanpora begiratzeari utz diezaioten.ted2019 ted2019
Original author, long time maintainer, design and lots of code
Jatorrizko egilea, denbora askoz mantentzailea, diseinua eta kode ugariKDE40.1 KDE40.1
During this time Caldas became engineer's colonel designing an artillery apparatus for the revolutionaries.
Garai hartan, Caldas ingeniarien koronel bihurtu zen artilleria aparatu bat diseinatuz iraultzaileentzat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The sunshield is designed to be folded twelve times so it will fit within the Ariane 5 rocket's 4.57 m (5 yards) × 16.19 m (17.7 yards) payload fairing.
Argi-babeskia bi aldiz tolesteko egina dago, beraz, Ariane 5 suziriaren kubiertan (4,57 m (5 yarda) × 16,19 m (17,7 yarda-koa da) sartzen da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is time that students of design in Africa read the works of titans like Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal's Cheikh Anta Diop, whose seminal work on Egypt is vindicated by this discovery.
Bada garaia Afrikako diseinu-ikasleek Cheikh Anta Diop bezalako titanen lanak irakur ditzaten. Izan ere, senegaldar horrek Egiptori buruz egindako lan garrantzitsuak inskripzioen aurkikuntzari esker baieztatu ahal izan ziren.ted2019 ted2019
We want things that are designed for how they're used the vast majority of the time, not that rare event.
Denbora luzean erabiltzeko diseinatutako gauzak nahi ditugu, eta ez behinola bakarrik erabiltzekoak.QED QED
Frequently, as some software develops, its design information and improvements are often lost over time, but this lost information can usually be recovered with reverse engineering.
Beste aldetik, softwarea garatzen den heinean, diseinuaren informazioa eta hobekuntzak denboran zehar galdu egiten dira, baina alderantzizko ingeniaritzari esker berreskuratu daiteke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Real-time video and audio streaming protocols are designed to handle occasional lost packets, so only slight degradation in quality occurs, rather than large delays if lost packets were retransmitted.
Denbora errealeko bideo eta soinuarentzako streaming protokoloak pakete batzuek galerari aurre egiteko diseinatzen dira, hortaz, degradazio txiki bat bakarrik gertatzen da galdutako paketeen zain atzerapen handiak jasan ordez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the first time in the housetory of fishion, all of the most important designers will come together under one rureff.
Lehen aldia da modaren historian diseinatzailerik garrantzitsuenak elkarrekin egongo dira.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On March 31, 2010, the YouTube website launched a new design, with the aim of simplifying the interface and increasing the time users spend on the site.
2010eko martxoaren 31n, YouTube-k diseinu berria jarri zuen abian, interfazea erraztu eta erabiltzaileek webgunean denbora gehiago pasatzeko helburuarekin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Their tables were set discreetly apart and the two tables nearest to Doctor Percival’s were empty — she wondered whether this was by design or chance. She noticed for the first time how all the windows were wired.
Mahaien artean dezenteko tartea zegoen, eta euren mahaitik hurbilen zeuden mahaietan ez zegoen inor... Sarahk bere buruari galdetu zion hori nahitakoa edo kasualitate hutsa izango ote zen. Konturatu zen leihoek burdinesia zeukatela.Lagun Lagun
And today, I had time to show you one point in this new design space, and a few of the possibilities that we're working to bring out of the laboratory.
Eta gaur, zuei diseinu espazio berri honetako puntu bat erakusteko aukera izan dut, eta laborategitik kalera ateratzeko lanean ari garen aukeratako batzuk.QED QED
For a brief time, Stanley changed his character to "The Bandit", with a "Lone Ranger" style mask design make-up pattern.
Denbora tarte txiki baterako, Stanleyk bere makillajea aldatu zuen, "The Bandit" izatera pasatuz, "Lone Ranger" moduko maskara duen makillaje batekin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For English Electric he designed a relatively small steam generator (3 tons/hr), but with—for the time—very high pressure (supercritical) and without any drum.
English Electric-entzat erlatiboki lurrun-sorgailu txiki bat sortu zuen (3 tona/h) baina -garai horretarako, preiso oso handiarekin (superkritikoa) eta gaineradanborrik gabe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Also, as time allows, he should utilize the accompanying artwork and Scriptural points, which are designed to complement the material to be covered.
Gainera, denboraren arabera, lan-koadernoko irudiak eta Biblian oinarritutako ideiak erabiliko ditu, aztertu beharreko gaia osatzeko diseinatuta baitaude.jw2019 jw2019
In 1947, Burks, Goldstine and von Neumann published another report that outlined the design of another type of machine (a parallel machine this time) that would be exceedingly fast, capable perhaps of 20,000 operations per second.
1947an, Burksek, Goldstinek eta Von Neumannek beste makina mota baten diseinua deskribatzen duen txosten bat argitaratu zuten (une honetan, makina paralelo bat).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This design, wherein the CPU's execution resources can operate on only one instruction at a time, can only possibly reach scalar performance (one instruction per clock cycle, IPC = 1).
PUZaren exekuzio-baliabideek agindu bakarrarekin operatu dezaketen diseinu horrek, ziurrenik, eginkizun eskalarra bakarrik lortu dezake (agindu bakarra erloju-zikloko).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Together with Frank Drake he designed the plaque, and the artwork was prepared by Linda Salzman Sagan, who was Sagan's wife at the time.
Plaka, Carl Sagan eta Frank Drakek diseinatu zuten, Linda Salzman Saganek marraztu zuen bitartean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Behe wrote in The New York Times of February 7, 2005: “The strong appearance of design [in nature] allows a disarmingly simple argument: if it looks, walks and quacks like a duck, then, absent compelling evidence to the contrary, we have warrant to conclude it’s a duck.”
Behe mikrobiologoak hauxe idatzi zuen 2005eko otsailaren 7ko The New York Timesen: «[Naturak] agertzen duen diseinuak argudio ukaezin bati bide ematen dio: karranka egin eta ahate baten itxura eta ibilera badu, orduan, kontrako frogarik ez badago, ahatea dela pentsatzeko arrazoiak ditugu».jw2019 jw2019
And, just about at that time, an Austrian magazine called and asked if we would want to do six spreads -- design six spreads that work like dividing pages between the different chapters in the magazine?
Eta, orduantxe, Austriako aldizkari batetik deitu eta galdetu zidaten ea sei orrialde egin nahi nituen---sei orrialde diseinatu aldizkariko atal ezberdinak zatitzeko?.ted2019 ted2019
And, just about at that time, an Austrian magazine called and asked if we would want to do six spreads -- design six spreads that work like dividing pages between the different chapters in the magazine?
Eta, orduantxe, Austriako aldizkari batetik deitu eta galdetu zidaten ea sei orrialde egin nahi nituen --- sei orrialde diseinatu aldizkariko atal ezberdinak zatitzeko?.QED QED
In summer 2010, the mission passed its Critical Design Review with excellent grades on all technical matters, but schedule and cost slips at that time prompted Maryland US Senator Barbara Mikulski to call for an independent review of the project.
2010eko udan, misioak Critical Design Review froga gainditu zuen, emaitza bikainekin gai teknikoei zegokienez, hala ere, kronogramaren eta aurrekontu handiaren ondorioz, Marylandeko Senatariak, Barbara Mikulskik, proiektuaren berrikuspen independente bat eskatu behar izan zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"He did not design himself, but worked through his designers," wrote Christian Dior, who was a member of the Lelong team from 1941 until 1946, during which time he created the collections in collaboration with Pierre Balmain.
"Berak ez zuen diseinatzen, bere diseinatzaileekin batera lan egiten zuen." idatzi zuen Christian Diorek, 1941tik 1946ra Lelongen taldeko kide izan zenak; garai horretan berak zenbait bilduma sortu zituen Pierre Balmainekin batera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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