designation oor Baskies


/dɛzɪgˈneɪʃən/ naamwoord
The act of designating; a pointing out or showing; indication.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies




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clothes designer
diseinugile · joskin · josle · jostun
costume designer
urban design
systems design
Sistemen diseinua
diseinu · marrazketa
adierazi · aukeratu · deitu · erakutsi · esan · hautatu · izena eman · izena jarri · izendatu · jaio · zehaztu · zuzendu
automotive design
Automobilen diseinua
asmaketa · asmatu · asmo · aurreproiektu · diseinatu · diseinu · diseinu (proiektuena) · eraiki · iduri · irudi · krokis · marrazketa · marrazki · marraztu · modelo · plan · proiektu · sortu · trazatu
design element


Advanced filtering
A rotary evaporator consists of a round flask in a bath of hot water that is designed to evaporate solvents. The flask is rotated and the solvent collects under a vacuum onto a condenser and drips into a condensate collecting flask. in this way solutions can be concentrated or purified. By attaching a vacuum pump, the air pressure and therefore the boiling point of the fluid can be decreased
Lurrungailu birakaria ur beroan jarritako matraze esferiko bat da eta disolbatzaileak lurruntzeko erabiltzen da. Matrazeak bira egiten du eta disolbatzailea kondentsadore batean jasotzen da hutsunearen eraginez. Honela disoluzioen konzentrazioa handiagotu edo txikiagotu daiteke. Irakite-puntua txikiagotzeko huts-ponpa bat gehitu daitekeKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Both have been granted the status of a protected designation of origin by the European Commission, which requires that only cheese produced in the three counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire and made according to a strict code may be called "Stilton".
Soilik Derbyshire, Leicestershire eta Nottinghamshiren egiten den gazta (eta arauen arabera egina) dei daiteke "Stilton".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Industrial designers often utilize 3D software, computer-aided industrial design and CAD programs to move from concept to production.
Industria diseinatzaileek askotan software programak, ordenagailu bidezko diseinu industriala eta 3D CAD erabiltzen dituzte kontzeptualizaziotik produktuaren ekoizpenera arte.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These parks featured vast lawns, woods, and pieces of architecture, such as the classical mausoleum designed by Hawksmoor at Castle Howard.
Parke horien osagaiak ziren zelai zabalak, basoak eta zenbait arkitektura-elementu, hala nola Hawksmoor-ek Castle Howard-en diseinaturiko mausoleo klasikoa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And because it's really designed around an edited set of possessions -- my favorite stuff -- and really designed for me, I'm really excited to be there.
Eta, nik gogokoen ditudan gauzetarako bereziki diseinatuta dagoenez, neuretzat dago bereziki diseinatuta, beraz, oso pozik nago han bizitzearekin.QED QED
Given its shape and design, it was thought to date from the 1930s.
Publizitatean eta diseinuan egin zuen lan 1922. urtetik aurrera eta argazkigintzaz baliatu zen 1930. urteaz geroztik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Much of the electronic old and new media used by commercial artists and graphic designers is multimedia.
Artista komertzialek erabiltzen duten gailu elektroniko zahar eta berri oro da multimedia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These and other designs may be studied in his Sammlung architektonischer Entwürfe (1820–1837) and his Werke der höheren Baukunst (1840–1842; 1845–1846).
Proiektu hauek eta beste asko Sammlung architektonischer Entwürfe (Zirriborro Arkitektonikoen Bilduma 1820-1837 artean) eta Werke der höheren Baukunst (1840-1842; 1845-1846) liburuetan agertzen dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A simple AND gate in VHDL would look something like -- (this is a VHDL comment) -- import std_logic from the IEEE library library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- this is the entity entity ANDGATE is port ( I1 : in std_logic; I2 : in std_logic; O : out std_logic); end entity ANDGATE; -- this is the architecture architecture RTL of ANDGATE is begin O <= I1 and I2; end architecture RTL; (Notice that RTL stands for Register transfer level design.)
Bi sarrerako ETA ate logiko baten inplementazioa honako itxura izango luke VHDL lengoaian: -- (hau VHDLko iruzkin bat da) -- std_logic inportatu IEEE liburutegitik -- kodea hemen hasten da library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; -- hau entitatea da entity ANDGATE is port ( IN1 : in std_logic; IN2 : in std_logic; OUT1: out std_logic); end ANDGATE; -- hau arkitektura da architecture RTL of ANDGATE is begin OUT1 <= IN1 and IN2; end RTL; ABEL VerilogWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was designed to compete with the Memory Stick, a DRM product that Sony had released the year before.
Sonyk aurreko urtean jaurtitako Memory Stick DRMdun produktuarekin lehiatzeko diseinatu zuten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the 18th century there were many innovations in the design of timber bridges by Hans Ulrich Grubenmann, Johannes Grubenmann, and others.
XVIII. mendean aurrerapen handiak izan ziren habeez eraikitako zubietan Hans Ulrich, Johannes Grubenmann eta beste batzuen eskutik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Archaeologists speculate its design may be an outcome of engineering crises experienced during the construction of Sneferu's two earlier pyramids.
Arkeologoek, honen arrazoia, Snefruren aurreko bi piramideen eraikuntzan gertatutako ingeniaritza krisien ondorioa izan daitekeela uste dute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An 1808 reconstruction of the theater designed by Jean Chalgrin (architect of the Arc de Triomphe) was officially named the Théâtre de l'Impératrice, but everyone still called it the Odéon.
1808an Jean Chalgrin-ek eraikina birmoldatu zuen eta Théâtre de l'Impératrice (Enperatrizaren antzokia) izena eman zion baina jendeak "Odéon" izenari eutsi zion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because of the extensive information and importance, this site was designated as a Special National Historical Site of Japan in 2000.
Agertzen ari den informazio andanarengatik Japoniako Eremu Historiko Berezi Nazionala izendatu zuten 2000an.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Designers can identify and eliminate hazards and reduce hazard risks where elimination is not possible.
Diseinuak eta proiektuak izan zezaketen arriskuak aurkitu direla eta eliminatu dela frogatu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(For more information on compiler design, see Compiler.)
(Marrazketarako propio egindako mahaiei buruz jakiteko, ikus: marrazketa-mahai).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As the hardest known naturally occurring substance when the scale was designed, diamonds are at the top of the scale.
Modu naturalean existitzen den substantziarik gogorrena izanik, diamantea eskalaren goialdean dago.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many electronic designs feature a single return that acts as a reference for all signals.
Diseinu elektroniko askotan seinale guztientzat itzulera izango den bide bakar bat jartzen da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By 829 it had a church consecrated to St George; thus it was designated as San Giorgio Maggiore to be distinguished from San Giorgio in Alga.
829rako San Jurgiri sagaratutako eliza bat zuen, hortik San Giorgi Maggiore deitua izana San Giorgio in Algagandik bereizteko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All of these were designed and constructed in Australia.
Orain arte eraikitako lan guztiak Australian egin ditu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During this time Caldas became engineer's colonel designing an artillery apparatus for the revolutionaries.
Garai hartan, Caldas ingeniarien koronel bihurtu zen artilleria aparatu bat diseinatuz iraultzaileentzat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1869, Tsukiji was designated as an approved residential area for foreigners.
1869an Tsukiji "atzerritarrentzako erresidentzia gunea" bihurtu zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is time that students of design in Africa read the works of titans like Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal's Cheikh Anta Diop, whose seminal work on Egypt is vindicated by this discovery.
Bada garaia Afrikako diseinu-ikasleek Cheikh Anta Diop bezalako titanen lanak irakur ditzaten. Izan ere, senegaldar horrek Egiptori buruz egindako lan garrantzitsuak inskripzioen aurkikuntzari esker baieztatu ahal izan ziren.ted2019 ted2019
You have used both " user-mode " and " design-mode " startup options
Batera " final-mode " eta " design-mode " hasierako aukerak erabili dituzuKDE40.1 KDE40.1
He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Honetaz gain, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) tituluaren jabe da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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