desirable oor Baskies


/dɪˈzaɪ(j)əɹəbəɫ/ adjektief, naamwoord
describing something worth having, that is useful to have, or that would be nice to have.

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desire to know
Desira · desio · desio izan · desira · desira izan · desiratu · gogo · gose · grina · gura · gura izan · gutizia · gutiziatu · irrika · irrikatu · min · nahi · nahi izan · nahiera · nahikeria
sexual desire
haragikeria · lizunkeria
hypoactive sexual desire disorder
until no more is needed nor desired
ase arte
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What do they gain, if the very tranquillity they enjoy is one of their miseries? Tranquillity is found also in dungeons; but is that enough to make them desirable places to live in? The Greeks imprisoned in the cave of the Cyclops lived there very tranquilly, while they were awaiting their turn to be devoured.
Presogeletan ere bakean bizitzen da; aski dea, ordea, haietan gogara egoteko? Zykloperen harpean hetsirik zeuden grekoak ere, janak izateko haien aldia jin artean, soseguan bizi ziren.Lagun Lagun
She desired to enable her husband the freedom to write.
Honek eman zion idazteko askatasuna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You didn’t have to attract desire. Either it was in the woman who aroused it or it didn’t exist.
Ez zen erakargarri izaten saiatu behar, ez zen hori. Norberaren baitan zegoen erakargarritasuna ala ez zegoen halakorik.Lagun Lagun
‘We have always desired her happiness.’
«Haren zoriona bilatu dugu beti.»Literature Literature
And he has opened the way for that desire to be fulfilled.
Jainkoak betiko bizitzeko desioarekin sortu gintuen eta desio hori betetzeko bidea ireki du.jw2019 jw2019
He wanted to weep, and in order to overcome this desire he endeavored to appear more drunk than he actually was.
Negar egin nahi zuen, eta gurari hori zapaltzearren zegoen baino mozkortuago zegoelako itxura ematen ahalegintzen zen.Literature Literature
He tortured himself to find out how he could make his declaration to her, and always halting between the fear of displeasing her and the shame of being such a coward, he wept with discouragement and desire.
Bere burua torturatzen zuen, hari bere deklarazioa egiteko moduaren bila; eta, hark atsegin ez izateko beldurraren eta bera hain koldar izateaz lotsaren artean beti ere zalantzan, negar egiten zuen etsipenez eta desiraz.Lagun Lagun
Throughout history, humans have had the desire to live forever.
Historian zehar, gizakiek betiko bizitzeko desira izan dute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For I much desire to speak with him.
Hari mintzatzeko irrikaz bainago.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The peace did not satisfy her, although La Rochefoucauld won the titles he desired.
Bakeak ez zuen konforme utzi, La Rochefoucauldentzat, honek nahi zituen tituluak lortu zituen arren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) is a television field reporter for Eyewitness News at WKBW-TV in Buffalo, New York, but he desires to be the news anchorman instead.
Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) AEBtako Buffalo hiriko WKBW-TV telebista kateko Eyewitness News saioko erreportari ase gabe bat da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And even though I desired to do an identity that doesn't use the architecture, I failed at that.
Eta arkitektura erabiltzen ez zuen identitate bat sortu nahi nuen, baina porrot egin nuen.ted2019 ted2019
That burning desire... #
Desio sutsu hori... #QED QED
He felt tired — the hour had struck long past for his triple J & B; Sarah would be growing anxious, and as he listened to the low hum of conversation in the box the desire to talk openly, without reserve, after seven years of silence grew in him.
Bere J&B hirukoitza hartzeko ordua aspaldi utzia zuen atzean. Sarah gero eta urduriago egongo zen. Konfesalekuko solasaldiaren marmar arina entzuten ari zelarik, argi eta garbi eta erreparorik gabe hitz egiteko gogoa handituz zihoan haren baitan, zazpi urteko isilaldiaren ondoren.Lagun Lagun
A Streetcar Named Desire was written by Tennessee Williams in 1947.
Desio izeneko tranbia (ingelesez: A Streetcar Named Desire) Tennessee Williams idazleak 1947an argitaratu zuen antzezlana da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Move the cursor to get the desired number of sides
Mugitu kurtsorea nahi diren alde kopuruak eskuratzekoKDE40.1 KDE40.1
It says the Altarpiece is one of the most desired pieces of art.
Honen arabera... oso lan gutiziatua da erretaula.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
and the most distant reminiscences, like the most immediate occasions, what she experienced as well as what she imagined, her voluptuous desires that were unsatisfied, her projects of happiness that crackled in the wind like dead boughs, her sterile virtue, her lost hopes, the domestic tete-a-tete - she gathered it all up, took everything, and made it all serve as fuel for her melancholy.
eta gomutapurrik urrunenak nahiz abagunerik hurbilenak, igartzen zuena irudikatzen zuenarekin batera, barreiatzen ari zitzaizkion apeta boluptuosoak, adar iharrak bezala haizetan kraskatzen ziren bere zorion-proiektuak, bere bertute antzua, bere esperantza eroriak, etxeko zirtzileriak, dena biltzen zuen, dena jasotzen zuen, eta dena erabiltzen zuen bere tristura berotzeko.Lagun Lagun
Roosevelt's December 1904 annual message to Congress declared: All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries stable, orderly, and prosperous.
1904ko abenduan, urteko mezuan, Rooseveltek zera esan zuen kongresuaren aurrean: Nazio honek desiratzen duen guztia, bere herrialde bizilagunak egonkor, ordenaturik eta oparo ikustea da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My young friends desire a private showing of two pairs.
Nire lagun gazteek ikuskizun pribatua nahi lukete, bi bikote. ¡OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Where there is reason to fear that the adoption or amendment of a provision laid down by law, regulation or administrative action of a Member State may cause distortion within the meaning of Article III-174, a Member State desiring to proceed therewith shall consult the Commission.
Baldin eta estatu kide batek legezko, batek erregelamenduzko edo administraziozko xedapenen bat onartuta edo aldatuta III-174. artikuluan zehaztutako moduko distortsioren bat sor litekeela-eta beldur izateko arrazoirik badago, neurri horiek hartu nahi dituen estatu kideak aholkua eskatu behar dio Batzordeari.Lagun Lagun
A slice of desire?
Grinaren xerra?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The most interesting novelty is the long-desired European bison.
Aspaldiko bisonte hauen ondorengoak dira egungo Europako bisonteak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The text shows a desire to communicate, to talk about death.
Testuak erakusten du komunikatzeko desioa, heriotzaz hitz egiteko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's just... the desires that once drove me no longer do.
Zera da... aurreko desirak joan dira.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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