desk study oor Baskies

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

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He began even to long for a desk at which he could sit and study lists of African writers — they might take his mind for a little from what had happened to Sarah.
Lan egiteko mahai bat ere irrikatu zuen, bertan eseri ahal izateko, Afrikako idazleen zerrendak ikasteko. Beharbada horrek une batez burutik uxatuko zion Sarahrekin gertatzen zena.Lagun Lagun
He does not leave his desk. But he receives the explorers in his study. He asks them questions, and he notes down what they recall of their travels. And if the recollections of any one among them seem interesting to him, the geographer orders an inquiry into that explorer’s moral character. >
Ez da sekula bere bulegotik irtetzen. Bainan geografoak esploratzaileen bisita hartzen du. Galderak egiten dizkie eta haien oroitzapen eta oharrak hartzen ditu. Eta haietariko norbaiten oroitzapenak interesatzen bazaizkio, esploratzaile beraren zintzotasunaz inkesta eginarazten du.Lagun Lagun
He looked just as snug and friendly as Doctor Castle’s study, which had been left unchanged after the doctor’s death: the pipe rack still over the desk, the Chinese bowl for ashes, the swivel armchair in which the stranger had been too ill at ease to seat himself.
Castle doktorearen bulegoa bezain lasaia eta atsegina zirudien. Izan ere, bulego hartan ez zen ezertxo ere mugitu Castle doktorea hil zenetik: ez mahaiko pipa-zorroa, ez hautsontzi gisa erabiltzen zen katilu txinatarra, ezta jarleku birakaria ere, non gizon ezezagun hura ez baitzen ausartu esertzen.Lagun Lagun
From his study he had taken every sheet of used carbon paper — however innocent — and burned them: the list of telephone numbers on his desk contained nothing more secret than the butcher’s and the doctor’s, and yet he felt certain somewhere there must be a clue he had forgotten.
Bere langelatik kalko-paper guztiak hartuak zituen eta, errugabeak izan arren, su eman zien. Bere idazmahaiko telefono-zerrendan zeuden telefono-zenbakirik arriskutsuenak harakinarena eta haginlariarena ziren. Ziur zegoen, hala ere, nonbait aztarnaren bat utzia zuela.Lagun Lagun
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