desktop environment oor Baskies

desktop environment

(computing) A complete graphical user interface solution to operate a computer.

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graphical user interface

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He proposed a new desktop environment.
Orduan proposatu zuen tenperatura-eskala berria.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The UNIX Desktop Environment
UNIX mahaigain inguruneaNameKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The Common Desktop Environment, a proprietary industry standard desktop environment
Common Desktopo Environment, mahaigain jabedun inguruneetako estandarraNameKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment, version #. A desktop environment reminiscent of CDE
Kolesterolik gabeko mahaigain ingurunea, # bertsioa. CDE gogorarazten duen mahaigainaNameKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Screen magnifier for the K Desktop Environment (KDE
KDE-ren pantailako lupaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment. A desktop environment reminiscent of CDE
Kolesterolik gabeko mahaigain ingurunea. CDE gogorarazten duen mahaigainaNameKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The GNU Network Object Model Environment. A complete, free and easy-to-use desktop environment
GNU Network Object Model Environment. mahaigain-ingurune oso, libre eta erabilterrazaNameKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Welcome to the K Desktop Environment
Ongi etorri KDEraKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The email client for the K Desktop Environment
K Mahaigaineko Ingurunearen (KDE) posta-bezeroaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
An RSS feed reader for the K Desktop Environment
KDE-ren RSS iturburu irakurleaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
A screen ruler for the K Desktop Environment
K mahaigain ingurunearen pantailako erregela batKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Get system and desktop environment information
Eskatu sistema eta mahaigain ingurune informazioaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
KDE is a powerful graphical desktop environment for UNIX workstations. A KDE desktop combines ease of use, contemporary functionality and outstanding graphical design with the technological superiority of the UNIX operating system
KDE, UNIX lanpostuentzako mahaigain ingurune grafiko sendoa da. KDE mahaigainak erabilera erraza, funtzionalitate gaurkotua eta diseinu grafiko bikaina elkartzen ditu UNIX sistema eragilearen nagusitasun teknologikoarekinKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Welcome to KMail %#KMail is the email client for the K Desktop Environment. It is designed to be fully compatible with Internet mailing standards including MIME, SMTP, POP# and IMAP. KMail has many powerful features which are described in the documentation The KMail homepage offers information about new versions of KMail %# %# %# We hope that you will enjoy KMail. Thank you, nbsp; & nbsp; The KMail Team
Ongi etorri KMail % # bertsioraKMail K Mahaingaineko Ingurunearen (KDE) posta-bezeroa da. Interneteko posta estandarrekin bateragarria izateko diseinatua: adibidez, MIME, SMTP, POP# eta IMAP. KMail-en gaitasunak dokumentazioan azaltzen dira KMail-en orri nagusiak KMail-en bertsioei buruzko informazioa eskeintzen dute % # KMail-en bertsio honen ezaugarri berri batzuk (KMail % # bertsioarekin konparatuta, KDE % # bertsioko kidea): % # % # KMail atseginekoa izango duzulakoan, Eskerrik asko, nbsp; & nbsp; KMail-en taldeaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Enhanced Browsing In this module you can configure some enhanced browsing features of KDE. Internet Keywords Internet Keywords let you type in the name of a brand, a project, a celebrity, etc... and go to the relevant location. For example you can just type " KDE " or " K Desktop Environment " in Konqueror to go to KDE 's homepage. Web Shortcuts Web Shortcuts are a quick way of using Web search engines. For example, type " altavista: frobozz " or " av: frobozz " and Konqueror will do a search on AltaVista for " frobozz ". Even easier: just press Alt+F# (if you have not changed this shortcut) and enter the shortcut in the KDE Run Command dialog
Hobetutako arakaketa Modulu honen bidez KDEren arakaketa hobetuko duten zenbait ezaugarri konfigura ditzakezu. Interneteko gako-hitzak Interneteko gako-hitzen bidez honako hau egin dezakezu: marka, proiektu, pertsonai ospetsu eta abarren izena sartu eta kokapen egokira joan zaitezke. Adibidez, " KDE " edo " K Desktop Environment " Konquerorren sartu baino ez duzu egin behar KDEren orrialdera joateko. Web lasterbideak Web lasterbideak bilagailuak erabiltzeko era bizkorra dira. Adibidez, " altavista: frobozz " edo " av: frobozz " sartu, eta Konquerorek " frobozz " bilatuko du Altavistan. Are errazago: Alt+F# sakatu (lasterbidea aldatu ez baduzu) eta lasterbidea sartu KDE Exekutatu komandoa elkarrizketanKDE40.1 KDE40.1
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