direct oor Baskies


/ˌdaɪˈrɛkt/, /dɚˈɛkt/, /dɪˈrɛkt/ adjektief, werkwoord, bywoord
Straight, constant, without interruption.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies







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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

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Soortgelyke frases

stage direction
water protection directive
ura babesteko arteztarau
EC directive
EBko arteztarau
direct action
Ekintza zuzen · zuzeneko akzio · zuzeneko ekintza
direction code
water quality directive
uraren kalitateari buruzko arteztarau
EC directive on water protection
ura babesteko EBko arteztarau
direct object
Objektu zuzen
direct memory access
zuzeneko memoria-atzipen


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Then, aren't we going in the wrong direction?
Konfiguratu KPilot konfigurazio morroia erabilizOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Forbidden City in Beijing is laid out to follow cosmic order though rather than observing four directions.
UNIX karaktere-sortaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On this occasion, half-way through the patrol the Russian policeman pulled a fast one on his colleagues and directed the car to the street where Anna Schmidt lived.
- Pertsona nagusiek bezala hitz egiten duzu! Haren esanak lotsatu ninduen pixka bat. Eta urrikirik gabe esan zuen: - Dena okertzen duzu! Dena nahasten duzu!Lagun Lagun
Her personality is the direct opposite of Mio.
Gaitu alarmaren gehienezko balioaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The European Council shall provide the Union with the necessary impetus for its development and shall define the general political directions and priorities thereof. It shall not exercise legislative functions.
& Gelditu Eguraldi ZerbitzuaLagun Lagun
The name changed again in the Spring of 2009, this time to NEO Direct, Inc. They went on to release the Neo2 and 2Know Responder hardware products.
TRIM(testuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The principal actors Edward G. Robinson, Joan Bennett and Dan Duryea had earlier appeared together in The Woman in the Window (1944), also directed by Fritz Lang.
Testu fitxategientzako % # karpeta ez da baliozkoaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2008 and 2009, the first direct evidence for ongoing volcanism was observed by Venus Express, in the form of four transient localized infrared hot spots within the rift zone Ganis Chasma, near the shield volcano Maat Mons.
Batzordeak, estatu kideekin lankidetza estuan arituz, aipatutako koordinazioa sustatzeko moduko edozein ekimen onar dezake.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Insyriated is a 2017 Belgian drama film directed by Philippe Van Leeuw.
Helbide editore motaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Before discontinuing a Bible study, seek Jehovah’s direction in prayer.
Ardatz-lerroen koloreajw2019 jw2019
What is one example of recent direction received from Jehovah’s organization?
— Eta estatubatuarrei igortzen dizkiegun agiri guztien kopiak bidaliko bagenizkie, gure agurrak eta guzti, zer? Distentsio-garaian gaude, ezta? Makina bat arazo gutxiago izango genuke —jw2019 jw2019
The Government of Cantabria is the body in charge of directing the political activities and exercising the executive and regulatory powers according to the Constitution, the Statute and the laws.
— Eta estatubatuarrei igortzen dizkiegun agiri guztien kopiak bidaliko bagenizkie, gure agurrak eta guzti, zer? Distentsio-garaian gaude, ezta? Makina bat arazo gutxiago izango genuke —WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But, as men cannot engender new forces, but only unite and direct existing ones, they have no other means of preserving themselves than the formation, by aggregation, of a sum of forces great enough to overcome the resistance. These they have to bring into play by means of a single motive power, and cause to act in concert.
Emma oinez ibiltzean ahul sentitzen zen; espaloiko harkazkarrek min ematen zioten; bere etxera itzuli ala nonbait esertzera sartu zalantzan egon zen.Lagun Lagun
Of Time and the City is a 2008 British documentary collage film directed by Terence Davies.
BerrezarriWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Creating up to 20,000 direct and indirect local jobs, its plants include dry-cooling systems that reduce water usage by up to 90%.
Orduak: MinutuakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Negotiator is a 1998 American action thriller film directed by F. Gary Gray.
Aldatu tamainaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These men were not under the direct orders of the Emir, who was now detained beyond the Yenisei.
Saguaren egoeraLiterature Literature
They will find helpful principles by reviewing published direction regarding how to conduct the Watchtower Study.
Arau bat ez da betejw2019 jw2019
It was directed and produced by Frank Heimans and photographed by Geoff Burton.
Egun batean ameskaitz honetatik kanpo itzartuko naiz, pentsatu nuen, berriz manten azpian kuzkurtzen nintzelarik. Izugarri isilik zegoen ingurua, erroien karranka soilik entzuten zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the photography I am grateful to Mr. Johan Ankerstjerne and to Mr. Richard Louw for the art direction.
Goi-ezkerraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stretching toward Chittagong. She’s left the tracks, the forests, the tea roads, the red suns behind, and she goes forward over the estuary of the deltas. She goes in the same direction as the world, toward the engulfing, always distant east. One day she comes face to face with the sea.
Behin behineko autonomia errejimena duten lurraldeetan, haien goiko organo kolejiatuek, beren kideen arteko gehiengo absolutua jasoz, hurrengo iniziatiba hau alda dezakete, hots, 143. artikuluko 2. apartatuak Diputazio Probintziak edo dagozkien organo Intsular artekoei ematen die.Lagun Lagun
We are ready to take this country in a fundamentally new direction.
Lerro osoen kopuruaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The doctor's large body made a small threatening move in Truttwell's direction.
Ordea, nola beste munduko erresuma horren ideia ez baitzen inoiz sartu paganoen buruetan, hauek giristinoak egiazko jazarletzat jo zituzten, pentsatuz, manakortasun hipokrita baten itxuran, independente eta nagusi izateko paradaren aurkitzea zutela helburu bakarra, eta haien ahulezia zela-eta alegia errespetatzen zuten aginpidea abilki usurpatu nahi zutela.Literature Literature
When the circuit is solved, a negative value for the variable means that the actual direction of current through that circuit element is opposite that of the chosen reference direction.
Batzordeko kideak uko egingo dio bere karguari, baldin eta lehendakariak hala egitea eskatzen badio. Batasuneko Atzerri Arazoetako ministroak uko egingo dio bere karguari, I-28. artikuluaren 1. paragrafoan ezarritako prozeduraren arabera, baldin eta lehendakariak hala egitea eskatzen badio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, this system in Guangzhou is moving more passengers our direction than all subway lines in China, except for one line in Beijing, at a fraction of the cost.
Lehenengo orriated2019 ted2019
201 sinne gevind in 28 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.