direct action oor Baskies

direct action

A form of political activism, in which participants act directly, ignoring established political procedures. This is often (but not always) accomplished by means of strikes, workplace occupations, sabotage, sit-ins, squatting, revolutionary/guerrilla warfare, demonstrations, vandalism or graffiti.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

Ekintza zuzen

action taken by a group intended to reveal an existing problem, highlight an alternative, or demonstrate a possible solution to a social issue

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Now watch this: three beers and two shorts, one mark ten, there, I paid for em, direct action.’
Esagura (aukerakoaLiterature Literature
You are not direct-action elements.
Berrezarri etiketaren posizioakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We aim to destroy all the institutions of state by direct action.
baimen-erroreaLiterature Literature
Good day to you, Mr Direct Action.
Ahalke oro deserosotzat jo zuen. Begirunerik gabe tratatu zuen. Gauza malgu eta usteldua bihurtu zuen.Literature Literature
This unauthorised use of the character spread and Miffy became a mascot for groups involved in radical ecological direct action.
Kredituak kapituluka zehaztuko dira, eta beren izaera edo zertatakoaren arabera pilatuko dira gastuak kapituluotan; eta azpitaldeak egingo dira, III-412. artikuluan ohartematen den Europako legearen arabera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Galleani and his group promoted radical anarchism by speeches, newsletters, labor agitation, political protests, secret meetings, and, above all, direct action.
Gerlaren helburua Estatu etsaiaren suntsitzea izanki, zilegi da armak eskutan dituzteno haren zaintzaileen hiltzea; baina armak utzi eta errendatu orduko, ez baitira gehiago etsai edo etsaiaren zerbitzuko, besterik gabe gizon dira berriz, eta haien biziaren gaineko eskubiderik ez da gehiago.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘So what you do goes by the name of direct action, right: going round, putting up pieces of paper, making speeches?
Italiera (itLiterature Literature
He made a point of emphasizing that the ransom demand is the same amount as the uncut stones I've acquired for direct action.
& Esleitu etiketa hautatutako irudieiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A separate organization, headed by Patrick Dunn, then called for a more militant demonstration on January 5, urging workers to use direct action if the government did not respond to demands.
Konexioa #NameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
James Bevel, SCLC's Director of Direct Action and Director of Nonviolent Education, then came up with a bold and controversial alternative: to train high school students to take part in the demonstrations.
Artikulu honen arabera harturiko babes-neurriek ez dute esan nahi estatu kide bakoitzak beste neurri babesgarriagorik edukitzen jarraitu edo hartu ezin duenik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Red Sonja is a 1985 Dutch-American sword and sorcery action film directed by Richard Fleischer.
— Nork utzi du nor? Zure amaginarrebaren etxera etortzea ez da inola ere ezkontza-egoitza uztea. Mauriceri dagokionez... oraindik etxean badago, ez zaitu abandonatu. — Ez dago etxean. — Non dago ba? — Ez dakit, ez dakit, Mrs. Castle.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Box 507 (Spanish: La caja 507) is a 2002 Spanish action film directed by Enrique Urbizu.
Ireki saioaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I, Robot (stylized as i,robot) is a 2004 American science fiction action film directed by Alex Proyas.
Iragazketa aukerakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A co-founder of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), she directed its militant actions from exile in France from 1912 to 1913.
Letra-tipoaren tamainaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the purposes of paragraph 1, before submitting proposals in the social policy field, the Commission shall consult management and labour on the possible direction of Union action.
Ja ja ja... banan bananLagun Lagun
The President shall direct the Governments action and coordinate the functions of the other members thereof, without prejudice to the competence and direct responsability of the latter in the discharge of their duties.
Hainbat etiketa sar ditzakezu testuanLagun Lagun
The Negotiator is a 1998 American action thriller film directed by F. Gary Gray.
Ezin da hurrengo errepikapena baina beranduagorako atzeratu (une honetan %WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a 1984 American action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg.
Koltxoia altxatu nuen eta piza goma higuingarritik lurrera marruskatzen hasi nintzen. Gero putzua igurtzi eta atearen hondorantz bultzaka eramaten hasi nintzen. Prozesu luzea zen, geldoa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Johnny English Strikes Again is a 2018 action comedy film directed by David Kerr.
Bekozko ilunez, bere kontua ez balitz bezala hau gaineratu zuen: – Gaur arratsaldean lurperatu behar dute. Oraintxe joan dira. – Zeintzuk? – Zerak, adiskide pare bat eta zerraldoa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Matrix Reloaded is a 2003 science fiction action film written and directed by The Wachowskis.
– Zer izen du mesedez? – < Hirugarren Gizona > – esan zuen Martinsek eta bere buruarekin gezurrezko konfiantza berreskuratu zuen oztopo hori gainditu zuelako.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Action by the Union, which shall complement national policies, shall be directed towards improving public health, preventing human illness and diseases, and obviating sources of danger to physical and mental health.
Costa Ricako kolonaLagun Lagun
The Government responds politically for its actions in a joint manner, to the Basque Parliament, without detriment to the direct responsibility of each member for his/her respective administration.
Karterara hurbildu eta barrutik arrabol zuri bat atera zuen, pixkanaka-pixkanaka makila bihurtu zuena. — Zu itsua zara, itsu errukarria, Mr. Partridge.Lagun Lagun
Total 2000-2009 People processed: 38,728 people People finding jobs: 16,225 people People contracted: 2,807 people Participation in programmes for Vocational Training/Qualifications: 10,741 people Total 2000-2009 People processed: 12,335 people Companies receiving support: 923 people Direct employment generated: 1,712 people Investment made: €37,860,830 Total 2009 Business information queries: 97 Individualised diagnostics: 53 Advice at the retail outlet: 57 Subsidies awarded: €76,500 Training actions: 130 stores Support for Bilbao Dendak and Bilbao Traders Association: €357,000
Orriaren estiloaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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