divide oor Baskies


/dɪvaɪd/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) To split or separate (something) into two or more parts.

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It is divided into the judicial branch (dealing with civil law and criminal law) and the administrative branch (dealing with appeals against executive decisions), each with their own independent supreme court of appeal: the Court of Cassation for the judicial courts and the Conseil d'Etat for the administrative courts.
Sortu marko berri bat irudi edo diagrama batentzatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The ancient Egyptians divided the day into 24 hours.
Ahaztu zuen, teorian behintzat, diplomazialaria zela, menpeko enplegatua bazen ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Belgian intervention divided Lumumba and Kasa-Vubu; while Kasa-Vubu accepted the Belgian operation, Lumumba denounced it and called for "all Congolese to defend our republic against those who menace it."
Hain baita argala, beldurra sartzen zaio bat-batean horregatik ere, kolpetik. Bai eta buruko min horregatik ere, neskatoa zorabiarazi eta zurbil, mugitu ezinik uzten baitu, begietan benda busti bat jarririk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Is the sovereign authority to be divided? Or is it to be concentrated in a single town to which all the rest are made subject?
Ezin daiteke inor torturatu, ezta inori zigor edo tratu txar, anker eta lotsarazlerik eman ere.Lagun Lagun
Sometimes a river divides into multiple branches in an inland area, only to rejoin and continue to the sea.
jokalariaren izenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Neither the one nor the other, I reply. First, the sovereign authority is one and simple, and cannot be divided without being destroyed.
Begiak itsutu zizkion ilunpetik atera eta argitasunak jotzerakoan; aditu zuen, baina nekez ikus zezakeen, Crabbin beregana zetorrela.Lagun Lagun
British and allied forces had conquered Baghdad, Damascus, and Jerusalem during the war and most of the Ottoman Empire was divided amongst the European allies.
Haiek dendara itzultzeko agindu zuen Charlesek; Feliciteri ahaztu egin zitzaion; Charlesek berak bazuen beste kezkarik; hartaz ez zuten gehiago pentsatu; monsieur Lheureux erasoan itzuli zen, eta, oraintxe mehatxuka oraintxe zinkurinaka, halaxe maniobratu zuen non Bovaryk azkenean ordainduko bat sinatu baitzion sei hilabeteko epeaz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No, we won't let him divide us will we?
Atal hau hor dagoela-eta Batasunak ezin du, hura oinarri hartuta, lehia desitxuratzeko moduko inolako neurririk hartu, edo zerga-xedapenak edo beste inoren konturako langileen eskubide eta interesei buruzko xedapenak dakartzan inolako neurririk hartu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Iceland was historically divided into 23 counties, sýslur and 23 independent towns, kaupstaðir.
Argiak piztu egin ziren. Ikuskizuna bukatuta zegoen. Beste edozein gauza, zuzendariaren ustez, klimaxaren kontrako zerbait izango zen Rita Rollsen ondoren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a result, he divided the citizens into three classes (soldiers, artisans and 'husbandmen'), with the land also divided into three (sacred, public and private).
& Ahotsaren fitxategiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When the Roman Empire was divided in 395AD, Sicily became part of the Western Roman Empire.
Hautatu errekurtso karpetaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He said, " There are two types of people in this world: those who divide the world into two types and those who do not. "
Kendu harpidetza zerrendatikQED QED
Designed in the rare, and short-lived, English Baroque style, architectural appreciation of the palace is as divided today as it was in the 1720s.
Gaitu alarmaren gehienezko balioaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ahijah ripped his own robe into 12 pieces and told Jeroboam: ‘Jehovah will take the kingdom of Israel away from Solomon’s family and divide it in two.
Blokeatu dauden lekuanjw2019 jw2019
Planets are generally divided into two main types: large low-density giant planets, and smaller rocky terrestrials.
— Aiko! zioen laborariak, zinez esan liteke iturritxo bat jarioan! Bai gorria daukadala odola! Horrek seinale ona izan behar du, ez al da hala?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Russian Federation is divided into eighty-five federal subjects, three of which are federal cities.
Niretzako deia iritsi zen, eta atera jo nuen The Curragh of Kildareren emanaldia eskaintzeko, eta abesten ari nintzela, denbora guztia B noiz agertuko eman nuen, oin-puntetan inor ohartzeke etorri eta atearen bitartetik aurpegira galdara bat desinfektatzaile zartada botatzera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At present Holy Mother Church is fatally divided.
Adinarekin, jokamolde oiesak hartzen ari zen; bazkalburuan, botila hutsen kortxoa ebakitzen zuen; jan ondoren, mihingaina pasatzen zuen hortzen gainean; zopa hartzerakoan, hurrupada bakoitzeko koroka egiten zuen, eta, gizentzen hasia zenez, bere begiek, berez ere txikiak, lokietara igotzen ari zirela ziruditen masailondoen hanturarengatik.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Actually, I kind of divide the world into two groups now.
Inportatu Gakoa Gako ZerbitzaritikQED QED
By the mid-twentieth-century, the grand apartments had mostly been divided into studios and one-bedroom units, almost all of which retained their original architectural detail.
Helburuko % # albuma ez da datu-basean aurkituWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Great circles divide the sphere in two equal hemispheres and all great circles intersect each other.
Berdea (cyana eta horiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A Kingdom Divided
Nik beste inork ez zuen ulertu. Eta hain ezaguera soila neureganatu nuenez geroztik, alegia, nire neba gaztearen gorputz hura nire gorputza zela orobat, hil beharra neukan nik.jw2019 jw2019
Kummer showed that if p divides the second factor, then it also divides the first factor.
Garbitu trepetaren edukinakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Divide et impera (lat. " Divide and conquer ")-by splitting a window into two parts (e. g. Window-> Split View Left/Right) you can make Konqueror appear the way you like. You can even load some example view-profiles (e. g. Midnight Commander), or create your own ones
Fitxategia EzabatuKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The least upper bound of two numbers is the smallest number that is divided by both of them, i.e. the least common multiple of the numbers.
KonfiguratuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Risk factors can be divided into two categories: modifiable risk factors (things that people can change themselves, such as consumption of alcoholic beverages), and fixed risk factors (things that cannot be changed, such as age and biological sex).
Kanal nuluaren aukerakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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