divine oor Baskies


/dɪˈvaɪn/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
eternal, holy, or otherwise supernatural.

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That punishment is considered a divine comandment.
Zigor hori Jainkoaren agindutzat daukate.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They believed that a genius was this, sort of magical divine entity, who was believed to literally live in the walls of an artist's studio, kind of like Dobby the house elf, and who would come out and sort of invisibly assist the artist with their work and would shape the outcome of that work.
Bera bazela uste zuen, bizi zela, literalki, artisten estudioan, Dobby elfo domestikoa izango balitz bezala, eta atera eta inbisible izanik artistarengana joaten zela bere lanarekin eta lanari forma ematen ziola.ted2019 ted2019
The second is good in that it unites the divine cult with love of the laws, and, making country the object of the citizens’ adoration, teaches them that service done to the State is service done to its tutelary god.
Bigarren erlijioa ona da, zeren Jainkoaren kultua eta legeen amodioa bateratuz, eta aberria jendeen gurtzearen objektu bihurtuz, Estatuaren zerbitzatzea, jainko babestailearen zerbitzatzea dela irakasten baitie hiritarrei.Lagun Lagun
There have also been a number of traditions around the world that describe a divine confusion of the one original language into several, albeit without any tower.
Munduan zehar Jainkoak jatorrizko hizkuntza bat anitzetan nahasten duen istorio asko dago, dorrerik aipatzen ez den arren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This, however, would imply a confusion in the divine mind.
Horrek, ordea, jainkoaren buru-nahaste bat iradokiko luke.Literature Literature
Why is divine education superior to human efforts in eliminating discrimination and prejudice?
Zergatik da Jainkoaren hezkuntza aurreiritziak eta diskriminazioa desagerrarazteko gizakien ahaleginak baino hobea?jw2019 jw2019
Thou hast broken the bonds of our yoke and delivered us out of the hands of our enemies, so that we shall dwell here safely, and none shall make us afraid, and for this, thy divine bounty, Oh, Lord, we thank thee.
Azpiratuta geundenon kateak apurtu zenituen, eta etsaingandik libratu ginduzun, seguru bizi gaitezen, inoren beldurrik sentitu gabe, honengatik guztiagatik, zure oparotasunagatik... eskertzen dizugu Jauna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For ten generations they've been criss-crossing the jungle in search of a white God in a divine vessel.
Hamar belaunaldiz oihanean noraezean ibili dira... barku sakratuan doan Jainko zuri baten bila.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To walk in the law of Jehovah means to submit ourselves willingly to divine guidance.
Jehobaren legean ibiltzeak borondate onez bere gidapean ipintzea esan nahi du.jw2019 jw2019
If the divine, cockeyed genius assigned to your case decides to let some sort of wonderment be glimpsed, for just one moment through your efforts, then "Olé!"
Jainkotiarra bada, zure kasuan lanean ari den geinu zentzugabeak gauza miragarrirenbat begiztatzen badu, nahiz eta une batean soilik izan zure indarretatik egitne badu Ole!ted2019 ted2019
You know, I think that allowing somebody, one mere person to believe that he or she is like, the vessel, you know, like the font and the essence and the source of all divine, creative, unknowable, eternal mystery is just a smidge too much responsibility to put on one fragile, human psyche.
Badakizue, nire ustez norbaiti, pertsona sinple bati, bera ontzia eta iturria dela eta jatorria eta esentzia, jainkotiar misterio oro, sormenezkoa, ezezaguna dela esatean gizakiaren adimenerako responsabilidade handiegia dela uste dut.QED QED
By the end of the century analytical treatments were rigorous enough to verify the stability of the solar system solely on the basis of Newton's laws without reference to divine intervention—even as deterministic treatments of systems as simple as the three body problem in gravitation remained intractable.
Mende amaierarako, tratatu analitikoak jada nahikoa indartsuak ziren eguzki sistemaren egonkortasuna azaltzeko, Newtonen legeetan oinarrituz inongo esku-hartze jainkotiarraren azalpena azaldu gabe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Divine Pattern of Love
Jehoba, maitasunaren ereduajw2019 jw2019
I pray not to thee today, divine Mars, but to the god of the Hebrews, Yahweh.
Gaur zuri ordez, Marte, hebrearren jainkoari egiten diot otoi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Bonté divine,” exclaimed this lady, “what a climate!”
«Bonté divine,» esan zuen andreak, «hau eguraldia!»Literature Literature
Pursue Divine Education
Jarrai dezagun Jainkoaren hezkuntzajw2019 jw2019
What is divination, and why should we avoid it?
Zer da igarpena eta zergatik baztertu behar genuke?jw2019 jw2019
A water diviner is a professional.
Ur- bilatzaile bat profesional bat da.QED QED
The Greeks famously called these divine attendant spirits of creativity " daemons. "
Grekoek sormen espiritu zoragarri horiei " daimones " deitu ziotenQED QED
That divine Word is inspired,
Inspiratua denez,jw2019 jw2019
Romans also believed that every person, place or thing had its own genius, or divine soul.
Pertsona, leku edo gauza bakoitzak bere izpiritua edo arima zuela ere sinesten zuten erromatarrek.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What does the divine name mean?
Zer esan nahi du, orduan, Jainkoaren izenak?jw2019 jw2019
She was not disturbed at his approach; on the contrary, she apologised for having neglected to tell him where they were staying. < Oh, I divined it! > said Leon.
Emma ez zen urduritu hura sartzean; aitzitik, desenkusatu egin zen, ostatu non hartua zuten esatea ahantzi izanagatik. — Oh! asmatu egin dut, hasi zen Leon. — Nola?Lagun Lagun
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