dry out oor Baskies

dry out

To have excess water evaporate or be otherwise removed.

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drying out


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Then we went to Palm Springs and he’d dry out there.
Bera ere, Betty Fernández, so geratzen zitzaien alemanen okupazio-garaiko kale hutsei, so Parisi, loretan zeuden katalpen enparantzei, beste emakume hura bezala, Marie Claude Carpenter bezala. Jendea hartzeko egunak izaten zituen honek ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They're drying out, lost for everybody.
Andreak adeitsu eman zizkidan egunonak, eta nire katilua seinalatu zidan. Esertzearekin batera fitxa hori bat kendu zuen katilu aurretik, seia agerizen marraztua. Gelaren zenbakia. Gizon burusoil besobakarra neukan ondoan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Once they dry out, they become even more fragrant and won't get infested with bugs during storage.
— Benetan hala uste al duzu? — Ez, ez da ustea. Ziur nago horretaz. Ezin izango zuen ezer argiagorik esan bere burua salatzeko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When you let them dry out like that, you get frozen Daikon that'll last for the entire year.
Aurrekargatu hurrengo irudiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And'cause they dry out from coming so much.
Orain bada, arrazonamendu hau erabat zindoa izan daiteke, baina kasu honetan ere razionalizazioa izaten segituko luke, zeren B-k ezein kasutan ere ez ziokeen dirurik mailegatu A-ri eta, nahiz eta kontzienteki uste duen bere ezezkoa A-ren ongizateaz duen ardurak eragina dela, benetazko motiboa bere zikoizkerian datza.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You need to dry out.
Hasierako eta amaierako balioek positiboak izan behar duteOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One shot'll dry you out quicker than all the coffee in Java.
Eta, batzuetan, beldurra sartzen zitzaion, urduri jartzen zen bat-batean bere maitalearen osasuna zela eta, hilkorra zela konturatu eta neskatoa gal zezakeelako ideia bururatuko balitzaio bezala.QED QED
Then I tore a lump off it and began to soak up the remaining damp patches on the floor, leaving the soaking end of the mattress against the pipes in the hope that it would dry out.
mota pertsonalizatuaLagun Lagun
And the shape of the bungalow stands out clear as a diagram, visible from the road. The doors are opened every day to let the wind through and dry out the wood. And shut every night against stray dogs and smugglers from the mountains.
Zerrendak bide-izen erlatiboa gordetzen duen edo ezLagun Lagun
They'll hang me out to dry.
Buller atzetik abiatu zitzaion bonboi tankerako lerde-tanta bat ohe-estalkiaren gainean utzita. — Ene, Buller!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If KPG gets any blowback on this, you and I will both be hung out to dry.
merkatuei egonkortasuna ematea; horniketak ziurtatzea; kontsumitzaileari hornigaiak zentzuzko prezioetan bermatzea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You know, you hung me out to dry pretty good with the last one.
Atal honen eremuan, debekatuta dago estatu kideen euren arteko nahiz estatu kideen eta beste herrialde batzuen arteko kapitalen joan-etorriei zein ordainketei edozein murrizpen jartzea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The cold, dry air typically dried out the biltong much more effectively, and in the best possible food safety environment.
— Eta roastbeef-a? — Ez al zaizu iruditu gehitxo erreta zegoela? — Zu ez zara sekula gustura geratzen, Emmanuel. Pururik? — Benetako habanoa bada... — Jakina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When they find out you're staying dry they'll tag you for a back number and go where they can get what they want.
Dibertimendua amaitu eta berehala hasten dira galdezka Chelseako usotxoak: zer egiten dudan, non dudan bulegoa...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rosetta, it seemed, was on her way out, and the bookings were drying up fast.
Mugitu nodoa eskuineraQED QED
And from the shuddering cold and blackness of the deep... the whale breached into the sun... and vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.
Instalatu markatuakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And you know, his son was mesmerized, because he would dunk it in the water, he would take it out and it was bone dry.
Laneko bertsioated2019 ted2019
Now, this is my man, my restaurant... and you two are gonna walk right out that door... without your dry, white toast... without your four fried chickens... and without Matt " Guitar " Murphy!
Pantaila babeslea ez da oraindik konfiguratuOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His mouth was dry when he answered and he could hardly bring out the words < Who is that? > < Boris. > < Where are you? > < Here in Moscow. >
Elementuaren izenaLagun Lagun
The coughing in the other cells died out to be replaced by the noise of scraping pos as the drying-up operation began.
Etxe hura non dagoen gogoratuko ote dudan galdetu diot. Hark erantzun: begira ezazu ongi. Begiratu dut. Beste guztiak bezalakoa dela esan diot. Baietz, hala lela esan dit, beti bezala. Oraindik ere ikus dezaket aurpegi hura, eta gogoan dut izena ere.Lagun Lagun
The sky, for me, was the stretch of pure brilliance crossing the blue, that cold coalescence beyond all color. Sometimes, it was in Vinh Long, when my mother was sad she’d order the gig and we’d drive out into the country to see the night as it was in the dry season.
Poligono hau ganbila daLagun Lagun
It takes my mother all of a sudden toward the end of the afternoon, especially in the dry season, and then she’ll have the house scrubbed from top to bottom, to clean it through, scour it out, freshen it up, she says.
' % # ' aplikazioak irekita dagoen ' % # ' zorrorako sarbidea eskatu duLagun Lagun
All the same he managed to fork out half the sardines in bits and pieces. He wasn’t hungry — that was enough. He hesitated whether he should drink any more after the dry martinis and then chose a bottle of Tuborg.
Testu-inprimatze azkarra (PS ez diren inprimagailuak bakarrikLagun Lagun
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