elegant oor Baskies


/ɛl.ə.ɡənt/, /ˈɛlɪgənt/ adjektief
Characterised by or exhibiting elegance.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


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It was a very elegant, playful response to the whole idea of the project which involved the distance that had been introduced and which we wanted to minimize during this particular obstruction.
Ezkutatu sistema erretiluko ikonoa azken zorroa isten deneanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
People stop and look in amazement at the elegance of this foreigner who walks along unseeing. Like a queen. People never know at first where she’s from.
Ez dugu lehen denborako Erromaz monumentu segurik; are gehiago badirudi, hartaz erraten diren gauza gehienak ipuinak direla; orokorki, populuen analetan, jakingarriena den partea falta dugu gehienik, erran nahi baitu hatsarreko eraikipenari dagokiona.Lagun Lagun
This was truly a labour of love, with beauty and elegance evident in virtually every verse.
Deskargarako tresna-barraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What? I think Grace's hair looks very elegant.
Eta horrelaxe jalgi zuen hirurehun libera zurezko zango baterako, Emmari komenigarri iruditu baitzitzaion Hippolyteri opari egitea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Second revision of the simple and elegant 'Light ' widget style
Nazioarteko harremanen esparru guztietan, Batasunak hainbat politika erkide eta ekintza definituko eta betearaziko du, eta lankidetza-maila handia lortzen saiatuko da, honetarako: bere baloreen, funtsezko interesen, segurtasunaren, independentziaren eta osotasunaren alde egiteko;KDE40.1 KDE40.1
This, gentlemen, is the elegant abode of one Elwood Blues.
Erakutsi galeriaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Like me, she envisioned a better.. .. elegant future for herself.
& Onartu konfigurazioaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Something that's graceful and sleek and elegant and strong, yeah?
JaponiaNameOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That mockery of elegance is about all I have left.
Eta, batzuetan, beldurra sartzen zitzaion, urduri jartzen zen bat-batean bere maitalearen osasuna zela eta, hilkorra zela konturatu eta neskatoa gal zezakeelako ideia bururatuko balitzaio bezala.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He also noted that elegance of the name in that just as Saturn was the father of Jupiter, the new planet should be named after the father of Saturn.
— Zerbait egin al dezakegu zuretzako, apaiz jauna? galdetu zuen ostatuko etxekoandreak, sukanean beren kandelekin zutabe-zerrenda gisa ipinita zeuden kobrezko argimutiletariko bat hartzen zuen bitartean; zerbait hartu nahi al duzu? Arakatz likore ttantta bat, baso bat ardo?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Elegant, famous and subversive.
Ikusi HTML irteeraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were not seen as fit to be part of the political sphere as men believed them to be only suited for "elegance, adornment, and finery."
Erabiltzaileen iruzkinakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Life is more elegant here.
Aldatu pantaila osoraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Never again shall I travel in a native bus. From now on I’ll have a limousine to take me to the high school and back from there to the boarding school. I shall dine in the most elegant places in town.
Hautatu zerrenda honetako zein eremuk adierazten duen modu egokiago batean zure agendako lehenengo eremu pertsonalizatuaren esanahiaLagun Lagun
They also participated in rehearsals with a dance choreographer and observed the physicality of different panthera to make their bodily movements more elegant.
Kasinoak, jokoak eta apustuak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is particularly so in the case of temples where each building appears to have been conceived as a sculptural entity within the landscape, most often raised on high ground so that the elegance of its proportions and the effects of light on its surfaces might be viewed from all angles.
Gakoa IndargabetuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Imajinatzen dut nahas-mahasean kontatuko ziola, bihotz zirrararik handiena eman ziona bereziki azpimarratuz, meningitisak jota hildako haurrena eta adimen-gaixoen pabilioiko haurrena, bain zuzen ere. Isildu zen eta biak isilik gelditu ziren.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then, while playing the spouse and virtue, she was burning at the thought of that head whose black hair fell in a curl over the sunburnt brow, of that form at once so strong and elegant, of that man, in a word, who had such experience in his reasoning, such passion in his desires.
Ezin da % # tekla hemen erabili, % # aktibatzeko erabiltzen baita dagoenekoLagun Lagun
She's so elegant.
Mantendu & goianOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Because he doesn’t know for himself, I say it for him, in his stead. Because he doesn’t know he carries within him a supreme elegance, I say it for him.
Ziurtagiriaren erabileraLagun Lagun
A wise man once said the true history of the world is the history of great conversations in elegant rooms.
Mezuaren gorputzaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘‘A man in distressed circumstances has not time for all those elegant decorums which other people may observe.
Fitxategiaren bide-izenaLiterature Literature
But still - she is elegant, Miss Julie.
< Ez zaitez Sarahz arduratu. Har ezazu Lourenço Marqueserako lehenengo hegazkina eta egon zaitez Sarahren zain Polana-n. Esku onetan dago > .OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Third revision of the simple and elegant 'Light ' widget style
Inprimatze erroreaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Do you know a lady, very elegant looking,... who's a bit of a night owl?
- Entzuten ahal duzu, esan zuen printze txikiak, geuk putzu hau iratzartzen dugu eta kantatzen du...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
63 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.