elementary oor Baskies


/ɛləˈmɛntəɹi/ adjektief
Relating to the basic, essential or fundamental part of something.

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elementary transcendental function
funtzio transzendente
elementary algebra
Oinarrizko aljebra
elementary mathematics
Matematika elemental
elementary education
lehen mailako irakaskuntza
elementary particle
funtsezko partikula · oinarrizko partikula
elementary algebra
Oinarrizko aljebra


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The Carolyn A. Miller Elementary School provides free education to nearly 500 children in the camp.
Lehen hezkuntzako Carolyn A. Miller eskolak ia 500 haur hartzen zituen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Children enroll in elementary schools at the age of seven.
Ikasleak 7 urterekin sartzen dira lehen hezkuntzan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Benzene is a natural constituent of crude oil and is one of the elementary petrochemicals.
Bentzenoa petrolioaren osagaietako bat da, eta oinarrizko petrokimikoetako bat da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many other theorems in elementary number theory, such as Euclid's lemma or Chinese remainder theorem, result from Bézout's identity.
Zenbaki teoriako beste teorema batzuk (Euklidesen lema edo Hondarraren teorema txinatarra, adibidez) Bézouten identitatean oinarritzen dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Only one work by Hérigone is known to exist: Cursus mathematicus, nova, brevi, et clara methodo demonstratus, per notas reales et universales, citra usum cujuscunque idiomatis intellectu faciles (published in Paris in six volumes from 1634 to 1637; second edition 1644), a compendium of elementary mathematics written in French and Latin.
Bere liburu nagusiak Cursus mathematicus, nova, brevi, et clara methodo demonstratus, per notas reales et universales, citra usum cujuscunque idiomatis intellectu faciles (Parisen argitaratua, sei liburukiak, 1634 - 1637) zuen izena eta frantsesez eta latinez idatzitako hasi-masi matematikoen compendiuma zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The normalized edit distance between X and Y, d( X, Y ) is defined as the minimum of W( P ) / L ( P ), where P is an editing path between X and Y, W ( P ) is the sum of the weights of the elementary edit operations of P, and L(P) is the number of these operations (length of P).
X eta Y-ren arteko normalizaturiko editatzeko distantzia d (X, Y), W(P)/L(P) -ren minimo gisa definitzen da; non, P, X eta Y-ren arteko editatzeko bidea da, W(P) editatzeko oinarrizko operazioen pisuen batura da, eta L (P) eragiketa horien kopurua (P-ren luzera) da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Elementary education shall be compulsory . Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit .
Oinarrizko ikasketak egitea derrigorrezkoa izango da ; heziketa teknikoa eta lanbiderakoa , orokorra ; eta denek izango dute goimailako ikasketak egiteko aukera bera , norberaren merezimenduen arabera .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Higgs mechanism is believed to give rise to the masses of all the elementary particles in the Standard Model.
Higgsen mekanismoak partikula elemental guztien masen sorrera dakarrela uste da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
Pertsona orok du hezkuntza-eskubidea. Hezkuntza dohainekoa izango da oinarrizko ikasketei dagokienez behintzat. Oinarrizko ikasketak egitea derrigorrezkoa izango da; heziketa teknikoa eta lanbiderakoa, orokorra; eta denek izango dute goimailako ikasketak egiteko aukera bera, norberaren merezimenduen arabera.Lagun Lagun
Since atoms were found to be divisible, physicists later invented the term "elementary particles" to describe the "uncuttable", though not indestructible, parts of an atom.
Atomoak moztu zitezkeela konturatu zirenetik, fisikariek “funtsezko partikulak” terminoa asmatu zuten moztu ezin daitezken, baina ustez suntsikorrak diren atomoaren parteak deskribatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Guth has researched elementary particle theory (and how particle theory is applicable to the early universe).
Guthek oinarrizko partikulen teoria aztertu du eta nola aplikatu ahal zaion hasierako unibertsoari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If they could, if they could make the effort to see him, they’d be capable of studying, of observing the elementary rules of society.
Egin ahal balezate, hari begiratzeko ahalegina alegia, gauza izango lirateke, besteak beste, ikasketetan aurrera egiteko, gizarte bizitzaren oinarrizko arauak onartzeko.Lagun Lagun
It is usual practice to discuss a balanced system first and then describe the effects of unbalanced systems as deviations from the elementary case.
Ohikoa da lehenengo sistema orekatua aztertzea eta ondoren sistema desorekatuen efektuak honen desbideraketa lez deskribatzea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Symmetry breaking phase transitions put the fundamental forces of physics and the parameters of elementary particles into their present form.
Simetria esplizitoaren apurketak fisikako funtsezko indarrak eta gaur egungo oinarrizko partikuletako parametroak bere forma ezagunean jarri zituen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus, an axiom is an elementary basis for a formal logic system that together with the rules of inference define a deductive system.
Beraz, axioma bat logika sistema formal baten funtsezko oinarria da, dedukziorako legeekin batera dedukzio sistema osoa osatzen dutelarik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There is a pub, a post office and an elementary school (Toureen) within a few miles of the village.
Taberna bat, posta bulegoa eta herritik pare bat miliatara oinarrizko hezkuntza eskola (Toureen) bat ere badu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This phenomenon has been verified not only for elementary particles, but also for compound particles like atoms and even molecules.
Fenomeno hau, egiaztatua izan da esperimentalki, eta ez bakarrik oinarrizko partikulekin, baita atomo edo molekulen moduko partikula konposatuekin ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And this is a little clip from an elementary school, which is very common in England.
Horixe ba! Honako hau lehen hezkuntzari buruzko bideo bat da, oso arrunta Ingalaterran.ted2019 ted2019
Intent on eventually settling in Jerusalem, he taught himself Hebrew and delivered a lecture entitled Solved and unsolved problems in elementary number theory in Hebrew on 2 April 1925 during the University's groundbreaking ceremonies.
Azkenik, Jerusalemera bizitzera joateko asmoa izan zuen, hebreera ikasi zuen bere kabuz eta 1925eko apirilaren 2an zenbakien teoriako ebatzitako eta ebatzi gabeko problemak izenburuko hitzaldia eskaini zuen Hebreeraz unibertsitateko inaugurazio zeremonian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Education shall be free , at least in the elementary and fundamental stages .
Hezkuntza dohainekoa izango da oinarrizko ikasketei dagokienez behintzat .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
After inflation stopped, reheating occurred until the universe obtained the temperatures required for the production of a quark–gluon plasma as well as all other elementary particles.
Inflazioa gelditu ostean Unibertsoaren berokuntza hasi zen berriro, quark-gluoi plasma eta beste oinarrizko partikula batzuk sortzeko behar den tenperatura lortu arte.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since we were kids, since elementary school that's all we've ever talked about, us going together.
Txikiak ginenetik, lehen hezkuntzatik elkarrekin joango ginela esaten genuen beti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
With a qualifier, there is the same distinction: Without an article, it means a part of algebra, such as linear algebra, elementary algebra (the symbol-manipulation rules taught in elementary courses of mathematics as part of primary and secondary education), or abstract algebra (the study of the algebraic structures for themselves).
Kalifikatzaile batekin, bereizketa berdinak egiten dira: Artikulu barik, aljebraren atal bat esan nahi du, adibidez aljebra lineal, oinarrizko aljebra (lehen eta bigarren hezkuntzan ematen diren matematika ikastarotan irakasten diren ikur manipulaziotarako arauak), edo aljebra abstraktu (egitura aljebraikoak aztertzeko erabilia).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her grandmother introduced her to music while she was still at elementary school, singing with a group called the Bambang Brothers.
Hark sortu zion musikazaletasuna lehen hezkuntzan zegoenean eta Bambang Brothers izeneko talde batean abestu zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Due to his parents' poverty, Grabowski had to start working soon after leaving elementary school.
Familiaren egoera ekonomikoaren ondorioz, Brown-ek bere bigaren mailako ikasketak bukatu bezain pronto lan egitera behartu zuten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
30 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.