employment oor Baskies


/ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ naamwoord
A use, purpose

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


The work or occupation in which a person is employed.


Productive activity, service, trade, or craft for which one is regularly paid.



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termination of employment
lan-kontratuaren amaiera
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employment structure
enpleguaren egitura
employment agency
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employment office
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employment market
employment level effect
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In order to improve employment opportunities for workers in the internal market and to contribute thereby to raising the standard of living, a European Social Fund is hereby established; it shall aim to render the employment of workers easier and to increase their geographical and occupational mobility within the Union, and to facilitate their adaptation to industrial changes and to changes in production systems, in particular through vocational training and retraining.
Langileek barne-merkatuan enplegatzeko aukera hobeak izan ditzaten, eta bizitza-maila hobetzen laguntze aldera, Europako Gizarte Funtsa sortzen da, Batasunaren barruan langileen enplegu-aukerak sustatzeko eta langileen toki- eta lanbide-mugikortasuna sustatzeko, eta langileak industrien eraldaketetara eta ekoizpen-sistemen aldaketetara egokitzen laguntzeko, batez ere lanbide-heziketaren bidez eta lanbide-birmoldaketaren bidez.Lagun Lagun
abolish those administrative procedures and practices and those qualifying periods in respect of eligibility for available employment, whether resulting from national legislation or from agreements previously concluded between Member States, the maintenance of which would form an obstacle to liberalisation of the movement of workers;
kendu egingo ditu administrazioaren prozedurak eta jarduerak, eta baita, aukeran dauden enpleguetara sartzeko, estatuko legedietatik edo estatuen artean aurrez lotutako akordioetatik sortutako sarrera-epeak ere, langileen mugimenduak askatzeko eragozpen baldin badira;Lagun Lagun
Noted legislative achievements during this phase of the civil rights movement were passage of Civil Rights Act of 1964, that banned discrimination based on "race, color, religion, or national origin" in employment practices and public accommodations; the Voting Rights Act of 1965, that restored and protected voting rights; the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965, that dramatically opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional European groups; and the Fair Housing Act of 1968, that banned discrimination in the sale or rental of housing.
Eskubide zibilen aldeko mugimenduaren fase honetako legegintza-lorpen azpimarragarriak izan ziren eskubide zibilen 1964ko legearen onespena (Civil Rights Act), zeinak diskriminazioa debekatu baitzuen enplegu-prozeduretan eta instalazio publikoetan; boto-eskubideei buruzko 1965eko legea (Voting Rights Act), zeinak boto-eskubideak berrezarri eta babestu baitzituen; 1965eko Immigration and Nationality Services Act legea, zeinaren bidez izugarri ireki baitzitzaien Estatu Batuetan sartzeko modua jatorri europar tradizionalekoak ez ziren giza taldeei; eta eskubide zibilen 1968ko legea, zeinak bazterkeria debekatu baitzuen etxebizitzen salmentan edo alokairuan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Furthermore, after World War I, service with the Ascari become the main source of paid employment for the indigenous male population of Italian Eritrea.
Are, I. Mundu Gerraren ondoren, Ascariekin egindako zerbitzua bihurtu zen Eritreako bertako gizonezko biztanleriaren ordaindutako enplegu nagusia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Time travel in the future is so illegal, that when our employers wanna close our contracts, they'll also wanna erase any trace of their relationship with us ever existing.
Denbora bidaiatzea debekatua dagoenez guztiz, ordaintzaileek gure kontratua amaitutzat eman nahi dutenean,... haientzat lan egin dugulako arrasto oro borratu nahiko dute.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Each Member State shall provide the Council and the Commission with an annual report on the principal measures taken to implement its employment policy in the light of the guidelines for employment as referred to in paragraph 2.
Estatu kide bakoitzak txosten bana emango die urtero Kontseiluari eta Batzordeari, bakoitzak, 2. paragrafoan enpleguari buruz aurreikusitako orientabideen harira, enplegurako bere politika aplikatzeko hartutako neurri nagusien gainean.Lagun Lagun
His employer's mother was one of the victims...
Bere bezeroaren ama ikertzen ari garen...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Staff Regulations of officials and the Conditions of employment of other servants of the Union shall be laid down by a European law. It shall be adopted after consultation of the institutions concerned.
Europako lege baten bidez arautuko da Batasuneko funtzionarioen estatutua eta Batasuneko gainerako agenteei aplikagarria zaien araubidea. Lege hori dagokien erakundeei kontsultatu ondoren onartuko da.Lagun Lagun
An employer is interested in hiring a new employee who is skilled in learning.
Enplegatzaile batek ikasteko trebetasuna duen langile berri bat nahi du kontratatu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
cutting back on excessive secular employment
gehiegizko lana murriztujw2019 jw2019
From a distance, in the road, he saw his employer's carriage, and beside it a man in a rough apron, hold ing the horse.
Urrundik hauteman zuen, errepidean, bere nagusiaren landoa, eta alboan gizon bat mantalarekin, zaldiari eusten.Literature Literature
The Bay View massacre (sometimes also referred to as the Bay View Tragedy) was the unfortunate result of a strike held on May 4, 1886, by 7,000 building-trades workers and 5,000 Polish laborers who had organized at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to strike against their employers, demanding the enforcement of an eight-hour work day.
Bay Viewko sarraskia (Bay Viewko tragedia ere deitua) greba baten ondorio latza izan zen 1886ko maiatzaren 4an antolatu zena, eta eraikuntzako 7.000 langilek eta 5.000 langile poloniarrek Milwaukee-ko (Wisconsin) St. Stanislaus Catholic Church elizan bildu ziren haien ugazaben aurka, zortzi orduko lanaldia errespetatu zezaten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lloyd Williams' employers were more appreciative.
Fernando iramategiren maketak ere oso estimatuak ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
With a view to achieving the objectives of Article III-209 and without prejudice to the other provisions of the Constitution, the Commission shall encourage cooperation between the Member States and facilitate the coordination of their action in all social policy fields under this Section, particularly in matters relating to: employment;
Konstituzioaren III-209. artikuluan adierazitako helburuak lortzeko, eta Konstituzioaren gainerako xedapenen kalterik gabe, Batzordeak estatu kideen arteko lankidetza sustatuko du, eta beren ekintzen koordinazioa erraztuko atal honetan gizarte-politika dela-eta landutako eremuetan, batez ere puntu hauekin zerikusia daukaten gaietan: enpleguarekin;Lagun Lagun
Member States, through their employment policies, shall contribute to the achievement of the objectives referred to in Article III-203 in a way consistent with the broad guidelines of the economic policies of the Member States and of the Union adopted pursuant to Article III-179(2).
Estatu kideek, enplegurako beren politiken bidez, III-203. artikuluan aipatutako helburuak lortzen lagunduko dute, III-179. artikuluko 2. idatz-zatiaren arabera estatu kideek eta Batasunak ekonomiaren politikari buruz onartutako orientabide orokorrekin bat etorriz.Lagun Lagun
European laws or framework laws shall establish measures to ensure the application of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of women and men in matters of employment and occupation, including the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value.
Enpleguan eta okupazioaren arloan gizon eta emakumeentzako aukera berdintasunaren eta tratu berdinaren printzipioa –eta horren barruan lan berdinagatik edo balio berdineko lanpostu batengatik lansari berdina eskatzen duen printzipioa– bermatzearren, behar diren neurriak ezarriko dira Europako lege baten edo esparru-lege baten bitartez.Lagun Lagun
The Member States shall coordinate their economic and employment policies within arrangements as determined by Part III, which the Union shall have competence to provide.
Batasuneko estatuek beren ekonomia- eta enplegu-politikak koordinatuko dituzte III. Zatian ezarritako moduen arabera; modu horiek definitzeko eskumena izango du Batasunak.Lagun Lagun
The right of workers and employers to adopt collective labour dispute measures is hereby recognized. The law regulating the exercise of this right shall, without prejudice to the restrictions which it may impose, include the guarantees necessary to ensure the functioning of essential public services.
Langile eta entrepresariek har dezaketen gatazka kolektibo neurrien eskubidea aitortzen da. Eskubide honen exerzizioa erregulatzen duen legeak, ezarri dakizkiokeen mugen trabarik gabe, beharrezko diren garantiak sartuko ditu Erkidego zerbitzu esentzialak funtzionamendua aseguratzeko.Lagun Lagun
The Union and the Member States shall, in accordance with this Section, work towards developing a coordinated strategy for employment and particularly for promoting a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce and labour markets responsive to economic change with a view to achieving the objectives referred to in Article I-3.
Batasuna eta estatu kideak, Atal honekin bat etorriz, enplegurako estrategia koordinatua garatzen ahaleginduko dira, batez ere langile gaitu, prestatu eta moldaerrazak sustatzeko, eta ekonomiaren aldaketei erantzuteko gai diren lan-merkatuak sustatzeko, I-3. artikuluan aipatutako helburuak eskuratzearren.Lagun Lagun
The objective of a high level of employment shall be taken into consideration in the formulation and implementation of Union policies and activities.
2. Batasunaren politikak eta ekintzak zehaztu eta gauzatzerakoan enplegu-maila handia lortzea da kontuan hartu beharreko helburua.Lagun Lagun
I've taken into my own home the employer... inexperience maid at your request.
Onartu dut nire sabaipean lana ematea... neskamehe hasberriei.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Any discrimination based on nationality between workers of the Member States as regards employment, remuneration and other conditions of work and employment shall be prohibited.
Debekatuta dago naziotasuna dela-eta inongo bereizkeriarik egitea estatu kideetako langileen artean enpleguari, soldatei eta laneko gainerako baldintzei dagokienean.Lagun Lagun
In 1980, 700 people staged a 13-day hunger strike, demanding better pay and stricter regulation of the old system of employment.
1980 urtean, 700 pertsona gose-greban jarri ziren, diru gehiago eta komunitate-enplegu zaharraren erregulazio zehatzagoa aldarrikatuz, 13 egunean mantenduz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By 1937, Allen-Bradley employment had rebounded to pre-Depression levels and company sales reached an all-time high of nearly $4 million.
1937rako, Allen-Bradleyren enplegua Depresio aurretiko mailara itzuli zen eta 4 milioi dolar inguruko salmentak lortuz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by the English economist John Maynard Keynes was published.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (Enplegu, interes eta diruaren teoria orokorra) John Maynard Keynes ekonomialari ingelesak idatzi zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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