employment office oor Baskies

employment office

/ɪmˈplɔɪmənt ˈɒfɪs/ naamwoord
(Tokugawa-era) employment office

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Go to the employment office.
& Egin babes-kopia osoa ordenagailuaz aldatzeanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After the Restoration of the Bourbons, at the Palais-Royal the young Alexandre Dumas obtained employment in the office of the powerful duc d'Orléans, who regained control of the Palace during the Restoration.
Kontu Auzitegiak aztertuko ditu Batasunaren sarrera eta gastu guztien kontuak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thousands of office and factory workers are being urged to stay at their places of employment, not to make any attempt to get to their homes.
Bainan printze txikiaren planetan ba zen hazi izugarririk. - ... Baoba haziak hain zuzen ere. Planetaren zolua baoba haziz bete beterik zegoen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Membership of the Constitutional Court is incompatible with any position of a representative nature, any political or administrative office, a management position in a political party or a trade union as well as any employment in their service, active service as a judge or prosecutor and any professional or business activity whatsoever.
Hau guztiau egia bada ere, ez al du naturarekiko domeinu gero eta handiagoak, ni indibidualaren indarraren hazkuntza izan ondorio? Hein batean egia da hau, eta egia den neurrian, bistatik galdu behar ez dugun garapen indibidualaren alderdi positiboaren zati da.Lagun Lagun
< Shall I resign, > he asked them, < or wait for retirement? > He knew quite well that the answer would be < No > from both of them — from his father because the captain of his cruiser had shared in his eyes something of the divine right of kings — his son couldn’t possibly know better than his commanding officer the right action to take — and from his mother — well, she would always tell a girl in the village who was in trouble with her employer, < Don’t be hasty. It’s not so easy to find another situation. >
— Kalean gora zentozela ikusi zaitut, koronel — esan zuen Buffyk — . Bazirudien zure buruarekin ari zinela hizketan, nik hori esatea axola ez bazaizu. Estatuaren sekretuak?Lagun Lagun
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