encourage oor Baskies


/ɪnˈkʌɹɪʤ/, /ɪnˈkɝɹɪʤ/, /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ werkwoord
To mentally support; to motivate, give courage, hope or spirit.

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3 How You Can Benefit: The opening letter from the Governing Body encourages us with these words: “Use your imagination; get your senses involved.
Erdietsi ote dugu helmuga hori, edo ari ote gara, bederen, horra hurbiltzen? Liburu hau giza faktoreaz ari da: beronen egitekoa, beraz, galdera hori kritikoki aztertzea da. Hau egitean lehen utzitako gai batzuk hartu behar ditugu berriro kontutan.jw2019 jw2019
Someone here, for whatever reason, is encouraging him to think that he is basically an OK guy and that I am some nasty, angry bitch for doing my damnedest to try and protect him from him.
asilo-estatutu uniforme hori edo ordezko babes-estatutu hori emateko edo kentzeko prozedura erkideak;OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I support copyright, but only if it encourages creativity or economic incitement or is an incentive to create.
Gris-eskala (tinta beltz kartutxoaQED QED
It was an encourage ment of vice; and had I been the rector of Longbourn, I should very strenuously have opposed it.
Erkidego Autonomo ezberdinetako Estatutuen desberdintasunek inoiz ez dute esan nahiko pribilejio ekonomiko edo sozialik.Literature Literature
Besides, my father always encouraged me to count my blessings.
Beste bertsio batzukOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And you encourage them in this?
Euskal Herriak bere etorkizuna erabakitzeko eskubidea erabiltzea, egun eremu juridiko-politiko ezberdinetan giltzatuta dauden herritarrek, gizonezko zein emakume, beren etorkizuna erabakitzeko kontsultatuak izateko duten eskubidea errespetatuzgauzatzen da.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Encourage all to imagine themselves in the new world, especially when discouraged by trials.
Sarriaskotan emaztea hain jausi sentituko da, ezen alde egiten saiatu ere ez baita egingo, eta horrela, biak segituko dute uste izaten gizonak esandakoa egia dela.jw2019 jw2019
The mother stands there, encouraging her sons.
& Esaldi-liburuaren izenaLiterature Literature
Kindly encourage him to make changes based on his love for Jehovah. —Pr 27:11; Joh 14:31
Sortze-datajw2019 jw2019
You encourage Gaby to be independent, but you think she should live with me.
Ederra omen zinen gaztetan, hala diote denek; nik, ordea, ederrago ikusten zaitut orain gaztetan baino eta hori esatera etorri natzaizu, askoz ere gustukoago dudala zure oraingo aurpegia, aurpegi hondatu hau, orduko neskato aurpegi hura baino >.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Many bands on this label participated in the campaign Punkvoter, which was started by Fat Mike and attempted to encourage the youth in the U.S. to vote in the 2004 U.S. presidential election for John Kerry and against George W. Bush.
Gustukoa ez badu, bidean egin dezake loWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are constraints within peer cultures on men, which is why we need to encourage men to break through those pressures.
Jada errana dut objektu partikularrik duen nahi orokorrik ez dela. Alabaina, objektu partikular hori, edo Estatuaren barnean da, edo kanpoan.ted2019 ted2019
It has, for instance, encouraged taxis and buses to convert from petrol engines to engines that run on compressed natural gas.
Uneko moduluari buruzWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
With a view to achieving the objectives of Article III-209 and without prejudice to the other provisions of the Constitution, the Commission shall encourage cooperation between the Member States and facilitate the coordination of their action in all social policy fields under this Section, particularly in matters relating to: employment;
Ezgaitu artxibatzeaLagun Lagun
My bride on our wedding day encouraging me that there are other fish in the sea.
Lehen egunak, bere etxean zein aldakuntza egin pentsatzen eman zituen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Watson was encouraged to take up piping at the age of seven or eight as her parents hoped it would strengthen her lungs against tuberculosis after her aunt Margaret died of the disease.
Hegoafrikan bizi izandako hiru urteek eta Sarah maitatzen eman zituen sei hilabeteek txepel bihurtua zuten, eta berak ondotxo zekien hori.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Well, Mother, he was certainly very sweet, or seemed so at any rate, and they were all so encouraging and...
Gaitz da Estatu handi bat ongi gobernatua izatea, anitzez gaitzago, ordea, gizon bakar batek ongi egitea, eta orok dakite zer gertatzen den erregeak ordezkoak hartzen dituelarik.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They give us personal encouragement.
Dena zen gris goibela edo zuri bizia. Gauean kolore apur bat egongo zen elurrak iraun artean, milaka argien dirdira nabarrak eta foku leinurutsuak tapiz zurian islaturik.jw2019 jw2019
IBBY has six key aims: to promote international understanding through children's books to give children everywhere the opportunity to have access to books with high literary and artistic standards to encourage the publication and distribution of quality children's books, especially in developing countries to provide support and training for those involved with children and children's literature to stimulate research and scholarly works in the field of children's literature to protect and uphold the Rights of the Child according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child IBBY was founded in Zurich, Switzerland as a non-profit organization in 1953.
mota pertsonalizatuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Whenever possible, the Society's agents would encourage the formation of local anti-slavery societies.
Sinadura, baliozkoa da baina gakoa ez da fidagarriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Further encouraged by the Allied invasion of Turkey in April 1915, Italy joined the Triple Entente and declared war on Austria-Hungary on 23 May.
Ez da ziurtagiririk aurkitu mezuanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The old Countess encouraged the Prince; she was even pressing.
Antartika/SyowaLiterature Literature
How did Abbey demonstrate persistence, patience, and love while trying to encourage Laura?
Proposamena onartu ondoren, negoziazio-prozesu bat hasiko da euskal instituzioen eta Estatukoenen artean, eta 6 hilabeteko gehieneko epean amaitu beharko da.jw2019 jw2019
1794 – French Revolution: Maximilien Robespierre is arrested after encouraging the execution of more than 17,000 "enemies of the Revolution".
Informazio orokorraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And he stands, smiling encouragement, like a clumsy dentist.
Lagun bat egon liteke bakarrik zentzu fisikoan urte askoz, eta, hala ere, harremanetan egon elkartasun eta < nonbaitekoa izate > sentimendua damaioten ideiekin, balioekin, edo, behinik behin, eredu sozialekin.Literature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 32 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.