encroach oor Baskies


/ɛnˈkɹəʊtʃ/, /ɪnˈkɹəʊtʃ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(rare) Encroachment.

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This encroachment on the traditional sphere of influence of the Roman Empire — the two great empires had shared hegemony over Armenia since the time of Nero some 50 years earlier — led to a war with the emperor Trajan.
- Bainan azal zahar utzia bezala izango da. Azal zaharrak... ez dira tristeak... Ni ixilik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this power struggle, the Marine Corps aligned itself with Congress, warning against the encroachment on civilian oversight within the Army proposals.
Ezin da egutegia ireki: %WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The better the constitution of a State is, the more do public affairs encroach on private in the minds of the citizens. Private affairs are even of much less importance, because the aggregate of the common happiness furnishes a greater proportion of that of each individual, so that there is less for him to seek in particular cares.
Guzti honek bere egoera osoa ez-segur bihurtzen zuen, halako moldez non ispia etsaiaren zelaian bezalaxe sentitzen baitzen, edozein momentutan nor edo zer zen igarri ziezaioten arriskutan.Lagun Lagun
In Madame Dubuc’s time the old woman felt that she was still the favorite; but now the love of Charles for Emma seemed to her a desertion from her tenderness, an encroachment upon what was hers, and she watched her son’s happiness in sad silence, as a ruined man looks through the windows at people dining in his old house.
Gizon artez eta soilak, beren soiltasunagatik engainatzen neke dira; engainuek eta estakuru apainduek ez dituzte beldurtzen; ez dira aski finak bairatuak izateko.Lagun Lagun
Initial encroachment of this subtype is already occurring in developed countries, including Australia, Canada and the United States.
Matematikated2019 ted2019
Does it follow from this that the general will is exterminated or corrupted? Not at all: it is always constant, unalterable and pure; but it is subordinated to other wills which encroach upon its sphere.
Kalvinoren sistema psikologikoaren esanahia ulertu nahi badugu, printzipioz nahikoa litzateke Luteroren irakaspenei buruz esandakoa errepikatzea.Lagun Lagun
Encroaching gunfire?
Fax txartelaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This encroachment on the traditional sphere of influence of the Roman Empire — the two empires had shared hegemony over Armenia since the time of Nero some 50 years earlier — could only lead to war.
Uneko eskemaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gender did not determine whether a sexual partner was acceptable, as long as a man's enjoyment did not encroach on another man's integrity.
Sarritan, mendi baten tontorretik bat-batean hiri distiratsuren bat hautematen zuten kupula, zubi, itsasuntzi, limoiondo-baso eta marmol zurizko katedralekin beren kanpandorre zorrotzetan zikoina-habiak zituztela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Do not encroach on this side.
Nahi gabe gertatutako filtrazio baten erruduna banintz, zugana joko nuke aitorpen eske. — Absoluzioaren esperantzan? — Ez, zuzentasun apur baten esperantzan. — Horrela balitz, oker zeundeke. Nik ez dakit zer esan nahi duen < zuzentasun > hitzak, ezta hurrik eman ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Phoenicians in Sicily had not resisted the initial Greek expansion by force of arms, but this state of affairs changed when the Greeks began to encroach on their territory in Western Sicily.
Azpi-txostenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
11 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.