fatwa oor Baskies


/ˈfætwɑː/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(Islam) A legal opinion, decree or ruling issued by a mufti or other Islamic lawyer.

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term for the legal opinion or learned interpretation that a qualified jurist or mufti can give on issues pertaining to the Islamic law

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Baudrillard, particularly in his later work, saw the "global" society as without this "symbolic" element, and therefore symbolically (if not militarily) defenseless against acts such as the Rushdie Fatwa or, indeed, the September 11 terrorist attacks against the United States and its military and economic establishment.
Baudrillardek, bere azken lanean zehazki, gizarte "globala" elementu "sinboliko" barik ikusten zuen, beraz sinbolikoki (ez militarki) defentsarik gabe zenbait gertaeren aurrean, hala nola, Rushdie Fatwa, edo baita, Irailaren 11, 2001ean, eraso terrorista Estatu Batuen eta bere ezarpen militarraren aurka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1998: Osama bin Laden publishes a fatwa against the West.
1998 - Osama bin Ladenek fatua bat argitaratu zuen juduen eta gurutzatuen aurka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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