foreign mission oor Baskies

foreign mission

an organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work

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He was now a high officer of BOSS, entrusted with a foreign mission, who took his orders from no one under the rank of a general. He could relax.
Orain Muller BOSSeko goi funtzionarioa zen, atzerriko misio bateko arduraduna, eta ez zuen onartzen jenerala baino graduazio beheragoko inoren agindurik. Lasai egon zitekeen, eroso sentitu.Lagun Lagun
Its mission was to advise the monarch on foreign policy and had control of the embassies of Rome, Vienna, Venice, Genoa, and the major powers of Europe: France, England and Portugal.
Kontseilu honen lana erregeari atzerriko politikan aholkuak ematea zen eta hainbat enbaxadetako kontrola bereganatzen zuen: Erroma, Viena, Venezia, Genova edo Europako potentzia nagusienak: Frantzia, Ingalaterra eta Portugal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Union delegations shall be placed under the authority of the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs. They shall act in close cooperation with Member States’ diplomatic and consular missions.
Batasunaren ordezkaritzak Batasuneko Atzerri Arazoetarako ministroaren agindupean egongo dira. Estatu kideen diplomaziako ordezkaritzekiko eta kontsul-ordezkaritzekiko lankidetza estuan jardungo dute.Lagun Lagun
European decisions relating to the common security and defence policy, including those initiating a mission as referred to in this Article, shall be adopted by the Council acting unanimously on a proposal from the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs or an initiative from a Member State.
Kontseiluak, Batasuneko Atzerri Arazoetako Ministroaren proposamenez edo estatu kide baten ekimenez, aho batez onartuko ditu segurtasunari eta defentsari buruzko politika bateratuari dagozkion Europako erabakiak, artikulu honetan jasotako misioetako bati hasiera ematekoak ere barnean direla.Lagun Lagun
The RAF's mission is to support the objectives of the British Ministry of Defence (MoD), which are to "provide the capabilities needed to ensure the security and defence of the United Kingdom and overseas territories, including against terrorism; to support the Government's foreign policy objectives particularly in promoting international peace and security".
RAFen misioa Erresuma Batuko defentsa ministerioaren (MoD) helburuak bermatzea da, direla "Erresuma batuko eta itsasoz bestaldeko lurraldeen segurtasuna eta defentsa bermatzea, espezialki terrorismoaren kontra, Gobernuaren atzerri politikei laguntzeko, espezialki bakea eta segurtasun nazionalean beharrezkoa den ahalmena ematea."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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