foreignness oor Baskies


(uncountable) The quality of being, appearing, or being perceived as foreign; exoticness, otherness.

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foreign ministry
atzerri ministerio
foreign minister
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foreign exchange
foreign relations
nazioarteko politika
foreign key
kanpoko gako
foreign land
atzerri · erbeste


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
People ignorant of foreign affairs support the King so there will surely be a war.
Presio AtmosferikoaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
< But nobody can suspect you. > < They are asking about the foreigner who called on Koch yesterday. There may be some unpleasantness for a while. >
Onartu sarrerako oharrakLagun Lagun
The archaic style of Menard—in the last analysis, a foreigner—suffers from a certain affectation.
Artikulu honen arabera harturiko babes-neurriek ez dute esan nahi estatu kide bakoitzak beste neurri babesgarriagorik edukitzen jarraitu edo hartu ezin duenik.Literature Literature
You are a US citizen in a foreign country.
Adimena laborritu eta estasiak eragitearren izaten da, bestalde gauza erraza sexuko pertsonen baitan hori lortzea, besteok baino samurberagoak baitira. Aipatu ohi dute adar errearen usainarengatik zorabiatzen denik, edota ogi bigunarenagatik.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Another bowler-hatted figure went by, coat collar turned up, into the October dusk. The lights were coming on one by one in the Foreign Office.
Erakutsi sorrera balioa gako kudeatzaileanLagun Lagun
54% of the inhabitants are of foreign origin from about 85 different nationalities, mostly Italians, Turks, and Greeks.
Sareko ezarpenakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A spokesperson for the British Foreign Office said that "e condemn any unauthorised release of this classified information, just as we condemn leaks of classified material in the UK ... hey can damage national security, are not in the national interest and ... may put lives at risk".
& LeheneratuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1869, Tsukiji was designated as an approved residential area for foreigners.
Gune-ziurtagiriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isn't that your foreign name?
Konfiguratu pantaila-babesle beltzaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After the war, Tartu was declared a "closed town" to foreigners, as an air base for bombers was constructed on Raadi Airfield, in the northeast outskirts of the city.
Ikusi logakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Following the October Revolution in Russia, the Bolsheviks consolidated their power and sought to control and direct the social and economic affairs of the state and broader Russian society in order to safeguard against counterrevolutionary insurrection, foreign invasion and to promote socialist consciousness among the Russian population while simultaneously promoting economic development.
Ireki oraintsuko proiektuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Traditionally speaking, collocation is explained in terms of all three perspectives at once, in a continuum: 'Free Combination' ↔ 'Bound Collocation' ↔ 'Frozen Idiom' In 1933, Harold Palmer's Second Interim Report on English Collocations highlighted the importance of collocation as a key to producing natural-sounding language, for anyone learning a foreign language.
Erdiko klaseko kidea ekonomi indar berrien aurrean, Luterok deskribaturiko gizakumea Jainkoarekiko harremanetan bezain babesgabe aurkitzen zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
People stop and look in amazement at the elegance of this foreigner who walks along unseeing. Like a queen. People never know at first where she’s from.
Telefonoa hartu zuenean, ahoa lehorra zeukan eta hauxe baino ezin izan zuen murmurikatu: — Nor da? — Boris. — Non hago? — Hemen, Moskun.Lagun Lagun
In fulfilling his or her mandate, the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs shall be assisted by a European External Action Service.
Ireki irudia aplikazio & grafikoanLagun Lagun
I spoke to the foreign minister a few minutes ago.
Watsoni ere ez diot horren berri eman. Zuk berdin jokatu behar duzu Davisekin.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Foreign influences were being strongly felt in Paris as well.
Berak ez zekien, etxeetako terraza gainetan, euriak lakuak egiten dituela zorrotenak itsu daudenean, eta hala iraungo zukeen bere segurantzan, eta baina hartan, horman arraildura bat aurkitu zuen supituan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The RAF's mission is to support the objectives of the British Ministry of Defence (MoD), which are to "provide the capabilities needed to ensure the security and defence of the United Kingdom and overseas territories, including against terrorism; to support the Government's foreign policy objectives particularly in promoting international peace and security".
Tonlesap oihan kanboiatarretik hona bidean aurkitutako oro ekarri du arrastaka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
to marry a foreigner special permission had to be obtained and it was often refused, but to marry an American was perhaps to confirm the special relationship.
Mullerrek Hertzog Saria aipatu zuen, baita zenbait olerkari eta eleberrigile bazeudela ere, haien lanik batere irakurri ez zuela aitortuz.Lagun Lagun
She mentions a foreign name he doesn't understand.
Babeskopia ez diren datu-baseen formatu aldaketaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Takahisa actively promoted relationships with foreign people and countries.
Turkesa zurbila #colorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Union Minister for Foreign Affairs shall preside over the Foreign Affairs Council.
DeskribapenaLagun Lagun
The Commission and, where appropriate, the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs shall keep the European Parliament and the Council regularly informed regarding developments in enhanced cooperation.
Kaleetaraino jaisten da ura. Morroien familiak ere etortzen dira, morroien bisitariak ere bai, auzoko etxeetako haur zuriak. Ama zoriontsu dabil benetan desordena horretan.Lagun Lagun
Alexander's primary focus was not on domestic policy but on foreign affairs, and particularly on Napoleon.
Espainiarrak 18 urtekin dira garatasun-adineko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If such a motion is carried, the members of the Commission shall resign as a body and the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs shall resign from the duties that he or she carries out in the Commission.
Igogailuaren atea itxi zen eta Davisen oin-hotsak entzun ziren pasiloan. Horretaz oharturik, azkar atera zen bulegotik.Lagun Lagun
Sébastiani's time as Foreign Minister saw France's involvement in the Belgian Revolution, its refusal to sanction the November Uprising, the controversial solution to a commercial dispute with the United States, and the French occupation of Ancona.
Garbitu CRL cache-aWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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