geologist oor Baskies


/dʒiˈɑːlədʒɪst/, /dʒiˈɒlədʒɪst/ naamwoord
A person who is skilled at geology.

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person skilled at geology


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He was a nephew of the geologist Sir Andrew Ramsay.
Eusko Legebiltzarrak, euskal autogobernuaren balioekin bat etorriz, eta kontuan hartuta pertsona guztien giza eskubideak eta askatasunak defendatu eta babesteak duen lehentasuna, euskal herritarren Eskubide eta Betebehar Zibil eta Politikoen Gutuna egingo du lege baten bidez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fraud was far from unknown among early 19th-century fossil collectors, and if the controversy had not been resolved promptly, the accusation could have seriously damaged Anning's ability to sell fossils to other geologists.
& Alderanztu koloreakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The term "Rare Earth" originates from Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe (2000), a book by Peter Ward, a geologist and paleontologist, and Donald E. Brownlee, an astronomer and astrobiologist, both faculty members at the University of Washington.
eskatutako socket mota ez da onartzenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De la Beche sold copies of the print to his fellow geologists and other wealthy friends and donated the proceeds to her.
Maximizatu leihoaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Heinrich Georg Bronn (3 March 1800 – 5 July 1862) was a German geologist and paleontologist.
Autosakrifiziozko prediku guzti honek helburu jakina dauka: masek etsi egin behar dute eta nagusien menpean jarri, liderraren eta < elitearen > botere-desira gauzatuko bada benetan. Baina irrits masokista bera aurki daiteke Hitlerrengan ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Later the geologist went missing.
Paragrafo honen indarrez Auzitegi Nagusiak emandako ebazpenen kontra kasazio-errekurtsoa aurkeztu ahal izango zaio Justizia Auzitegiari, zuzenbide-arazoetara mugatuta, estatutuan finkatutako baldintzetan eta bertan ezarritako mugen barruan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
1894) March 11 – Ulysses S. Grant IV, American geologist and paleontologist (b.
— Eta < c > a? — Emakume baten izena esan nahi du, besterik ez. Cynthiarena. Bere idazkaria. Emakume hartaz maiteminduta zegoen. Gutako bat. Sail Bereziak ez du zereginik honetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Cocos Plate was created by sea floor spreading along the East Pacific Rise and the Cocos Ridge, specifically in a complicated area geologists call the Cocos-Nazca spreading system.
Sintaxi-erroreaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1888) 1832 – Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, Finnish-Swedish geologist and explorer (d.
Aurre-mezuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The term facies was introduced by the Swiss geologist Amanz Gressly in 1838 and was part of his significant contribution to the foundations of modern stratigraphy, which replaced the earlier notions of Neptunism.
Azken pasteltxora iritsi zirenerako, eguzkia jaitsia zen otaken gainean geratu arte, eta haizea ibiltzen hasia zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
André Hubert Dumont (15 February 1809 – 28 February 1857) was a Belgian geologist.
Jokoa konfiguratu daWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Orton was assistant state geologist of Ohio from 1869 to 1875.
Erakutsi aztarnaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In October 2013, Berger commissioned geologist Pedro Boshoff to investigate cave systems in the Cradle of Humankind for the express purpose of discovering more fossil hominin sites.
Ez da izenik zehaztuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first dinosaur ever discovered in Antarctica was Antarctopelta oliveroi, a medium-sized ankylosaur found on James Ross Island by Argentinian geologists Eduardo Olivero and Roberto Scasso in 1986.
Aldian behin, kantoiharriaren kontra xistukada uher luze bat tukatzearekin batera, belaunaz altxatzen zuen bere tresna, zeinaren uhal gogorrak sorbalda nekatzen baitzion; eta, noiz minduraz eta errestan, noiz alai eta arin, tramankuluko musika burrundaka jalgitzen zen tafetan arroxazko errezeletik barrena, kobrezko arabeskodun sarearen azpitik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The name Cloudina honors the 20th-century geologist and paleontologist Preston Cloud.
Inprimatu sarrerak zehaztutako esportazio formatuanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Named after Sir William Edmond Logan, noted 19th-century Canadian geologist.
Urte anitzerako esparru-egitaraua exekutatzeko orduan, baliteke estatu kide batzuen partaidetza besterik ez duen hainbat programa osagarri jasotzea Europako legean, nahiz eta Batasunak parte hartzeko aukera ere hortxe dagoen. Estatu horiek bermatu beharko dute finantzaketa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Two years ago, a geologist came from Beijing.
Isabelita izeneko tren- makina tunelean sartu da. Martinek galgatu egin du gero, astiro- astiro. Juanek azken abisua egin dio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
James Hutton is often viewed as the first modern geologist.
Charles ohartu zen, hartu zuen eta ganbarara eramatera joan zen, bitartean besalki batean eserita (bere gauzak bere inguruan ipintzen ari ziren), Emma bere ezkonberri-loresortaz pentsatzen ari zen, kartoi batean bildurik baitzegoen, eta bere buruari galdetzen zion, amets eginez, ea hartaz zer egingo ote zuketen baldin eta menturaz bera hiltzea gertatuko balitz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Another leading British geologist, Roderick Murchison, did some of his first field work in southwest England, including Lyme, accompanied by his wife, Charlotte.
Aldaketa bakoitzeanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Three years later Canadian geologist Richard A. F. Grieve listed New Quebec among the 130 known terrestrial impact craters.
Altuagoa hobea da baina motelagoaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Étienne Jules Adolphe Desmier de Saint-Simon, Vicomte d'Archiac (24 September 1802 – 24 December 1868) was a French geologist and paleontologist.
Lankidetza indartuen helburua Batasunaren xedeak sustatzea, bere interesak babestea eta integrazio-prozedura sendotzea izango da. Lankidetza indartua estatu kide guztientzat irekita dago etengabean, III-418. artikuluak adierazitakoaren arabera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A geologist's point of view.
Adeitasuna kolpe fisikoa baino hesi gaindiezinagoa izan zitekeen. Sarahk ez zuen adeitasunez bizi nahi, maitasunez baizik.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Although Anning knew more about fossils and geology than many of the wealthy fossilists to whom she sold, it was always the gentlemen geologists who published the scientific descriptions of the specimens she found, often neglecting to mention her name.
Giza izaeraren dinamismoa, soluziobide asebetegarriagoak bilatzeko joera duen faktore garrantzitsu bat da, eurok erdiesteko modurik izanez gero.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nineteenth-century geologists such as Adam Sedgwick and Roderick Murchison used the fossils for dating rock strata, specifically for establishing the Cambrian and Silurian periods.
Okela hotzaren bila zihoala, beste musu bat eman zion Sarahk, sukaldera bidean, bere paretik igarotzerakoan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because of the risk of an early abort on the Moon, geologists persuaded NASA to permit only experiments that could be set up or completed in 10 minutes.
Testu-inprimatze azkarra (PS ez diren inprimagailuak bakarrikWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
31 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.