gown oor Baskies


/ɡaʊn/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A loose, flowing upper garment.

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Then addressing himself to Emma, who was wearing a blue silk gown with four flounces - < You are as lovely as a Venus. You’ll cut a figure at Rouen. > The diligence stopped at the < Croix-Rouge > in the Place Beauvoisine.
Honek lerro baten hasierarekin bat egingo duLagun Lagun
The next day, as she was getting up, she saw the clerk on the Place. She had on a dressing-gown. He looked up and bowed. She nodded quickly and reclosed the window.
Aldatu hautatutako testuaren maiuskula/minuskulakLagun Lagun
It turns out that the gown she tried on that afternoon wasn't even her cup of tea.
Hau hautatzen baduzu, hiztegi berria karpeta bateko eta honen azpi-karpetetako fitxategi guztiak kargatuz sortuko daOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The gown.
Inprimagailu-memoria: # MBOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She bought a Gothic prie-dieu, and in a month spent fourteen francs on lemons for polishing her nails; she wrote to Rouen for a blue cashmere gown;
Beno, pentsatu zuen Castlek, batzuetan konfesalekuan gizon zahar batek bere bekatuak esaten dizkio adinez bere semea izan daitekeen apaiz bati.Lagun Lagun
She charmed him by numerous attentions; now it was some new way of arranging paper sconces for the candles, a flounce that she altered on her gown, or an extraordinary name for some very simple dish that the servant had spoilt, but that Charles swallowed with pleasure to the last mouthful.
— Hortik dator azkenean — esan zuen sir John Hargreavesek. Daintry poliki-poliki zihoan haiengana, eskalinata zabalean gora. Agian urrats guztiak banan-banan aztertu nahi zituen, haiek froga zirkunstantzialak bailiran.Lagun Lagun
Did they put her in the red gown or the gold?
Azken pasteltxora iritsi zirenerako, eguzkia jaitsia zen otaken gainean geratu arte, eta haizea ibiltzen hasia zen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I saw a lovely pale peach gown at Bullock's, in satin.
Haurra izan zuenean, inudetu beharra izan zen. Etxera itzultzean, printze bat bezala mixkindu zuten umea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You must return to town right away and tell that seamstress to run us up three fine ball gowns.
Nik neuk uste dudan arren gozamen sexualaren mugapena ez dela erreakzio espontaneoen errepresio garrantzitsu bakarra, beste askoren artean bat baizik, ezin gutxiets daiteke, inola ere, beronek duen garrantzia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Here they come'with my gown and the veil.
Kotxeko argiak gero eta mantsoago zihoazen, erabat gelditu arte. Zaindariaren etxera iritsiko zen nonbait: han Sail Bereziko gizon bat zegoen beti, irlandarren atentatuak hasi zirenetik.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So we shortened up one of the calico gowns, and I turned up my trouser-legs to my knees and got into it.
Konexioaren izenaLiterature Literature
Davis opened the door to them wearing a dressing gown. Castle noticed how for a moment his face lit up at the sight of Cynthia, but then he realized that she had a companion.
Oinarrizko egoera beraren beste ondorio garrantzitsu bat biziaren zapuzketa deitu dudana da. Gizabanako isolatu eta indargeak butxatuta ikusten du bere zentzu-, hunkipen – eta adimen – potentzialtasunen bidea.Lagun Lagun
By the way, that gown was for you.
Hareneskerronak nozitu ondoren, madame Bovary joan egin zen; eta bidetxiorrean jadanik aurreratu xamar zihoala, eskalaproi-hots bat medio burua jiratu zuen: inudea zen. — Zer da?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She wore a gown of pale saffron trimmed with three bouquets of pompon roses mixed with green. Charles came and kissed her on her shoulder. < Let me alone! > she said; < you are tumbling me. >
Ingeles jendeak, amerikarrak gogoko ez dituena, Cooler bezalako salbuespen bat eraman ohi du gogoan: gizon ile urdin nahasiduna, bihotz zabaleko aurpegi atsegina eta begi zorrotzak; gizon bihotz biguna, sukar izurrite batean edo mundu gerrate batean edo Txinako gosete batean, bere aberkideek atlasean lekua aurkitu baino askoz lehenago agertzen diren horietakoa.Lagun Lagun
However, she ordered the servant to give the holy Brahmin a white gown.
Arbel-gris iluna #colorLiterature Literature
Where does one buy a lady's gown?
Lerro kopuruaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Under a tree, Professor Leonard, in cap and gown, stands beside his banner.
Karpeta lehenetsiaLiterature Literature
You slip out of that gown and we'll see if I'm up to it.
Hustu & zakarrontzi guztiakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What was the good of playing? Who would hear her? Since she could never, in a velvet gown with short sleeves, striking with her light fingers the ivory keys of an Erard at a concert, feel the murmur of ecstasy envelop her like a breeze, it was not worth while boring herself with practicing.
LikidazioaLagun Lagun
He would lead an artist’s life there! He would take lessons on the guitar! He would have a dressing-gown, a Basque cap, blue velvet slippers! He even already was admiring two crossed foils over his chimney-piece, with a death’s head on the guitar above them.
Aldi baterako fitxategiakLagun Lagun
It's her first long gown...
EranskinakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
< It’s certain to be a wrong number. > < I’ll answer if you won’t. > < Put on your dressing gown. You’ll catch cold. > But as soon as she got out of bed the telephone stopped ringing.
Konfigurazioa ondoLagun Lagun
This searching after faith, she thought, was only one merit the more, and in the pride of her devoutness Emma compared herself to those grand ladies of long ago whose glory she, had dreamed of over a portrait of La Valliere, and who, trailing with so much majesty the lace-trimmed trains of their long gowns, retired into solitudes to shed at the feet of Christ all the tears of hearts that life had wounded.
Ugazaba eta langileak elkar erabiltzen dute beren xede ekonomikoak lortzeko; berauon harremanen ezaugarria zera da, biak direla xede baterako bitarteko, tresna direla elkarrentzat.Lagun Lagun
Little maid, gamboge gown, left foot instep, touch of highlight.
Kontseiluak aldiro aztertu beharko du ea egiaztapena egiteko erabilitako arrazoiak lehengo bestean balio duten.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They would row in gondolas, swing in hammocks, and their existence would be easy and large as their silk gowns, warm and star-spangled as the nights they would contemplate.
Beren nortasuna eta berariazko ekarpenak aitortuta, Batasunak eliza eta erakunde horiekin elkarrizketa irekia eta gardena izango du aldiro-aldiro.Lagun Lagun
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