guide on oor Baskies

guide on

use as a guide; "They had the lights to guide on"

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I spent the night in Vilina vlas because I found a recommendation for it in your guide, on page 147.
Erabili erabiltzaileak egindako estilo-orriakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If I include that information in the guide book, no one will come,
% # fitxategia kargatzenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A blind Vietnam veteran accompanied by his guide-dog went on a rampage today at a West Side Social Services office.
- Nire arrosarekin galdu dudan denbora... esan zuen printze txikiak, hartaz oroitzeko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Guided tours are held on Tuesday mornings with prior request.
% #/% # orriaStatusbar infoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of them offer the opportunity to go on a guided tour, to discover their facilities and learn about wine production.
Bake-bakean beren lekuetan, bekozko iluneko ama batzuk turbante gorriz jantzita zeuden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The everlasting guide went on - < Near him, this kneeling woman who weeps is his spouse, Diane de Poitiers, Countess de Breze, Duchess de Valentinois, born in 1499, died in 1566, and to the left, the one with the child is the Holy Virgin.
KTux-i buruzLagun Lagun
Lands End to John O'Groats On-line Cycling Guide.
Eta Rodolphek bere esaldia hau adierazten zuen aieru batez bukatu zuen: < Zartako batez zanpatuko nuke >.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I guess one needs a guide to see all the really local stuff
Batasunaren lanak helburu hauek izango ditu: estatuetan, eskualdeetan eta herrietan, gai hauen inguruan estatu kideen lana babestea eta osatzea: arriskuei aurrea hartzea, estatu kideetan babes zibilaren ardura duten pertsonak prestatzea eta, naturak edo gizakiek hondamendirik eragiten badute, Batasunean nola esku hartu jakitea;OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yeah... one needs a guide...
& EranskinakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Though there's no one there to guide you
Sartu diagramaren izenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Man-made product: Some commercial airliners have computerized autopilot systems that can not only guide a plane from one country to another but also land the plane.
Bertutea, betebeharra eta, isileko inmolazioak goraipatzen hasi zen gizona, berak ere ase ezin zuen sinestezineko sakrifizio-beharra zeukalarik. — Biziki maiteko nuke, esan zuen Emmak, ospitaletako monja izatea.jw2019 jw2019
He appeared on the soap opera Guiding Light.
Fotogramak modu gogorrean jaregitea aktibatzen/desaktibatzen duWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rodríguez de la Fuente also served as expedition guide and photographer on safaris in Africa, lecturer and writer, and contributed greatly to environmental awareness in Spain at a time when Conservationism was unheard of in the country.
- Itsasontzi batek baino urrunago eraman zaitzaket nik, sugeak esan zuen. Urrezko eskuturreko bat bezala printze txikiaren orkatilan biribilkatu zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
< Do we have to pass even that on to the CIA? > < Of course. > < And do you suppose they will give us one little guided missile secret in return? > It was certainly one of Davis’s worst days.
Mezu-egitura ikustailearen kokapenaLagun Lagun
Here, one can arrange for a guided walking tour of the area.
Atzeratu alarma zehaztutako ordurarteWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We'll have a private car, liquor and gals on the trip... and the guides will make the deers behave.
Berrizendatu laster-markaQED QED
We'll have a private car, liquor and gals on the trip... and the guides will make the deers behave.
Lineaz kanpoko cachearen politikaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This restaurant has one star in the Michelin Red Guide.
Zero balioa eman eta formateatze azkarraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And our son alone on that cold, cold throne without a guiding hand.
Gelditu exekuzioaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Castle rang the bell and saw that his guide had crossed Elm View and was walking back on the other side.
Hamabost minutu berandu iritsi zen pubera. Haren ohiko txokoa ez zegoen libre. Azkar jan zuen; edan ere ez zuen astiroago egin. Hiru minutu berreskuratu zituela kalkulatu zuen.Lagun Lagun
The mystery of the minotaur and the female began to unfold when our guides allowed us to mount a small camera on the stick with which we reached out.
Arbel-urdina #colorOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He reached the coffee shop, but he didn’t go in but walked straight on. Last time he had been guided by the man with the loose shoelace, but now he had no guide. Did he turn left or right at the corner?
Konpetitzaile monopolisten aurka egin behar duen burrukan erraldoiak ditu aurrez aurre, lehen bere mailakoekin burrukan ari zen bitartean.Lagun Lagun
The general practitioner, riding along, gathered from his guide’s talk that Monsieur Rouault must be one of the well-to-do farmers. He had broken his leg the evening before on his way home from a Twelfth-night feast at a neighbour’s.
Sistemaren erretilua erakusteko arauaLagun Lagun
Welcome, This wizard will help to install a new printer on your computer. It will guide you through the various steps of the process of installing and configuring a printer for your printing system. At each step, you can always go back using the Back button. We hope you 'll enjoy this tool! The KDE printing team
Konstituzioak eta Banku Zentralen Europako Sistemaren eta Europako Banku Zentralaren estatutuek ematen dizkieten ahalmenez baliatzerakoan, eta esleitzen dizkieten eginkizunak eta betebeharrak betetzerakoan, ez Europako Banku Zentralak, ez estatuetako banku zentralek, ez organo artezkarietako kide batek ere, ezin izango dute eskatu ez eta onartu ere Batasuneko erakunde, organo eta organismoen jarraibiderik, ez estatu kideetako gobernuenik ez beste inolako organorenik ere.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
There is general agreement on the need for an ethical code of practice providing some guiding principles to reduce uncertainties and improve professionalism, as having been stated in other disciplines (for example military medical ethics or legal ethics).
Pasarte handiak irakurtzen zituenean, liluratu egiten zen; baina pentsatzen zuenean, ponteigelek hartatik beren kaparrerako abantaila ateratzen zutela, etsipenak jotzen zuen, eta, bere burua trabatzen zen sentimendu-korapilo honetan, aldi berean nahi izango zukeen bere bi eskuez Racine koroatu ahal izatea eta berarekin ordu laurden luze batez eztabaidatzea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
33 sinne gevind in 20 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.