guiding light oor Baskies

guiding light

A person who has a profound influence on others and is a source of inspiration and admiration.

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He appeared on the soap opera Guiding Light.
EkintzakCommentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Infrared light is guided through an interferometer and then through the sample (or vice versa).
Bazkaria etxean egin dute, Kasinoan bertara ekartzeko aginduta. < Egunero be ez dok etorten norberaren lagunik handiena Ingalaterratik, ze koino, egun batekoagatik be, gabon zaharrean barriro San Silbestre > , esan dio zerbitzariari jatekoa agintzean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Guided by the light of a Silmaril, Eärendil navigated Vingilótë through the Shadowy Seas to the Blessed Realm of Aman, the first Mortal to do so.
Horrela, Kalbin eta Luterorek, gizabanakoa psikologikoki prest jarri zuten gizarte modernoan bete behar zuen eginkizunerako: nork bere burua ezerez sentitzea eta prest egotea bere bizitza guztia bereak ez diren xedeen pean jartzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Guide me safely through the night, Wake me with the morning light.
Biek artilezko beroki nabar-astun berdinak zeramatzaten; horrelakoxe berokiak darabiltza hiritik kanpoko bizitza aukeratu duen jendeak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
< All men have the stars, > he answered, < but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky.
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