harmonic oor Baskies


adjektief, naamwoord
Pertaining to harmony.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


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Select the axis of the harmonic homology
Zer egiaztatzen du hipnosizko esperimentuak, eta bereziki hipnosiondokoak? Eduki genitzakeela pentsamendu, sentimendu eta gurariak, subjektiboki geureak bagenitu bezala sentitzen baditugu ere, kanpotik ezarriak ditugunak, funtsean arrotz zaizkigunak eta egiaz pentsatzen, deseatzen edo sentitzen dugunarekin bat ez datozenak.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Harmonic Homology
— Non bazkalduko duzu? — O! Uste dut otarteko bat jango dudala edozein lekutan. — Penagarria da ostegunean zu joatea. Roastbeef-ukondo bat eskatuta neukan egun horretarako.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Guitar Harmonics
Eskalatze linealaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Select the center point of the harmonic homology
Lehenengo saialdia esplikazio teoriko osobeteagoa eraikitzeko, Freudi zor diogu. Hasieran autore honek uste zuen sadomasokismoa funtsean fenomeno sexual bat zela.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
The coordinates used here are harmonic.
Zinta Ezin ErrebobinatuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The harmonic homology with a given center and a given axis (this is a projective transformation
& Berriak bakarrikKDE40.1 KDE40.1
I mean, there's enormous pressures to harmonize freedom of speech legislation and transparency legislation around the world -- within the E.U., between China and the United States.
Hautatu mezu & guztiakted2019 ted2019
Authorization for consolidating legal texts shall determine the legislative scope implicit in the delegation, specifying if it is restricted to the mere drafting of a single text or whether it includes regulating, clarifying and harmonizing the legal statutes to be consolidated.
Erdietsi ote dugu helmuga hori, edo ari ote gara, bederen, horra hurbiltzen? Liburu hau giza faktoreaz ari da: beronen egitekoa, beraz, galdera hori kritikoki aztertzea da. Hau egitean lehen utzitako gai batzuk hartu behar ditugu berriro kontutan.Lagun Lagun
To coordinate and harmonize the policies between the existing and future Regional Economic Communities for the gradual attainment of the objectives of the Union.
Ez inportatuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some important properties of harmonic functions can be deduced from Laplace's equation.
Euskadiko Erkidegoaren jabetzakoak diren ekonomia-izaerako eskubide eta betebehar guztien multzoak osatuko du Euskadiko Ogasun Orokorra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At harmonic nodal positions, the string resonates more than at other positions.
Diruzko aristokrazia berri hau, jaiotzazkoarekin konbinaturik, askatasun berriaren konkistez gozatu ahal izateko eta domeinuaren eta ekimen indibidualaren kontzeptu berri bat bereganatzeko egoeran aurkitzen zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Harmonic Homology of this object
Fax gordinaren zabaleraKDE40.1 KDE40.1
I mean, there's enormous pressures to harmonize freedom of speech legislation and transparency legislation around the world -- within the E. U., between China and the United States.
Liburuak automatikoki gorde behar liratekeen tartea minututanQED QED
Harmonic Homology with this center
Oroigarriaren aurrerapen tarteak errepikapenaren periodoa baina txikiagoa izan behar du, ' % # ' sakatzen ez badaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Power metal guitarists and bassists generally play rapid streams of notes, but change chords comparatively slowly, with a harmonic tempo of once per measure or slower.
Mantendu leihoa besteen azpianWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The State shall be empowered to plan general economic activity by an act in order to meet collective needs, to balance and harmonize regional and sectorial development and to stimulate the growth of income and wealth and their more equitable distribution.
Aurreko artikuluaren arabera, Estatutua egiteko prozedura hauxe dateke:Lagun Lagun
When they arrived at a conclusion that harmonized with the rest of the Scriptures, they wrote it down.
Ez da baliozko mp# fitxategiajw2019 jw2019
Harmonic Homology with this axis
AurkezpenaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
In 1739, Leonhard Euler solved the ordinary differential equation for a forced harmonic oscillator and noticed the resonance phenomenon.
Aurreko III-153. artikulua ez da oztopo izango inportazioa, esportazioa edo iragaitea debekatu edo murrizteko, baldin eta jokabide hori legezkotzeko arrazoi badira ordena publikoa, moraltasuna eta segurtasun publikoa, pertsonen eta animalien osasuna eta bizitza babestea edo landaretza zaintzea, estatuko arte, historia edo arkeologiako ondarea babestea, edo industria eta merkataritzako jabetza babestea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The State may enact laws laying down the necessary principles for harmonizing the rule-making provisions of the Self-governing Communities, even in the case of matters over which jurisdiction has been vested to the latter, where this is necessary in the general interest.
% # (erabilgarri ezLagun Lagun
I'll still harmonize with her from time to time.
Gako pribatuaren probak huts egin duOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And when my arm lowered, this harmonic voice would fade again into silence
Informazio ofiziala zabaltzea litzateke eta zure harremanak oso badaezpadakoak dira. Limek eskuratutako paper faltsuak dituen neska bat, Kurtz hori... – Dr. Winkler...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
22 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.