harmonics oor Baskies


Plural form of harmonic.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


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Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

harmonic mean
Batezbesteko harmoniko
harmonic progression
Segida harmoniko
harmonic series
Serie harmoniko
international harmonization
nazioarteko harmonizazio
harmonic oscillator
osziladore harmoniko
harmonization of law
legeen harmonizatze
first harmonic


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Select the axis of the harmonic homology
Beste arrazekin nahasten diren nazioek, < Probidentzia > eternalaren aurka egiten dute bekatu >, edo beste leku batean dioenez, < Kreatzaile > eternalaren aurka.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Harmonic Homology
— Percivalek zurekin izandako solasaldiak arduratuta nauka. Ez dut sinesten... Susmo txarra hartu diot. Nire ustez, filtrazio baten atzetik dabiltza; hori baieztatu nahian ari dira.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Guitar Harmonics
Horia argiaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Select the center point of the harmonic homology
dpi-ArgazkiaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The coordinates used here are harmonic.
IragazkiakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The harmonic homology with a given center and a given axis (this is a projective transformation
Bere burua ere meneiagai bihurtu zitzaion beste pertsonak bezalaxe. Badugu arrazoirik dudan jartzeko Errenaisantzako kapitalismoko jaun boteretsu haiek maiz deskribatu izan diren bezain zoriontsu eta seguru sentitu izan ote ziren.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
I mean, there's enormous pressures to harmonize freedom of speech legislation and transparency legislation around the world -- within the E.U., between China and the United States.
Kolore gehiagoted2019 ted2019
Authorization for consolidating legal texts shall determine the legislative scope implicit in the delegation, specifying if it is restricted to the mere drafting of a single text or whether it includes regulating, clarifying and harmonizing the legal statutes to be consolidated.
Merkatal konpainia nagusien hasiera-uneari buruz historialariak ados ez badaude ere, bat datoz honako honetan, XV. mendean gero eta indartsuago bihurtzen ari zirela eta, kapital-indar handiagoa zeukatelako, bai merkatari txikia bai kontsumitzailea mehatxupean jartzen zuten monopolioetan garatuak zirela.Lagun Lagun
To coordinate and harmonize the policies between the existing and future Regional Economic Communities for the gradual attainment of the objectives of the Union.
Eta alasara joan zen curaçao botila baten bila; bi godalet txiki atzeman zituen, bata goraino bete zuen, bestean zertxobait isuri zuen eta, topa egin ondoren, ahora eraman zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some important properties of harmonic functions can be deduced from Laplace's equation.
Cholenen hasi zen dena, bertakoendako konpartimenduak zirela eta. Halako hirurehun eginarazi omen zituen. Bereak ditu zenbait karrika oso.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At harmonic nodal positions, the string resonates more than at other positions.
Tresna-barren ikonoetan ikonoez gain testua erakutsi behar den edo ezWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Harmonic Homology of this object
Inor ez zen ausartu hurbiltzera. Polizia hurbilduko da. Eguerdian, txalupak iritsi ondoan, ez da deus geldituko, garbi geldituko da plaza.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
I mean, there's enormous pressures to harmonize freedom of speech legislation and transparency legislation around the world -- within the E. U., between China and the United States.
% # irabazle, % # galtzaileQED QED
Harmonic Homology with this center
Honek zuzenean maneiatzen zituen, eta eurentzat men egin beharreko goragoko indar baten adierazpen bihurtu zen.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Power metal guitarists and bassists generally play rapid streams of notes, but change chords comparatively slowly, with a harmonic tempo of once per measure or slower.
Falta den % # helburua ekiditenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The State shall be empowered to plan general economic activity by an act in order to meet collective needs, to balance and harmonize regional and sectorial development and to stimulate the growth of income and wealth and their more equitable distribution.
Bilatu karpeta-izenaLagun Lagun
When they arrived at a conclusion that harmonized with the rest of the Scriptures, they wrote it down.
Eraiki zuzen honekiko paraleloa den zuzen batjw2019 jw2019
Harmonic Homology with this axis
& AlderantzikatuKDE40.1 KDE40.1
In 1739, Leonhard Euler solved the ordinary differential equation for a forced harmonic oscillator and noticed the resonance phenomenon.
Aldaketa ordua irakurtzeak huts egin duWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The State may enact laws laying down the necessary principles for harmonizing the rule-making provisions of the Self-governing Communities, even in the case of matters over which jurisdiction has been vested to the latter, where this is necessary in the general interest.
Ez duzu mezu honen hartzaile batzuentzat enkriptatzeko gakorik hautatu; pertsona hauek ezin izango dute mezua desenkriptatu mezu enkriptatzen baduzuLagun Lagun
I'll still harmonize with her from time to time.
Egutegiaren helburuaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And when my arm lowered, this harmonic voice would fade again into silence
Barne-merkatuarekin bateraezinak diren heinean, debekatuta daude: estatu kideen arteko merkataritzari eragin diezaioketen eta helburu edo ondorio moduan barne-merkatuaren baitan lehiaren jokoa eragotzi, murriztu edo aizuntzea nahi duten enpresa arteko akordio guztiak, enpresa-elkarteen erabaki guztiak eta itundutako jarduera guztiak; eta, bereziki, hauek:OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
22 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.