harmonisation oor Baskies


(British) Alternative spelling of harmonization.

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international harmonisation
nazioarteko harmonizazio
harmonisation of law
legeen harmonizatze
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This Mixed Committee shall establish the appropriate bilateral instruments for the coordination, harmonisation and collaboration in the exercise of all powers and authority recognised under this Heading and their adaptation to the Public Policies of the State and the European Union.
— Ziur zaude? — Ziur nago, bai horixe. Ez al dizut hori erakutsi zazpi urteotan? — Ez nintzen zure maitasunaz ari, gure segurtasunaz baizik. Galdera hura ez zen erraza erantzuten.Lagun Lagun
European laws or framework laws may establish specific measures in support of action taken in the Member States to achieve the objectives set out in paragraph 1, excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States.
Nola naturalezak gizon ongi eginaren irazkiari mugak emanak baitizkio, horiek iraganik edo giganteak edo nanoak egiten baititu, Estatuen tailu egokienaz denaz bezainbatean ere, badira muga batzuk, Estatu batek izan dezakeen hedadurari dagozkionak, ez dadin zabalegia izan ongi gobernatua izateko, eta ez tipiegia bere buruz eta bere indarrez bizi ahal izateko.Lagun Lagun
However, in the immensity of this future that she conjured up, nothing special stood forth; the days, all magnificent, resembled each other like waves; and it swayed in the horizon, infinite, harmonised, azure, and bathed in sunshine.
Zer gertatzen da? A itzartzen da eta, apur batean solasean ihardun ondoren, dio: < A bai, honek neure idazlanean idatzi dudan zerbait gogorarazten dit. Irakurri egingo dizut >.Lagun Lagun
The harmonisation of activities when deficiencies should arise between respective institutions, without detriment to the application of systems of guarantees and procedures established in this Statute.
Gaitu hau zure ikuspegi eta marko guztiak Kate irekitzean berreskuratu nahi badituzuLagun Lagun
The harmonisation measures referred to in this Article shall, in appropriate cases, include a safeguard clause authorising the Member States to take, for one or more of the non-economic reasons referred to in Article III-154, provisional measures subject to a Union control procedure.
Erradio handia (xLagun Lagun
European laws or framework laws shall establish the measures necessary to help achieve the objectives referred to in paragraph 1, excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States.
Klik egin botoi honetan zerrendatik hautatutako ostalari edo domeinuarentzako politikaaldatzekoLagun Lagun
The coordination and harmonisation of the General Treasury of the Basque Country with the Treasury of the Autonomous Provincial Institutions shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations imposed by the Basque Parliament.
Komizioak legitimoki bilduak izan zitezen, eta han hartu erabakiek legearen indarra izan zezaten, hiru baldintza bete behar ziren: lehenak zioen, komizioa deitzen zuen gorputzak edo magistratuak horretarako ahalmena izan behar zuela; bigarrenak, legearen arabera horrelako biltzarrak haizu ziren egun batean egin behar zirela;hirugarrenak, augurek alde agertu behar zutela.Lagun Lagun
European laws or framework laws shall establish incentive measures, excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States.
Tribu bakoitza hamar kuriatan partitua izan zen, eta kuria bakoitza dekuriatan, buru gisa kurioak lehen aipatuetan, eta dekurioak besteetan, jartzen zirela.Lagun Lagun
European laws or framework laws may establish measures to provide incentives and support for the action of Member States with a view to promoting the integration of third-country nationals residing legally in their territories, excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States.
Agenda elektronikoan % # kodeketa erabiltzenLagun Lagun
Within the framework of international treaties and agreements and of the tax harmonisation regulations of the European Union, Basque Institutions shall have authority for the levying, management, settlement, inspection, revision and collection of all taxes except those that, in virtue of said regulations, are collected at a State or European level.
Freudentzat, beraren kulturako gizabanakoak < gizakia > errepresentatzen zuen, eta gizarte modernoan gizakumearen ezaugarri diren grina eta larritasunak, giza egitura biologikoan erroturiko betiereko indartzat hartzen zituen.Lagun Lagun
The Basque Country-State Bilateral Commission is set up, formed by an equal number of representatives appointed by the Government of the State and by the Basque Government. In general, this Commission shall deal with the institutional relations of intergovernmental co-operation and shall harmonise the application of the following singular procedures:
Eta ez dit nire kontaktu-informazioa kentzen uztenLagun Lagun
When a Member State raises a specific problem on public health in a field which has been the subject of prior harmonisation measures, it shall bring it to the attention of the Commission which shall immediately examine whether to propose appropriate measures.
Hau hautatzen baduzu, sarrerarik gabeko hiztegi berri bat sortuko da. KMouth-ek automatikoki sartu berriak diren hitzak hiztegiatara gehitzen dituenez denborarekin zure hiztegia ikasiko duLagun Lagun
Moreover, without prejudice to paragraph 4, if, after the adoption of a harmonisation measure by means of a European law or framework law or by means of a European regulation of the Commission, a Member State deems it necessary to introduce national provisions based on new scientific evidence relating to the protection of the environment or the working environment on grounds of a problem specific to that Member State arising after the adoption of the harmonisation measure, it shall notify the Commission of the envisaged provisions and the reasons for them.
Han lermatu egiten zen soka lodiaren oszilazioen heinean, zeina, ezkildorrearen goietatik eroriz, puntaz lurrean narratzen baitzen.Lagun Lagun
European laws or framework laws shall establish specific measures to complement actions within the Member States to achieve the objectives referred to in this Article, excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States.
Sekuentzien diagramaLagun Lagun
For the purposes of paragraph 1: European laws or framework laws may establish measures designed to encourage cooperation between Member States through initiatives aimed at improving knowledge, developing exchanges of information and best practices, promoting innovative approaches and evaluating experiences, excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States;
akabera-deklarazioaLagun Lagun
The financial activity of the Community of the Basque Country shall be coordinated and harmonised with that of the State in accordance with the provisions of this Statute.
Zuzentzailea: desaktibatuaLagun Lagun
European laws shall establish the necessary measures to this end, excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States.
< Badiatorrek eta ni oraindiño hemen! > . Benetan gorroto hartzen dio bere buruari agureen moduan bere kautarako berba egitearren. Eskerrak ‘Askada’ ederrak hutsik egin ez diona. Behingoan erantzun dio, legun, zaratarik atera barik ia- ia. < Penea dokenbarkaziñoa hau beste alderaino eroan beharra izatea ba, kaguen judas, kaguen judas, bai > . Atrakalekurantz bideratu du Askada.Lagun Lagun
In order to contribute to the achievement of the objectives referred to in this Article: European laws or framework laws shall establish the necessary measures, excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States.
Ziegara itzultzean, kontrabandoz beteta nekarren ahoaz pentsatzen lanpetuegia nenbilen platerako ogia aztertzeko.Lagun Lagun
Such framework laws shall be adopted by the same procedure as was followed for the adoption of the harmonisation measures in question, without prejudice to Article III-264.
— Ikusten dudanez, jauna, eskuineko poltsikoan errebolber bat daukazu. Ez al da horrela? — Pentsatu nuen polizia etorriz gero... Bala bat besterik ez dauka. — Etsipenaren eragina? — Oraindik ez nuen erabiltzeko asmorik.Lagun Lagun
When, pursuant to paragraph 6, a Member State is authorised to maintain or introduce national provisions derogating from a harmonisation measure, the Commission shall immediately examine whether to propose an adaptation to that measure.
Bizitzaren iraupenaLagun Lagun
They believe that such a development will ensue not only from the functioning of the internal market, which will favour the harmonisation of social systems, but also from the procedures provided for in the Constitution and from the approximation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action of the Member States.
Errore-mezuaLagun Lagun
Legally binding acts of the Union adopted on the basis of the provisions in Part III relating to these areas shall not entail harmonisation of Member States’ laws or regulations.
Ezabatu uneko hautatutako taularen gelaxka guztiak eta gelaxken edukina ezabatzen duLagun Lagun
Such European laws or framework laws shall not include harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States.
Zein da jaugin sadikoen muina? Berriz ere hau ez datza besteei min emateko desiran.Lagun Lagun
Measures based on this Article shall not entail harmonisation of Member States’ laws or regulations in cases where the Constitution excludes such harmonisation.
Itxi uneko leihoa edo dokumentuaLagun Lagun
The Council, on a proposal from the Commission, may adopt European regulations laying down measures to harmonise the denominations and technical specifications of coins intended for circulation to the extent necessary to permit their smooth circulation within the Union.
Sistemaren taldeaLagun Lagun
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