infant oor Baskies


/`ɪnfənt/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A very young human being, from birth to somewhere between six months and two years of age, needing almost constant care and/or attention.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


Basque and English

bularreko haur

A young child in the first years of life.(Source: ISEP)

bularreko ume

A young child in the first years of life.(Source: ISEP)

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infant respiratory distress syndrome
Jaioberriaren arnas distresaren sindrome
infant bed
infant mortality
haurren heriotza-tasa
Blas Infante
Blas Infante
abandoned infant
abandonatu · kaxako · tornuko


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How do infants acquire an understanding of numbers (and how much is inborn)?
Nola jabetzen dira haurrak zenbakien ulerkuntzaz (eta zenbat da jaiotzetikoa)?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Infants and children.
HIESa eta haurrak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Infants could be left at the Pietà via the scaffetta, a window only large enough to admit infants.
Haurrak, sarritan, scaffettaren bidez uzten ziren; scaffetta leiho txiki bat zen, nahikoa haurrak uzteko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Years later the infant has grown into a young man.
Hogei urte iragan ondoren, aurreko mutikoa jada gizon gaztea bilakatu da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She's not an infant.
Ez da neska kozkor bat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
According to tradition, soon after his birth Muhammad was sent to live with a Bedouin family in the desert, as the desert life was considered healthier for infants.
Tradizioaren arabera, haurra basamortuko familia beduino batera eraman zuten jaio eta laster, uste baitzuten desertuko bizitza Mekakoa baino osasuntsuagoa zela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
'Sooner strangle an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted love'.
" Lehenago ito ezazu haur txiki bat, egingo ez dituzun desirak elikatu baino ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Most of the stone-marked burials were children or infants.
Airbagak hildako gehienak haurrak edo gazteak ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Normally, only a single infant is born.
Ia beti kume bakarra jaiotzen da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because of the numerous controls that were in place to rule out non-numerical factors, the experimenters infer that six-month-old infants are sensitive to differences between 8 and 16.
Zenbakizkoak ez ziren faktoreak baztertzeko zeuden kontrol kantitateagatik, ikertzaileek esan zuten sei hilabeteetako haurrek 8-16 arteko ezberdintasunei sentikorrak direla.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some Swedes very kindly classified a lot of their infant deaths according to the British register of general socioeconomic classification.
Suediar batzuek umeen heriotzak sailkatu zituzten sailkapen sozio- ekonomiko orokorraren britainiar erregistroaren arabera.QED QED
Most deaf infants born in the United States now will receive Cochlear implants, which are put into the brain and connected to a receiver, and which allow them to acquire a facsimile of hearing and to use oral speech.
Gaur AEBn gor jaiotzen diren ume gehienek koklea inplanteak jasoko dituzte, burmuinean jartzen direnak hargailu bati konektatuta, eta entzumen antzeko zerbait ematen diena eta hitza erabiltzeko gaitu.ted2019 ted2019
There are lots and lots of things that we don't know about sudden infant deaths.
Gauza asko dira bapateko haurren heriotzari buruz ez dakizkigunak.ted2019 ted2019
It's infant mortality.
Umeen heriotza-tasa da.ted2019 ted2019
Mortality among infants is approximately 30%.
Umeen malnutrizio larriaren kasuak %30 baino gehiago dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The troops put the infant lord in a basket and hung the basket in a tree to encourage them.
Tropek jaun umea saski batean sartu eta zuhaitz baten adarretik zintzilikatu zuten, animatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Infant mortality is very high.
Haurren heriotza-tasa oso handia da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the Victorian era, child abandonment was rampant, and orphanages were set up to reduce infant mortality.
Viktoriar Aroan umeak abandonatzea zabalduta zegoen, eta inklusak eraiki zituzten haur-hilkortasuna murrizteko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The rapidly maturing infant Hermes crawled away to Thessaly, where by nightfall of his first day he stole some of his half-brother Apollo's cattle and invented the lyre from a tortoise shell.
Hermes umeak, oso azkar hazten zena, lau hankatan ihes egin zuen Tesaliarantz, non, bere lehen bizi eguneko gauean, Apoloren abereen zati bat lapurtu eta lira asmatu zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the northern façade flanking the staircase are two inscriptions in metal: on the left, "AO INFANTE D. HENRIQVE E AOS PORTVGVESES QVE DESCOBRIRAM OS CAMINHOS DO MAR" (To Prince Henry and the Portuguese that Discovered the Roads of the Sea) over a metal anchor; and, on the right, the words "NO V CENTENÁRIO DO INFANTE D. HENRIQVE 1460 – 1960" (On the Fifth centenary of Prince Henry 1460–1960), over a crown of laurel.
Monumentuaren iparraldeko fatxadan bi izkribu daude: AO INFANTE D. HENRIQVE E AOS PORTVGVESES QVE DESCOBRIRAM OS CAMINHOS DO MAR ("Don Henrike infanteari eta itsasbideak aurkitu zituzten portugesei") NO V CENTENÁRIO DO INFANTE D. HENRIQVE 1460 – 1960 ("Don Henrikeren bosgarren mendeurrenean, 1460-1960") Barnealdean hiru solairu ditu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Subsequent experiments, using similar methodologies showed that 6-month-old infants can discriminate numbers differing by a 2:1 ratio (8 vs. 16 or 16 vs. 32) but not by a 3:2 ratio (8 vs. 12 or 16 vs. 24).
Ondoren egindako ikerketetan, antzeko metodologiak erabilita, sei hilabeteko haurrek, zenbakiak ezberdindu ahal dituztela erakusten dute, 2:1 kozientea ezberdinduz (8 vs 16 edo 16 vs 32) baina ez 3:2 kozientea (8 vs 12 edo 16 vs 24).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His father abandoned the family when Archie was an infant.
Aitak laster abandonatu zuen familia, Armstrong ume-umea zela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bogusław followed less than two years later, leaving the infant Radziwiłł orphaned and very wealthy.
Bogusław bi urte beranduago hil zen, Luisa Karolina umezurtz baina oso aberats utziz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Infants were then presented with a display containing 8 items, and they looked longer at the novel display.
Ondoren, haurrei 8 puntuko erakusgaia aurkezten zitzaien eta denbora luzeagoa hartzen zuten erakusgai berria begiratzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It left me with full responsibility for an infant girl.""
Erantzukizun osoa hartu nuen neskatoaz arduratzeko.Literature Literature
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